Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 19 The Secret of Magic

Chapter 19 The Secret of Magic

The first week of school always flies by, Monday and Friday seem to follow each other, and Saturday is here in the blink of an eye.

At the bar of the Leaky Cauldron, Lockhart was watching Pavlovski eat his tenth lamb chop this morning, and he had a little more understanding of his past poverty.

"I'm very glad that you can invite me to dinner. I don't want to use too much of the Galleons you gave me for my daily expenses." The big man maintained his daily frankness.

He continued: "I have already found a suitable place as a dojo. The shop at No. 30 in Diagon Alley sells it for only [-] Galleons! There are two floors in total, the area is large enough, and you can also use traceless The expansion spell goes further..."

"Buy it, you don't need to say so many reasons, we are friends, I trust you like I trust my own magic wand. This is the remaining nine thousand gold Galleons, take it, don't save it, come to me when it is not enough."

Pavlovsky's loyalty has been recognized by the system. Lockhart regards him as his first friend after coming to this world. They used to talk all night long. Funding is no longer purely for profit, but with the idea of ​​helping friends.

As for money, Lockhart remembers the memory brought back by his shadow clone 2B in Gringotts, a giant dragon guarding his vault, and the sum of the Galleons inside may be heavier than that dragon, let alone There are also hundreds of thousands of Galleons.

Pavlovsky took the purse, turned his head and continued. "I have a student, he is still in Russia, I want to ask him to be my assistant."

"Of course, as we said before, you have the final say on the operation of the dojo." Lockhart continued to agree.

"I'll make you feel it's worth it, and now I'm going to act immediately." Pavlovsky swallowed the last lamb chop in front of him, shook Lockhart's hand firmly, and left .

Lockhart watched Pavlovski go out the door, but he came back again. He took out a booklet from his pocket, handed it to Lockhart, turned and left without saying a word.

The booklet is bound very rough, and the handwriting is very new. The material is parchment commonly used by British wizards. There is no cover, and it should be newly completed by Pavlovsky.

Lockhart glanced at the booklet, and was attracted by the first line of text.

"How wizards use magic power to enhance physical strength and defense." Lockhart seemed to see a door to a new world open to him. Sure enough, Paprowski's strength was not only dependent on physical strength, but also magic. role.

Putting down two Galleons, without waiting for change, Lockhart went directly to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and shouted, "Hogwarts Lockhart's office."

A flash of green fire flashed, and Lockhart returned to his office.

The four shadow clones also put down the books in their hands at the same time and gathered together.

The book begins with the story of Pavlovsky's first magical outburst.

Pavlovsky's parents, both Muggles, jointly run a wrestling dojo, and his father is the owner of the dojo.

Pavlovsky grew up in his father's dojo, with a strong physique. At the age of eight, he was as tall as the average 12-year-old.

His father was very happy with Pavlovsky's health, and he hoped that Pavlovsky could inherit his dojo and carry forward his wrestling skills.

One day, eight-year-old Pavlovsky was sparring with his father on the cushion as usual.

On this day, his father Pavlovsky Sr. told Paplovsky Jr. that if he could throw himself down, then he would have the opportunity to go to Red Square to watch the military parade up close.

Five seconds later, Pavlovsky Jr. was thrown over his head by his father, and then pressed firmly under him. At this moment, Pavlovsky Jr. did not know where he got a strange force.

As if being possessed by an African elephant, he suddenly got up with energy, and then fell over his shoulder again, throwing his father directly to the second floor.

Fortunately, the second floor was also covered with cushions, and the old Pavlovsky was only taken aback and was not injured.

Since his parents were both Muggles, no one told the eight-year-old Pavlovsky that this phenomenon was called the magic explosion of the little wizard, but he understood a truth from then on.

Once he fell into a mood of extreme desire, there would be a mysterious power to help him. Pavlovsky Jr. used this power to defeat his opponent and also used this power to defend.

When Pavlovsky grew up, he investigated the state of the magic runaway of little wizards, and he found that the first unconscious magic runaway of most wizards was related to extreme emotions.

It reminded Lockhart of Harry and Neville here.

The first time Harry ran away with magic power was because he was bullied and wanted to punish his cousin Dudley, so he unconsciously made the glass fence with snakes disappear, which surprised Dudley.

Another time, my aunt deliberately cut off a yin and yang head to humiliate me, but the hair grew back by itself.

Neville never showed his magical talents, but once his uncle accidentally dropped him from a window, but he bounced back without doing any harm.

This obviously has something to do with what they were longing for at the time.This is true whether it is retaliation in the face of bullying, remediation in the face of humiliation, or self-protection in crisis situations.

Lockhart remembered that when he was learning the spell, Professor Flitwick said that you must have an idea first, and you must think about the result before casting the spell.

There is also the law that using Avada Kedavra must have the mentality of killing people to be powerful.

And Harry's mother, Lily Potter, the "magic of love" that was powerful enough to kill Voldemort and protect Harry until he came of age.

Dumbledore has always emphasized "love".

Charms are essentially a manifestation of the wizard's will and emotions.

A conjecture suddenly emerged from the brain of Shadow Clone 2B, and then quickly passed to Lockhart's brain based on the shared thinking.

Quickly, Lockhart released all shadow clones, closed his eyes, adjusted his state to the best, and began to experiment.

He tore off a small piece of yesterday's Daily Prophet, put it on the table, and started staring at it.

"Fly up, fly up..." Lockhart didn't wave his wand, didn't chant any spells, and didn't use any wandless spells. He just kept staring at the corner of the newspaper in his heart, and silently recited his most proficient floating spell.

"Fly up, fly up..." Lockhart kept reading silently to this corner of the newspaper, focusing on nothing else.

"Huh..." As if there was a gust of wind blowing, the newspaper suddenly flew into the air, fluttering like a butterfly according to Lockhart's idea.

Words follow the law and body moves according to the heart. At this moment, Lockhart knew that he had mastered the bottommost secret of the magic world.

(End of this chapter)

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