Chapter 80

Chen Er went to the fields early the next morning carrying a small bamboo basket.

There are many people who get up early to work, and busy people can be seen everywhere in the fields.

After opening the live broadcast, there were already many fans watching.

"Since I started following Chen Laoshi's live broadcast, I, a person who likes to sleep late, has suddenly become a good baby who goes to bed early and gets up early."

"Chen Laoshi has three good things, good looks, dexterous hands, can make you sleep early!"

Chen Er said with a smile, "I have to say something modest about Yan Hao..."

"You are so right in your praise."

Early summer morning is Chen Er's favorite season.

The sky is extremely blue, with occasional drifting clouds, but most of the time it is clear and cloudless.

In the early morning, the sun has not yet risen, and the surrounding light presents a faint white.

The temperature is neither hot nor cold, just right.

Chen Er was walking on the ridge of the field with a bamboo basket in his hand, half of his shoes were covered by the weeds on the ridge.

The wild grass is green and lovely, with pointed leaves and an unyielding posture.

There are also small round dewdrops on the top.

When Chen Er walked through the field ridges, his shoes and trousers would get wet inadvertently.

Obviously these little dewdrops are also unintentional.

Chen Er smiled lightly, and arrived at the destination when there was a trace of gold in the sky.

A leek field.

Leeks are like an enlarged version of the grass we just met on the field ridge.

The long buttocks are pulled out and the roots are straight.

Like small saplings carried in the field.

The green is thick and colorful, and it is content.

Before Chen Er could speak, the fans in the barrage couldn't wait to start teasing.

Pork stewed vermicelli: "Mr. Chen actually wants to eat leeks! I heard that leeks are strong (beep, river crab) yang! Wait... I seem to have discovered something..."

Tea eggs invaded the earth: "Mr. Chen accidentally dropped a book when he was packing his backpack yesterday. I could see it clearly... Isn't it "Jin Ping Mei"!"

Eat a catty: "So that's the case, no wonder Chen Laoshi is so eager to make up for it."

Chen Er couldn't help but want to show the emoji of the black question mark face that has become very popular recently.

"Who told you that eating leeks can strengthen (beep) Yang?"

"Chinese medicine believes that leeks are "benefiting yang", but this does not mean "improving yang". Some people say that leeks contain the trace element zinc, which plays an important role in growth and reproductive functions. However, only 0.43 mg of zinc per [-] grams of leeks, The effect is limited."

"If you want to achieve the effect, unless you eat a few catties of leeks every meal, it is almost feasible."

Chen Er continued, "If you have to say what kind of function leeks have, it also depends on what ingredients it is paired with."

"For example, in "Fangmai Zhengzong", it is said that eight liang of leeks are white, and two liang of walnut meat are peeled. Stir-fry with sesame oil. Take it for a month during a solar eclipse. It can cure yang deficiency and kidney cold."

"Or stir-fry leeks and shrimps together to have the effect of nourishing the kidneys and strengthening yang."

After talking eloquently for a long time, Chen Er felt that his mouth was dry, so he took off the water bottle he was carrying and took a few sips of water.

Watermelon is not east melon: "Chen Laoshi is really an old driver, and there are a lot of recipes for strong (beep) yang."

Riding a snail to Xiaokang: "Brother Watermelon, what are you talking about, there are a lot of female fans in this live broadcast room, pay attention to the influence, what's wrong with letting Chen Laoshi replenish his kidneys, the old driver is not allowed to replenish his kidneys, it is simply unreasonable. "

Tea eggs invaded the earth: "Hahahahahahahahaha..."

Chen Er almost spit out the water he just drank, "You are an experienced driver. Believe it or not, I will take out my student ID card and show it to you!"


Chen Er was talking to the owner of the field on the ridge with a small bamboo basket.

It was surprising to learn that Chen Er only needed the roots but not the leaves.

Most people eat leeks as leaves, but this is the first time he has seen them eating roots.

Chen Er went down to the field together.

The ground in the field is very soft, which should be the reason for the previous rain.

Chen Er looked for his target in the large piece of leek.

Because it is the reason to eat leek roots, he must look for those leeks that grow smaller and tenderer.

This kind of leek has young roots and will taste relatively tender.

Chen Er grabbed a handful of leeks that looked like seedlings to outsiders and could not be eaten at all.

With a little force, the whole leek was pulled out with muddy roots.

The root of leek is tender and white in color.

Extending from the underside of the leek leaves like countless small whiskers.

Chen Er did not remove the mud from the leek root, but reached out and picked a section of the root and chewed it in his mouth.

"The root of chives has a spicy smell, and after chewing for a long time, it will return to sweetness. The smell is refreshing, and the taste is a bit like boiled meat. Overall, it is good."

The camera zoomed in on the leek in Chen Er's hand.

"Leeks can be divided into four types according to the edible parts: root leeks, leaf leeks, flower leeks, and leaf-flower leeks."

"The leek in my hand is root leek. It mainly eats roots and flower shoots. The root system is thick and can be pickled or cooked. The flower shoots are fat and tender and can be fried, and the young leaves can also be eaten."

Chen Er quickly pulled out enough food for himself, put it in a small bamboo basket, paid the payment, and walked in another direction.

"Huaxia has a long history of eating leeks."

"The best time for leeks is spring."

"The "Book of Songs Bin Feng" says: On the fourth day, lambs are sacrificed to leeks. It means that lambs and leeks are used as sacrifices."

""Shanjia Qinggong" records that Zhou Yong in the Six Dynasties was poor and had few desires, and he often ate vegetables all year round. Prince Wenhui asked him which vegetable food tastes the best? He replied: early spring, early spring, late autumn and late late cabbage."

Chen Er was walking slowly in the field with a small bamboo basket full of leek roots.

The sun finally appeared on the horizon for a long time.

It is golden and orange-red, like a freshly peeled egg yolk.

There are many tall banyan trees planted on the road beside the field.

A farmer drove his cattle along the road, yelling from time to time.

Occasionally, when the sound is loud, it will frighten the sparrows parked on the treetops.

Chen Er turned around and looked over, just in time to see a large group of tiny sparrows chirping, flashing their tiny wings and flying across the sky.

Chen Er looked back.

Then talk about leeks.

"But the dish that the anchor is going to make today is not made with leeks, but with leek roots."

"Then what is the origin of this leek root dish?"

Chen Er's speaking tone was slow, and combined with the large quiet farmland behind him and the distant mountains and rivers hidden in the mist and mist in the distance, it was quite a bit like a landscape painting.

"During the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a rich man named Shi Chong."

"Shi Chong said something like this, 'Silk and bamboo are the best choices at the time, and cooking is poor for the treasures of water and land'."

"It means that if I entertain guests, then the silk and bamboo instruments at the banquet must be of the best, and the musicians must be the best musicians at that time. The food at the banquet must use up everything in heaven and earth, rivers, lakes and seas. Rare ingredients."

"That's a very grand statement."

"So one winter, Shi Chong ordered his servants to make such a dish."

"Put leek roots and wheat seedlings together to make a famous dish, leek grinder."

"The dish that the anchor is going to cook today is this dish of chives."

(End of this chapter)

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