Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 22 2 Detective Riddle Opens His Heart

Chapter 22 Second Detective Riddle Opens His Heart
Lockhart originally wanted to tap Neville on the head three times to hint that he would come to him in the third quarter tomorrow, but he was worried that this future disciple would be too stupid to understand what he meant, so he told him directly.

As for tonight, he was taking advantage of Dumbledore's time at school to work with Riddle's diary.

In the last few days of last week, Dumbledore didn't know why, and he was not at school every night, which greatly delayed his diary research work. When Dumbledore was around, he had to get rid of Riddle's diary as soon as possible.

After the previous trial, he left Riddle in the diary with the image of a black-bellied but inexperienced little Slytherin wizard, and he will continue to use this image tonight.

As usual, two shadow avatars were separated, one turned into the appearance of the little wizard from last time, and was about to open Riddle's diary, and by the way, the surrounding environment also became a scene of the Room of Requirement.

The other was lying in the fireplace clutching a handful of Floo powder, ready to switch places with the main body and run away.

The main body lurks at the door of the principal's office, and once danger occurs, he immediately smashes the door for help.

【Tom, are you there? 】The shadow clone opened Riddle's diary and started a casual greeting.

[I'm here, why haven't you come to see me for a week? ] Well, it seems that the Horcrux in the diary has its own timing method, so we can't lie to him on this point.

【Tom, do you hate Muggles? ] This time Lockhart directly entered the topic.

[No, how could it be? ] Riddle's attitude is still very cautious.

[But they don't know magic, and they don't believe in magic, which is very stupid! 】Lockhart casually gave a common saying as his reason for hating Muggles.

[Hamilton, tell me, do you hate pigs? ] Riddle did not answer directly, but asked another question.

[Of course not, in fact I love them, I love them almost every time. ] Lockhart guessed what Riddle meant, and gave such an answer.

[Very well, Hamilton, in my opinion, Muggles are like pigs, they are stupid, but Muggles can provide us with other resources like pigs provide us with meat. ] Voldemort really thought so.

On this point, Lockhart himself actually disagrees very much.In his opinion, magic is just a kind of talent, just like mathematics talent and physics talent.

In the eyes of ordinary people who have no talent in mathematics or physics, using abstract algebra to prove the feasibility of constructing regular heptagons with a ruler and compass, and simply relying on brain modeling to come up with time dilation and ten-dimensional space is no different from magic.

Most people can't even really understand high school math and physics that mostly deals with simplified versions of 500-year-old theories.Most high school students have no idea what the imaginary number i actually means.

Classifying people according to whether they have magical talents or not is as strange as classifying people according to whether they have physical talents or not.

Imagine a world where physicists who study relativity use their theories to create nuclear bombs and controlled nuclear fusion.Therefore, they have the most powerful weapons and inexhaustible energy sources.

Therefore, they divide people into two categories, one is physicists, and the other is called Muggles without physical talents.Physicists are crazy to think that Muggles don't know physics and are stupid as pigs.

If there are physicists who marry Muggles and have children who are also gifted in physics, they will be called half-blood physicists, and they will be ridiculed by pure-blood physicists whose parents are both physicists.

There are also two Muggles who don't understand physics and will accidentally give birth to a child who is gifted in physics and will become a physicist in the future. Such physicists are called mudblood physicists and are discriminated against.

One day, a very powerful physicist suddenly went crazy. He wanted to ensure the purity of the physics world, so he wanted to kill all the mixed-blood physicists or "mudblood" physicists.

I have to say that such a scene is very ridiculous, and Voldemort did such a thing.

Although Lockhart found Riddle's theory ridiculous, he continued to write along Riddle's words.

[You are right, Tom.This made me suddenly hate those half-blood wizards, just like the children born from the combination of humans and pigs, it made me sick.Especially those wizards who are in love with Muggles, it makes me sick to think about it.Their children must be as ugly and stupid as pigs. 】

[You are right, I thought so too. 】This time Riddle's reply was a bit slow, Lockhart knew that he remembered his own life experience, Lockhart did it on purpose.

【How can these mudbloods and mixed races disappear in Hogwarts? 】Lockhart held back a smile and continued writing.

【On this point, I can help you. If you want, I will show you. ] Voldemort was obviously just very angry
【OK! 】Lockhart replied decisively, it was a shadow clone anyway.

The diary seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, the pages flipped over and stopped at a certain page at the end of July.Lockhart watched as the small cube of July 29 seemed to become a miniature television screen.

Lockhart's shadow clone maintained Occlumency, imagining himself to be Hamilton Ayer, leaning forward and falling into the gap in the page, flying into a cloud of light and shadow.

Lockhart's feet landed on the ground, and he was relieved to see that he was still Hamilton, otherwise the task would have become more difficult.

In the simple room, two people, one old and one young, were talking to each other. Lockhart recognized that one of them was Dumbledore, and the other was probably Riddle who was still in the orphanage.

The picture was intermittent, but Lockhart understood that this was Dumbledore sending a letter to Riddle.

The picture shows the scene where Dumbledore used the admission to threaten Riddle to call him a professor, and the scene where Riddle's cabinet was burned, and then forced Riddle to return the things to his companions in the orphanage.

Afterwards, the screen began to play backwards for a long period of time, and then began to play forward again.

This time, the screen showed Riddle's behavior of being excluded because of his own weirdness, and then Riddle retaliated against these exclusion and humiliation, snatching the things of the excluder and putting them in the cabinet.

Finally, then, spinning, Lockhart felt himself falling, with a final thud, onto the laboratory chair, and Riddle's diary was open on the table.

[Do you have any insights into such a scene? ] There was an active question in Riddle's diary.

[The strong can force the weak without knowing the consequences, right? ] Lockhart wrote again.

[Very well, it seems that you understand a lot! ] This time, the words in Riddle's diary appeared quickly.

[I know what to do now, I want to learn magic well, I can't waste a minute of my time!See you next time, Riddle! ] After all, Lockhart directly closed the diary, it is enough to be here today.

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(End of this chapter)

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