Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 18 The Daily Life of Shadow Clone

Chapter 18 The Daily Life of Shadow Clone
I am a shadow clone, born in the early morning of September 1992, 2, code-named Ying [-]B, I have three brothers, code-named Ying [-], Ying [-] and Ying [-], I should have been called Ying [-].

But the ontology said that the number four sounds the same as a fool in English. I am afraid that it will affect my intelligence, so I am called Ying 2B.

As a shadow clone, I have inherited all the memories and abilities of the main body.

I still remember that I saw a discussion on the Internet in my previous life.

If you knew Shadow Clone and Shapeshift, what would you use those abilities for?

He said a lot at that time, including but not limited to let the avatar play black games with him, play poker together, let the avatar become a beautiful, cute and beautiful girl and then live happily together (details omitted).

But I never expected that after this Lockhart really had such an ability, he transformed into four clones, Shadow 2, Shadow [-], Shadow [-] and Shadow [-]B, and actually told us.

"We don't have any thoughts on any shit love stories now, we just want to study."

"Life has a limit but knowledge has no limit. Of course, we should devote our limited life to the ocean of knowledge!"

"Is there anything happier in the world than learning?"

Every word is like a knife, piercing my heart, and the knife is bloody.

Lockhart tells us it's not learning, it's practicing.

Man is a kind of animal that is easily deceived by appearances. He understands new things, thinks about the truth, and applies them in practice, and finally achieves the purpose of strengthening himself.

If this thing is called learning, most people will resist.The same thing, but as long as it is called "cultivation" by another name, everything seems to suddenly become interesting.

In short, whether it is studying or practicing, Ontology borrowed several books from the library, mainly about how to fight against curses and souls, and we began to happily wander in the ocean of knowledge.

Don't ask why you are happy, it's just the task of the ontology.

I thought that a peaceful life would come like this. From now on, I would be inseparable from my three brothers and books. Unexpectedly, the mission of the ontology became more and more strange.

He treats me hot and cold, sometimes keeps me away from him, and sometimes keeps me closer to him.

Sometimes, he would suddenly switch positions with me with the teleportation technique, which would frighten people.

What's more, the ontology actually asked me to leave Hogwarts and go to Gringotts to withdraw money. I don't know why, as soon as I get away from the ontology, my brain becomes very dumb.

His thoughts were stagnant, his brain was empty, and he was not interested in anything. He only remembered going to Gringotts to withdraw money, and he couldn't remember anything else.

Sure enough, the body is my source of energy.

Essence, Lockhart, the light of my life, the fire of my desire, and at the same time my soul.Lo-ha-t: The tip of the tongue has to move down the palate twice, and the second time it is lightly attached to the teeth: lo-ha-te.

It was already night when I came back, and my mind finally cleared up a little. Sure enough, I found that I couldn't do without him.

"Don't let me play, force me to practice, give me a lot of tasks, but I love him, he can do anything. But I just need to look at him, and all kinds of tenderness come to my heart."

I looked at the main body, and the main body looked at me, and I remembered the scene I saw on the way back.

The grass is bearing its seeds, the wind is shaking its leaves, and the main body and I look at each other without speaking, and it is very beautiful.

Suddenly, I heard a "bang", and I didn't know anything.
The three of us are shadow clones, born in the early morning of September 1992, 2, code-named Ying [-], Ying [-] and Ying [-].There is also a brother named Ying [-]B, I don’t know what he is doing out there.

Today is a good day, the weather is fine, the sun shines on the face, it is warm and comfortable.

According to past habits, such a day should lie on a high bed and add meals.

But Ontology said that books are the ladder of human progress, so we brought many books from the library for us to read.

These books include "How to Break the Curse", "How to Dispel Evil Spirits", "History of Torture Magic", "High-end Black Magic Decryption" and so on.

Ontology tried to teach the three of us some reading methods. We told him that what you taught was useless, but Ontology said that although we are shadow clones, we should not be so inferior that we are useless.

We originally wanted to learn about curse magic first, but the book "A History of Torture Magic" attracted most of our attention.

Ontology may have mistakenly thought it was a book about torture, thinking that it was a diary used to torture Voldemort when he had to.

But we found that it was full of doubts about the content of "A History of Magic".

Most of the doubts are nonsense, but a few still make us think about it.

The anti-religious nature of the wizarding world is evident, and many wizards died during the medieval witch hunts.Despite this, Christmas is still the most important holiday in the wizarding world.

Wizards' contempt for Muggles is engraved in their bones. They think Muggles are stupid. This is not only the opinion of dark wizards, ordinary wizards also think they are nobler than Muggles.But the "International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act" was enacted to allow wizards to escape Muggle persecution.

Organized wizarding forces seem to exist only in Europe and European-influenced countries.

Theoretically speaking, the more powerful the wizard, the longer the life. However, in fact, most of the powerful wizards did not die, and most of them died of accidents, and the probability was too high.

We were about to continue our discussion when we heard a "bang" and everything stopped.

In the evening, Lockhart returned to the lounge after a day of class, and released the shadow clone.

A lot of memories rushed into Lockhart's brain in an instant, and the perspective of his memories was constantly changing. Lockhart even suspected that he was a little schizophrenic.

He closed his eyes and rested for a while, sorting out his thoughts, and they felt much better.

The results of this year's test and the harvest of reading have also returned to the brain.

Lockhart's test found that if the distance between the shadow clone and the main body does not exceed 100 meters, then they can roughly share their minds and exchange positions with the substitute technique at will.

If the distance between the shadow clone and the main body is between 100 meters and three kilometers, then although they cannot share their minds, Lockhart's main body can give instructions to control the shadow clone's actions, and can also use the substitute technique to exchange positions.

When the distance between the shadow clone and Lockhart's main body exceeds three kilometers, Lockhart will not be able to control his shadow clone in real time, and the shadow clone will only act according to the preset purpose, with only elementary intelligence, and the main body can no longer use Substitution to exchange places with the shadow clone.

The content of "History of Torture Magic" reminded him of the Qi Refiner Tuning Nine Sons a month ago, which was worthy of in-depth study, but not now.

In the future, there is a long way to go. At this moment, we can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

 Many people must have seen the imitation of "Lolita" in this passage. Let me say that this is definitely not plagiarism, it is a tribute, and I have changed a lot.

  For example, the original book said that it takes three steps to pronounce the name Lolita, because Lolita is a three-syllable word, and the last t of the name Lockhart (Lockhart) is silent in English, so I changed it to two step.

  Don't scold, don't scold, if you scold again, you will be stupid, please collect, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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