God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 81 Just Be Fast

Chapter 81 Just Be Fast
Fans don’t quite understand, what delicious food can be made from leek root?
Even a small number of people don't know that leek root can also be eaten.

Chen Er walked through a lush green rice field, shaking the leek root in his hand.

"Actually, it's also the first time I've heard of using leek roots to make food as an anchor."

"I'm as curious as you are."

"It is precisely because of this kind of curiosity that people have daydreams and are full of expectations."

Chen Er came outside a large shed, said a few words to the boss, and the boss took him into the shed.

There are many green seedlings planted inside.

The leaves are like needles, standing upright.

It is more imposing than the leeks I just saw outside.

Like tenacious and unyielding weeds, they are densely distributed and full of vitality.

Immediately someone recognized what these things were.

Spring roll: "This thing is not barley seedlings!"

Tea eggs invade the earth: "Barley sprouts? Is this really edible?"

Doll: "I have eaten a drink made from wheatgrass juice."

Watermelon is not east melon: "It looks pretty good. If you grab a handful, cut it up and scramble it with an egg, it should taste good."

Chen Er pulled out a small bundle of wheat seedlings and put them in the bamboo basket, and then left after paying.

"Some of you were mistaken just now. This boss specially provides barley seedlings to make juice drinks for a restaurant."

As he spoke, he patted the bamboo basket in his hand.

"But today the anchor doesn't squeeze the juice, let's try stir-frying."

Chen Er returned with the materials.

The kitchen utensils used are still those brought by myself.

Leek roots are very easy to clean.

After the soil was washed away, the snow-white and delicate roots were exposed.

Like the tender fingers of a child, but not so thick.

Chen Er soaked the washed leek root in mountain spring water to prevent it from losing moisture and destroying the taste.

Then start working on those barley shoots.

"Speaking of the benefits of this barley seedling, girls may be more interested."

"There are great benefits to eating young barley."

"1. Enhance physical fitness and optimize body functions. Barley grass powder is the "King of Alkaline Foods". It contains a lot of vitamin C, β-carotene and antioxidant enzymes. Long-term consumption can improve acidic physique, purify blood and promote metabolism."

"2. Detoxification and beauty, anti-aging SOD enzyme in barley grass powder makes the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract multiply, and bad breath and body odor will disappear naturally. It can also improve facial acne, acne, rough skin, lack of elasticity, pigmentation and other phenomena .”

"3. Regulating blood sugar, losing weight can limit the absorption of some sugar and fat, and increase the consumption of fat in the body, effectively control obesity, prevent arteriosclerosis, stabilize blood pressure, and have a good effect on improving diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases."

Sure enough, after hearing these words, all the female fans outside the screen widened their eyes.

I didn't expect this wheat seedling to have so many benefits.

It is simply a beauty supplement!
And it doesn't look very expensive.

The female fans are all gearing up, secretly wondering whether they should buy some to make porridge or juice later.

Chen Er put the washed wheat seedlings and leek roots on the table together, and immediately his eyes were refreshed.

The green wheat seedlings are very clean and refreshing, and the leek root is as white as jade. The combination of the two colors is indescribably refreshing and pleasant.

Very appetizing.

Chen Er didn't say much, and directly took out the small copper stove, lit the charcoal fire, put on the small iron pot, and started to heat the pot.

The combustion and heat dissipation speed of charcoal fire is not as fast as that of modern products such as induction cooker.

But it has its own unique benefits.

Anyone with rural experience knows that wood and charcoal fires make food taste better.

It's just that modern society pays attention to high efficiency, coupled with the shortage of timber resources, naturally not many people will use this ancient method to cook.

Chen Er fell in love with this cooking method in the past few days.

He was thinking, how about setting up a stove in the kitchen to cook with firewood and charcoal when he goes back?

Although there were many things in his mind, the movements in his hands did not stop.

Chen Er nimbly and nimbly manipulated a kitchen knife glowing with silver light.

The kitchen knife quickly rose and fell on the cutting board, cutting a large handful of leek roots and wheat seedlings into small pieces in a short while.

Chen Er took out two bowls and packed the leek roots and wheat seedlings separately.

A light smoke came out of the iron pot on the copper stove.

This is the heat of the iron pan has reached a critical point.

Chen Er reached out and took the lard bought from this family, scooped up a piece with a shovel and put it into the iron pot.

The smoke in the iron pan suddenly became bigger.

And there was a "sizzling" sound.

The milky white lard also melted into a puddle of steaming liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Er picked up the bowl containing leek roots, and inhaled the aroma wafting from the iron pot.

"No wonder when I was young, I often heard the old people say that cooking with lard is the most delicious. Today, when it's my turn to cook, I really understand this sentence!"

"This oily fragrance is like a small hook, which will hook people's sense of taste at once."

Chen Er paused and tilted his hand, and all the minced leek roots in the bowl were poured into the hot pot with a splash.

All of the lard was covered at once, and the aroma of the lard was also covered.

Chen Er could only ask about the fragrance of leek roots.

With a slight astringency and bitterness, this taste is more prominent under the effect of hot oil, although it is not strong, it has a unique feeling, like a cool wind blowing from the river, it dissipates at once In Chen Er's heart, there is a greasy smell of lard aroma, with a cool smell and an imperceptible earthy aroma.

The spatula in Chen Er's hand was quickly stir-frying in the iron pot.

Like a tireless automaton.

"The leek root cannot be fried, otherwise it will lose its taste, so we have to keep stirring it."

"The temperature of the iron pan is covered with hot oil, and now it is even hotter. The leek root will be cooked immediately, so the wheat seedlings should be put last, otherwise, once the wheat seedlings are fried, they will not taste good."

After speaking, he quickly picked up the wheat seedlings on the table and poured them all into the pot.

With the spatula in his hand, the stir-frying became even more violent.

The fans outside the screen were all dumbfounded, and they couldn't even blink their eyes.

It was as if the spatula in Chen Er's hand had taken on a phantom.

Chen Er's hand speed has actually reached this level.

He even has the other hand free to sprinkle condiments on the pot.

Put it on and talk at the same time.

"Both ingredients are tender ingredients, so there's no need to spoil them with too many overpowering seasonings. Just a little salt and vine pepper."

The whole frying process didn't even take 1 minute.

Chen Er immediately picked up the iron pot and shoveled the food in the pot into the prepared plate.

"This stir fry is to be fast."

(End of this chapter)

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