Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 21 Neville Longbottom

Chapter 21 Neville Longbottom

Lockhart and Flitwick shuttled among the crowd, observing and looking for the young wizard with a talent for dueling.

Harry with a quick reaction, the Weasley twins with frequent strange moves, Seamus who is good at the Explosion Curse, Hermione with a solid foundation, and Cedric Diggory who is calm and elegant...

Too many students did well enough for Lockhart to be genuinely happy for them, but his real attention never left one boy - Neville Longbottom.

His practice opponent was Justin Finch, a Muggle-born wizard who was going to Eton but ended up in Hufflepuff at Hogwarts instead.

Justin's foundation was good. Although the speed of casting the spell was slow but accurate, he used the disarming spell to hit Neville before Neville could react.

Generally speaking, when hit by the Disarming Charm, one's wand would fly into the opponent's hand and obey the opponent, but Neville firmly remembered what his grandma said every year before school started.

"Throw away nothing and don't throw away your wand, treat it as your most important thing." Neville was very forgetful, but his grandmother said this sentence to him dozens of times a day during the holidays, so he firmly remembered it.

After being disarmed, the wand in his hand tried to fly away, but Neville held it even tighter.

At this moment, he seemed to return to the time when he fell from the window on the second floor when he was eight years old. At that time, he was full of longing like now.

Lockhart noticed that Neville's front teeth were clenched tightly, and his somewhat fleshy round face was also flushed, using his will and physical strength to resist the power of the spell.

The red light of the Disarming Charm hit him, and instead of making him let go of his wand, it aroused his deepest desire.

It took a long time to say it, but in just an instant, Neville was knocked to the ground by Justin's disarming spell, but he was still holding his wand firmly in his hand.

After falling to the ground, Neville struggled to get up. The second-year little wizard's spell was not very powerful, and Neville was not injured.

Now it was his turn to attack Justin.Neville recalled Lockhart and Flitwick's demonstration on stage, waving his wand and chanting a spell, intending to use a disarming spell.

But his wand just lit up bright red, and then nothing happened.

"Longbottom, if minds are gold, then you're poorer than Weasley who keeps using junk and second-hand stuff. Where did your magic go? Was it destroyed by the Dark Lord like Harry's parents? You don't even have Jas Mudbloods like Tin and Hermione are worse!"

There was a dissonant voice, and Lockhart saw Malfoy and his two followers grinning strangely.

Malfoy's words were very harsh, and immediately caused an explosive reaction.

Crabbe and Goyle, two of Malfoy's henchmen, rushed in front of Draco in an instant, as Ron and Harry nearly fell on top of him.

A little wizard who grew up in the wizarding world explained to Justin and Hermione the insult of the word "mudblood", and Justin also rushed towards Malfoy.

"I warn you, Malfoy—don't you dare to say one more word—" Hermione pointed her wand at Malfoy, and she was going crazy with anger.

Ron was held back by two of Malfoy's henchmen, so he drew his wand and yelled, "You'll pay for it, Malfoy!" pointing furiously at Malfoy's face from under Crabbe's arm. .

Harry was still wrestling with Goyle when suddenly a black light shot from the tip of Malfoy's wand hidden behind Crabbe, and he yelled, "Get out!"

A long black snake suddenly jumped out of it, landed heavily on the middle floor, then raised its head, ready to attack.The crowd screamed and dodged back quickly to make way for the clearing.

Only Neville stayed where he was, as if he was frightened. The giant snake immediately found its target, aimed at Neville and opened its huge mouth, spitting out something.

Flitwick was about to wave the magic war to stop it, but found Harry walking up and staring at the black snake.It started to make a "hissing" sound as if talking to the black snake.

Then the snake slumped to the floor, supple as a bunch of thick, black watering hoses, its eyes fixed on Harry.No further attempts to attack anyone were made.

Neville finally came out of his panic and smiled gratefully at Harry.

Flitwick stepped forward, waved his wand, and the snake disappeared in a plume of black smoke.

There were ominous murmurs around him, and Ron grabbed Harry by the back of his robes and pulled Harry down beside him.

Neville stood up and said to Malfoy, "I'm going to duel with you in the next event, you scoundrel, I can beat you twelve."

Then Neville and Harry stood together.But the little wizards who had been encouraging Harry were gradually moving away from him. Except for him and Ron, only Hermione stood up again.

Lockhart knew that these little wizards were a little afraid of Harry's Parseltongue suddenly displayed. After all, almost every Parseltongue in history has become a dark wizard, and some little wizards are out of pure herd mentality.

His heart is a little heavy, no matter how many good things you have done, no matter how familiar they are with you, once there is any sign that you have some characteristics of a bad person, people will always reject you.

But these little wizards are still just children after all, children often make mistakes because of fear and lack of guidance, and they can still educate them well.

"Dumbledore is in the office every weekend and Monday, I'll go and tell him about it." Flitwick said and left with the flying spell.

The fact that Harry, like Voldemort, was capable of Parseltongue might have something to do with something Dumbledore had always suspected, so it occurred to him immediately.

Some accidents happened suddenly at the dueling party, which caused many people to lose interest. Lockhart saw that it was almost ten o'clock, and announced the end of today's party.

Afterwards, he stopped Neville and took him to his office, where Lockhart promised to give him special instruction, and then let Neville go back.

After today, Lockhart felt that Neville was a very good boy.

Previously, Lockhart just thought that although Neville was not very smart, at least he had great strength. Today, he used his willpower to resist the spell and successfully protected his wand, which made Lockhart's evaluation of Neville once again improved.

And when everyone rejected Harry because he was a Parseltongue, he stood firmly with Harry and expressed his gratitude and support.Lockhart liked this very much.

In the end, he mustered up the courage to challenge Malfoy to a duel. Lockhart believed that this duel was not only for himself, but also for Harry and others who were also insulted.

Fortitude and dullness are close to benevolence, Lockhart decided to use Pavlovsky's method to train this little wizard.

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(End of this chapter)

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