Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 309 Chapter 309, Prohibition of Using Gas

Chapter 309 Chapter 309, Prohibition of Using Gas
"This C2 location is so good, why is it still empty, whose is it?"

"I heard it was decided by a close relative."

"Damn, why, didn't the conference company promise that all the catering items will belong to us? Is it Lao Xu or Lao Zhang's fault?"

"Neither of them, it's Mr. Chen's order to reserve a seat. Let us cooperate with this company. What can we do?"

"I know the origin of this store. It's called 'Xiaolin Malatang'. It has been on the news about good people and good deeds. Here, look, it's this one."

There is still some time before the start of the exhibition, and the catering suppliers of the conference company gathered in the exhibition center to chat.

"Damn, just a roadside stall? It's also suitable for...Huh?"

"I cooperate with a hammer! Let me tell you, don't contact him these days, and let him handle the water and electricity. We don't make trouble for him, and we don't take the initiative to help. We each go our own way and let him Do it yourself, it’s always justified, it’s not like we’re bullying people.”

Seeing the live photos of Xiaolin Malatang found by colleagues on the Internet, the leader was surprised and suddenly had an idea.


It was only two days before the exhibition started. Lin Xiaojian took Brother Chao to the site in the afternoon to check the water and electricity lines.Seeing that everything is normal, you can rest assured that there is no problem.

The two of them glanced at the equipment of other catering suppliers. They found that they had a complete range, including fast food, noodle soup, milk tea, bread and cakes, and even KFC.These suppliers can tell at a glance that they specialize in catering for exhibitions, and they have already prepared neatly. Obviously, they do not usually do business.But Lin Xiaojian was different from them. He had to operate in the Beishan market every day, and if he lost one day, he would lose thousands of turnover. He could only move things overnight after closing the stall on the last night.

Fortunately, he doesn't have many things. The large equipment is soup barrels, display cabinets and freezers, and other tables, chairs and stoves can be moved by one person.Before leaving, Ye Chao skillfully stuffed a pack of cigarettes for the doorman, and said enthusiastically, "Master, we will come over tomorrow night, and I have to trouble you to open the door then."

"Okay, you can come whenever you want, I'm here all day."

The uncle doorman in his 50s smiled and took the whole pack of bonuses, which was much better than what he usually draws.

Lin Xiaojian silently watched Brother Chao dealing with people. Even though he has become a lot of philistines in the past few months, he still can't do this kind of social work.

Ye Chao's movements and tone of voice are very proficient, and it is the first time Lin Xiaojian sees him showing this side.They get along day and night and sleep in the same room, but I don't know this side of Brother Chao very well.

Everyone's personality and ability are different, Lin Xiaojian can't do this kind of long-sleeved and danceable things, but he won't resist.Seeing that brother Chao thought carefully about helping him, he felt that it was necessary.If you trouble others at night, they have no obligation to cooperate with you.

After Ye Chao had been the team leader for a few months, he gradually became more tactful in his dealings with others.He used to be a hard-working character before, but after taking up a management position, he found that it is not enough to have technology alone, and he has to handle the relationship between suppliers, customers and colleagues. These are gradually learned in the work .

By the time the stall was closed on the last night, Ye Chao had already driven the 4.2-meter medium-sized truck in the factory and parked it at the door, and he could pull all the equipment in one trip.

It's best to ask Ye Chao for this kind of thing, as outsiders won't come to help you in the middle of the night.Ye Chao is a machine repairman and mold worker, and he knows a lot about electrical circuits and waterways. The installation and debugging of small catering equipment is a piece of cake for him.Without him, Lin Xiaojian would have had no choice but to find second-hand equipment boss Zhang for assistance.

The soup bucket and freezer are a bit heavy, but fortunately, they are both strong men, and they lifted them up in one go during the "123" slogan. An ordinary person would have at least four.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

The truck stopped at the entrance of the convention and exhibition center. Seeing the dazzling car lights coming from the window, the guard uncle put on his pajamas, opened the window and shouted from a distance.

"It's me, master!"

Ye Chao pulled on the handbrake, jumped out of the car and walked to the front of the guard room, lit a Chinese cigarette and handed it over.

"It's you guys, go in quickly, I've been waiting for a long time."

After taking a deep breath of the fragrant scent of Chinese tobacco, the doorman pressed the switch and the automatic door slowly opened. Ye Chao returned to the car and waved to him, and drove directly into the rest area.

The inside of the exhibition hall was brightly lit, and some merchants who came late were staying up late to rush to set up the exhibition.Seeing this lively scene, Lin Xiaojian thought: Even if you don't give cigarettes, people will open the door for you, it's nothing more than spending more words.

But what happened next made him realize that building a good relationship is really useful: the rest area was dark, and the two of them turned on the flashlight of their mobile phone for a long time and couldn't find where the switch was.Brother Chao had no choice but to call the guard room, and the uncle guard who had just met walked over slowly wearing slippers, with his hips on his hips and opened the main switch that he would not have noticed without looking carefully, and the night suddenly became bright as day.

After arriving, the guard uncle simply walked around the exhibition hall to see if anyone was secretly doing any work that violated the regulations.When he came back, he saw the two people carrying soup buckets out of the car, and asked curiously: "Are you noodle soup people?"

"Almost, mine is Malatang."

Lin Xiaojian said kindly.

"Did you cook it fresh?"

The uncle doorman stared at the colorful display cabinet for a long time and asked.

"That's right, we all choose and cook fresh, freshness is guaranteed."

Lin Xiaojian replied proudly.

"There are so many people eating, how can you cook them freshly? They are all cooked and kept warm."

"Eh? Why did you bring the gas stove in? Stop, stop! This is absolutely not allowed to be brought into the venue!"

Looking at Lin Xiaojian's youthful and sunny appearance, the guard uncle couldn't help but think of his own youth, and chatted with the two of them, until he saw Lin Xiaojian moving the gas stove from the car, and hurriedly stopped him loudly.


Hearing what the guard uncle said, both of them were stunned.Lin Xiaojian couldn't help suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears, and he was not allowed to use the gas stove, so what kind of hot pepper should he use?
"Open flames are absolutely not allowed into the venue. This is not a roadside stall. How could you be allowed to use a gas stove! Didn't anyone tell you? Look, everyone else uses electricity, which one uses gas?"

"No, I don't know!"

Lin Xiaojian said puzzledly.Ye Chao was also confused and stopped his movements. He had no right to speak in this regard.

"Look at theirs!"

The uncle doorman opened the back kitchen operation room of other catering suppliers nearby. There were all stainless steel stoves shining brightly inside, and no gas-related equipment could be seen.It looks like this from room to room.

"What... what should I do? How about forgetting about it? Go back to Beishan Night Market to sell it tomorrow?"

Ye Chao looked at his cousin helplessly, he didn't expect to encounter such a depressed situation.


Lin Xiaojian hesitated for a while. Anyway, he didn't pay the booth fee, so there is no loss if he abstains from voting directly. It is nothing more than a waste of time.

But he was not willing to give up in such a desperate way!

(End of this chapter)

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