Chapter 20 Duel Club

The huge discovery made Lockhart fall into ecstasy. He flew up and used his mind to control himself to do all kinds of difficult flying movements in the office.

From noon to afternoon, except for the meal time, Lockhart basically floated in the air, like a child who got a new toy.

Once a person learned to walk and run, he would resist crawling. It took a lot of effort for Lockhart to calm down and walk to the Hogwarts auditorium with his feet on the ground. Tonight he still has dueling club activities.

On the way, Lockhart saw many Quidditch players with broomsticks gathered to discuss their goals for this school year after the first training session.

The Gryffindor players think they are the best house.

Ravenclae players say they will guard everything in Ravenclae.

The Slytherin players are still brooding over the loss of last year, shouting that it is our duty to rebuild the glory of Slytherin.

Hufflepuff is at a time when the old and new players are changing, and the old and the young are not picking up, so they say that reaching the semi-finals is a success.

The auditorium was full of gongs and drums, firecrackers were blasting, red flags were waving, and there was a sea of ​​people. The Weasley twins who had been imprisoned a few days ago decorated the place with a sense of atmosphere. The arena in the center of the auditorium was already full of people.

Seeing that it was almost time for people to come, Lockhart had a thought, jumped onto the ring, and began to speak.

"Professor Dumbledore allowed me to start this little dueling club, to train you well enough, in case you ever need to defend yourself, in the same way that I have used countless times.

"Before I teach you some dueling skills, I must tell you that there are some things that are not related to dueling skills but are more important.

"We don't learn dueling techniques to bully those who are weaker than us. If we do that, we will have nothing to do with those notorious Death Eaters.

"But if you are in danger, if you see that others are being violated illegally, I very much hope that you can bravely pull out your magic wand and bravely fight against evil forces.

"In this regard, I hope you will follow the example of our headmaster, Dumbledore.

"Our principal, Dumbledore, is a powerful wizard. The two Dark Lord's ravages did not directly threaten him, but he still resolutely took action for the peace of the wizarding world regardless of his own safety.

"Some people may take Dumbledore's victory for granted, but don't forget that no one can guarantee that Dumbledore will win until he actually wins them.

"Someone may ask me, many of you are underage wizards, restricted by the "Binding Law", what if you can't use magic outside of school?
"To this, my answer is that you are just not allowed to use magic, not that you are deprived of the ability to use magic, and if your actions are just, Dumbledore, the four Heads, I and all the others in the school Professors will be your most solid backing.

"Boldly cast a spell on the faces of those villains!

"Several wizard ladies may ask me if it's unladylike for girls to do this, and if you think so, I think you can use pink charms to call their faces.

"Although the wizards of Hogwarts are divided into four colleges, good morals are not separated.

"I hope that all Hogwarts wizards should be as brave as Gryffindor, dare to show their sticks in the face of injustice; adhere to principles like Hufflepuff, never compromise with evil; like Ravenclaw Just as smart, and use wits to deal with bad guys; like a Slytherin, who values ​​community and treats everyone else as one of his own.

"Your hearts are full of blood and excitement now, I can feel it from your applause and cheers
"But combating evil and promoting justice can't only rely on passion, but also requires extraordinary dueling skills, and this is exactly the purpose of our gathering here.

"Now I announce that the first duel club activity has officially started. I would like to introduce my opponent to you, the famous Hogwarts duel champion, Professor Flitwick. After hearing that I will start a duel club, he Very kindly acceded to my request to join me in a little demonstration for you over the weekend."

Flitwick also flew into the ring.

The principle of using the floating spell to fly is not complicated, it just needs some whimsy to break the inertia of thinking. As a master of spells, Professor Flitwick learned this spell after thinking about it for the first time. , but very politely obtained Lockhart's consent before using it in public.

And promised to help Lockhart publish a related paper to clarify the right to start this spell. Now this spell has a new name-the Flying Curse. Professor Flitwick plans to put him in the Hogwarts first-year class. in the textbook.

It is worth mentioning that the inventor of the newly invented spell actually has a patent right, for which Lockhart can receive a patent fee of [-] gold Galleons per year from Hogwarts.

After Lockhart and Flitwick bowed briefly, the duel demonstration began.

Since the main purpose of the two is to demonstrate to the students in the audience, the duel process at the beginning is fixed.

Flitwick used the Disarming Curse to attack Lockhart, and Lockhart used the Iron Armor Curse to resist. While the Iron Armor Curse bounced back to the spell, Lockhart used obstacles to slow down Flitwick's movement speed.

Then Flitwick used the spell stop to undo Lockhart's obstacle spell, and at the same time flew or jumped sideways and rolled to avoid the rebounding disarming spell.

Then the roles are reversed and it's all over again.

Use the disarming spell to make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness, use the armor spell to defend against the opponent's attack, use the obstacle spell to reduce the opponent's state, and use the spell to stop after being cursed to relieve your own disadvantageous state.

These four spells are relatively simple, but highly practical, and include the four most common purposes of casting spells in wizard battles. They are the four spells carefully selected by Lockhart and Professor Flitwick.

After demonstrating this for several rounds, Flitwick suddenly raised his wand like an arrow in front of his chest, and Lockhart knew that this was a signal that he was ready to be serious.

Transfiguration, Lockhart directly turned the ring under Flitwick's feet into a swamp, which was easily resolved by Flitwick with the Flying Curse.Lockhart cast another Leg Freezing Curse, causing Flitwick to lose his balance in midair.

Afterwards, Lockhart took advantage of Flitwick's loss of balance and cast another Disarming Curse. Flitwick lifted the Flying Curse, fell from the air and avoided it, and caught himself with the Levitation Curse when he was about to land.

"Flocks of birds!" A flock of sparrows chirped and flew out from the top of Flitwick's spell, blocking Lockhart's view, and Lockhart cautiously cast an Iron Armor spell on himself.

"Disarm!" Sure enough, Flitwick's next spell followed, which was recorded on Lockhart's Iron Armor Curse and bounced back. Lockhart followed up with a disarming spell.

The Bird Curse not only blocked Lockhart's sight, but also prevented Flitwick from seeing Lockhart's actions clearly. He didn't see everything clearly until the two spells were about to hit Flitwick.

Behind was the swamp that hadn't disappeared yet, and it was too late to use the Iron Armor Curse to defend or the Flying Curse to evade. Flitwick rolled to avoid the two spells and fell off the ring.

Flitwick, who fell off the ring, did not fight back, but announced Lockhart's victory in a very gracious manner.

In this duel, although Lockhart and Flitwick fought very well, they tacitly did not use any spells other than those in the Hogwarts textbooks.

Lockhart didn't use muscle magic, and Flitwick didn't use some advanced spells, aiming to tell little wizards how to use the knowledge in textbooks to fight.

Afterwards, Lockhart announced that the students were divided into groups for confrontation practice, and they could only use four relatively basic spells: disarming spell, armor spell, barrier spell, and spell stop.

Lockhart and Flitwick shuttled back and forth among the students to observe them. When students had problems casting spells, they demonstrated them in person. When they encountered students who performed well, they gave extra points and praised them, and encouraged them to go to the ring to show themselves.

In such an atmosphere, many talented young wizards in dueling gradually emerged.

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(End of this chapter)

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