Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 310 Chapter 310, No use of gas 2

Chapter 310 Chapter 310, No use of gas 2
The real entrepreneurship is that no matter where you go, the unknowns ahead will not decrease, but will increase.It will not be like entrepreneurial games, where you can make money once and for all after the upgrade is successful.

Lin Xiaojian now earns 3 yuan a month, which is ten times higher than before, but he feels that his ignorance has also increased tenfold.

"Hello, is this Director Li? Sorry to bother you so late."

After much deliberation, he was still unwilling to give up, so he immediately called Xiao Li from the town office.

"Is it Boss Lin? It doesn't matter, please tell me if you have anything to do."

"I'm setting up a venue here in the new convention and exhibition center. I heard from the security guard here that I can't use a gas stove, but an induction cooker, but all my equipment uses gas. What should I do?"

He felt a little resentful, thinking that he had been tricked, but he knew that the government was not his enemy.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Xiao Li, who had just laid on the bed, sat up abruptly and asked loudly, "Wait, I'll make a call and ask."

He thought that he had to report this matter to Mayor Lu immediately, but he hesitated for a while, and decided to call the conference affairs team first to clarify the situation.

"Hi, hello, I'm Xiao Li from the Beishan Town Government Office."

"That's right, I want to ask the catering suppliers in your rest area, can't they use gas stoves for cooking?"

"Yes, I can understand that open flames are indeed unsafe, and I am also responsible for this kind of work in the town."

"Then I can only find a way to make an induction cooker, right? But the exhibition starts tomorrow..."

"No one notified us? Let me ask again. Thank you. Sorry to trouble you. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Li shook his head, fully understanding the rules of the conference affairs group.When they check the production status of enterprises in the industrial zone on a daily basis, they also pay special attention to whether there is an open flame in the factory area.

Boss Lin was born in a stall, so it's understandable that he doesn't know the rules of the exhibition.It stands to reason that there will be a conference manual, or the conference staff told him this common sense, did he forget it?
But now is not the time to worry about this, the top priority is how to solve the problem of not having a stove.

"Boss Lin, I asked. It is true that gas stoves are not allowed here. Has no one notified you about this?"


"Well...then you don't have an induction cooker here, do you? Can you borrow it from a colleague? The voltage of the exhibition center is sufficient, as long as you have the equipment."

Xiao Li tried his best to help Lin Xiaojian find a way. He knew what Mayor Lu was thinking, and he wanted to make Xiaolin Malatang a business card of Beishan Market. Beishan Market is a demonstration area for Beishan Town to respond to the national call for street stall economy. An important part of the new town mayor's three priorities when he takes office must be kept.

It was very difficult for the township to think about the provincial media last time, but this year, several places that were originally unknown have been commended by the province for doing well in the street stall economy.In contrast, it is not easy to attract the attention of the province to engage in primary and secondary industries.Either large capital investment, or long-term silent cultivation, these are not the paths that Mayor Lu wants to take.

"Borrow from a colleague?"

After hearing Xiao Li's suggestion, Lin Xiaojian thought for a while. He was the most productive person in Beishan Market, and the other stall owners didn't even have much electrical equipment!Who can I borrow from?’s not available at Beishan Market, but it must be available in the second-hand equipment market!
He immediately thought of Boss Zhang, if there is a ready-made one over there, hurry up and send it over for installation, it may be too late tomorrow.

Don't care that it's getting late, Lin Xiaojian hurriedly found Boss Zhang's WeChat and dialed it via voice call, silently praying that he was still awake.


"Boss Zhang, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, do you have the kind of electric noodle cooker for noodle soup or hot mala tang?"

"Yes, I have."

"Is there an induction cooker casserole and an induction cooker with more than 4 burners?"

"Yes, I have."

"That's great! Can you deliver it for me now? I'm at the Convention and Exhibition Center in Dongjiang New Area."

"Are you kidding? Where can I pick up the goods for you in the middle of the night? The equipment is still in other people's stores!"

Boss Zhang, who had just finished tutoring the children's homework, was already dizzy, but was even more confused by Lin Xiaojian's barrage of questions.

Second-hand equipment dealers will not take back all the equipment to the store, but, like real estate agencies, keep relevant information and purchase it when customers need it, otherwise the warehouse will not be enough.Even if it has been sold by then, there is no direct loss. It is better than collecting a lot of funds to take up funds.

"Still in someone else's store? Then you contact them now, I want it tomorrow morning, and I will set up a stall at noon tomorrow!"

Lin Xiaojian heard Boss Zhang's tone of being unwilling and not paying attention, and hastily explained to him the urgent situation he was facing.

"So it's like this...Gas stoves must not be used in crowded places like exhibitions! Then you have to find a large-capacity stove, and you don't need to sell seafood at all, or set the threshold higher, starting at 50 yuan , anyway, those who can participate in the exhibition are rich people.”

"At this time, the pursuit is efficiency. There are so many stalls competing for meat. The gas stove has enough firepower, and the cooking speed of the noodle stove can be doubled! But you are in such a hurry, the price of the food Definitely not too cheap."

"Money is fine."

"Okay then, I'll help you ask now."

Lin Xiaojian said categorically that after being a real boss for a few days, he no longer wanted to be a deserter.Even if you don't make money in these four days, it's not bad to earn two devices, and you will always have a chance to use them in the future.

He helped Boss Zhang conduct a second-hand equipment appraisal for a period of time because of system tasks, and he knew who was in a hurry and who was at a disadvantage in this business, but now time waits for no one.

"That's right, those two devices are here. I made an appointment with the boss to pick up the goods tomorrow morning. My house is close to the noodle stove shop. I'll pick them up. You can pick up the induction cooker."

Boss Zhang hurriedly found out the phone number of the merchant who wanted to sell these two devices, called him and found out that they were still there, so he quickly notified Lin Xiaojian and made an appointment for tomorrow morning.

"Good good!"

After receiving the confirmation message, Lin Xiaojian heaved a sigh of relief, the supply of goods has been resolved, and the rest is a race against time.

Lin Xiaojian sent a message back to Xiao Li, telling him his arrangement and saying that he would attend on time.After checking with Brother Chao for the last time that the water and electricity lines here are correct, they left with peace of mind.

"Strange, why does everyone think someone should tell me? I never thought there would be such a thing as not being allowed to use gas stoves!"

On the way back, Lin Xiaojian couldn't help but complain to Brother Chao.

"Whether he did it on purpose or not, you'll know when you leave the stall tomorrow."

Ye Chao said in a flat tone, but from the roar of the accelerator, he could hear that his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Until lying on the bed, Lin Xiaojian still couldn't calm down with excitement, thinking tossing and turning, afraid that there might be some flaws that he didn't notice tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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