God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 60 Gou's Banquet · Part [-]

Chapter 60 Gou's Banquet · Part [-]

Chen Er took out the blue porcelain plate and put the frog out of the pan.

Dou Yitong handed over the chopped chicken, venison and some ingredients.

The fire on the stove was turned up to the maximum, and light smoke came out immediately after the hot oil was poured out of the pan.

Chen Er raised his hand to grab the ginger garlic, dried chili and rattan pepper on the plate.

All the brains were poured into the pot, and the pot immediately made a "sizzling" sound, as if the pot was about to explode.

The spatula in Chen Er's hand quickly shoveled up and down a few times, and a strong aroma was emitted from the pot.

Dou Yitong sniffed at the back, yes, this is a thick and strong aroma.

Ginger, garlic, dried chili, and rattan pepper are condiments with a strong and irritating taste. At this moment, fry them in a hot pan with boiling oil, and the fragrance will be even stronger.

It was hot and fierce, like dry wood meeting a raging fire, and it was out of control.

Dou Yitong stood behind and smelled the smell not only did not feel choking, but was extremely exciting.

It's like eating a hot hot pot while sitting in the vent on a summer night, it's spicy and strong, and it's hearty and hearty.

Chen Er saw the aroma coming out, so he quickly picked up the venison and chicken next to it, and poured them into the pot together.

Fresh and tender meat meets crispy fried ingredients and boiling hot oil.

Then use a large spatula to stir fry back and forth several times, and the delicious smell can no longer be blocked.

Dou Yitong quickly stretched his neck to see.

Footsteps came from behind.

Looking back, it was the housekeeper of the Gou family who came with a few people.

Before the butler could speak, Chen Er vigorously shook the big iron pot in his hand twice.

Then the hot stir-fried vegetables were shoveled out of the pot and placed on a snow-white porcelain plate.

Behind the housekeeper were a few servants who were serving dishes, and when they smelled it, they immediately showed intoxicated expressions.

His eyes couldn't help but glance at the dish in Chen Er's hand.

Just barely drooling.

Dou Yitong secretly laughed at the side.

The butler coughed lightly, signaling those people to come back to their senses.

Then chat with Chen Er, "Master Chen, is this done?"

Chen Er nodded, "There are a total of sixteen dishes, all of which have been prepared."

Then tell the name of the dishes one by one so that the butler can remember them so that the guests will not ask about them later.

"Later serve the hot dishes first, after the hot dishes are finished, serve the cold dishes, and then the desserts."

"There are 8 hot dishes: Immortal Noodles, Nectar Soup, Gold and Silver Stuffed Flowers, Soup Yuxiu Balls, Snow Baby, Bright Shrimp, Xiaotian Crisp, and Gulouzi."

"There are 6 cold dishes: Jin Yu Yu Kuai, Carved Gold Dragon and Phoenix Crab, Cold Silver Bars, Crimson Lamb, Dried Cloves, and Cool Broth."

"There are 2 desserts: almond porridge and golden soufflé."

Dou Yitong and the others were dizzy from listening.

Don't talk about the dazzling and exquisite dishes, just talk about the long list of dish names that you have never heard of, who can remember clearly.

Dou Yitong was stunned, even the chef he followed had never cooked these dishes.

It seems to be some kind of recipe that is not shared with others.

But the housekeeper smiled slightly, "The guest asked Master Chen to be by your side."

Chen Er raised his eyebrows, this man was strange, he actually asked a stranger to watch him while eating.

But it's good for him to go, otherwise, there will always be some things that are hard to say.

He asked the butler to get him a tea set, "You serve the food first, I will be there later."

The butler raised his hand to let the people behind him serve the dishes.

Chen Er called him again, "It's just that I can't eat this dish right away, we'll talk about it when I get here."

The butler looked suspicious.

Chen Er took out the tea leaves from his bag and began to boil water for tea.

Dou Yitong was puzzled.

Chen Er went to the restaurant with the boiled tea.

The dishes were just finished.

Seeing Chen Er coming, Gou Xuefang quickly winked at him, and kept staring at a tall and thin young man next to him.

The other person has a pair of slender eyes, with the corners slightly raised, a bit like what the ancients called phoenix eyes.

It's just that if these eyes appear on a girl's face, they will naturally be charming and romantic. If they appear on a man's face, it must be said that they are a bit girly...

Chen Er was still thinking in his heart that he hoped that the other party would not be too long-winded and troublesome.

The other party suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

Chen Er could see his face clearly now, and he really had a very "beautiful" face.

It's just that his eyebrows are very cold, like a sycamore tree covered with severe frost in late autumn, cold and repelling people thousands of miles away.

"You said that this dish is already served, why can't you eat it right away?"

The tone of the other party was not at all masculine, full of air, and even very calm.

It sounds a little unhappy.

Chen Er looked at the Gou family behind him.

Seeing Gou Kunshan staring at him rather nervously, it seemed to be telling him to be careful when speaking.

Chen Er came to the dining table with the tea in his hand and poured five cups of tea with smooth movements.

Let the housekeeper pass them one by one.

"You have to pay attention to what you eat when you eat."

Chen Er said unhurriedly, "I need tea before eating..."

Before he could finish the rest of the sentence, Gou Xuefang picked up the tea bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he did not forget to let out a sigh of relief, and gave a big praise, "Good tea!"

Maybe he moved too much, so that everyone turned to look at him.

Except of course the frosty man with phoenix eyes.

Gou Xuefang's mother Wen Li sat aside and glared at him, whispering, "I don't care what the occasion is..."

Before the guest could move, he moved first.

Chen Er couldn't help but support his forehead and said, "This tea is for gargling."

Gou Xuefang blushed immediately, and the Gou family servant beside him couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Their young master actually drank the tea he was gargling with...

Even Gou Kunshan and Gou Yuanling couldn't help laughing.

Gou Xuefang quickly made excuses for himself, "This tea is hot when served, and it's so fragrant, how do I know it's for rinsing my mouth..."

The phoenix-eyed man looked at Chen Er, "The tip of this cup of tea is as straight as a needle, and its color is as white as silver. The soup is light apricot yellow, and the tea has a clear fragrance. It should be white silver needles."

"It's such a good tea, it's actually used to rinse your mouth."

The latter sentence is very plain, which shows that the man with phoenix eyes is not very concerned about the value of the white silver needle, but finds it strange.

Chen Er also responded very flatly, "Pehao Yinzhen tea has a light and fragrant fragrance, and it can be used to rinse the mouth, which can remove other odors in the mouth very well, and make the taste sensation in the mouth reach a peaceful state."

"After rinsing your mouth, you can taste the dishes, so that you can better feel the taste of the dishes."

It was the first time Gou Kunshan heard this saying, and he felt it was very novel at the moment, so he picked up the tea bowl and started gargling.

The housekeeper had already prepared the utensils for rinsing mouth and ordered them to be brought up.

The members of the Gou family and the phoenix-eyed man rinsed their mouths before picking up their chopsticks.

Gou Xuefang winked at Chen Er.

Chen Er moved two steps towards him.

Gou Xuefang said, "I drank that tea, won't it affect the taste?"

Seeing his long-sighted look, Chen Er secretly thought it was funny, but his face was still tense, and there was no extra expression.

"Don't worry, drinking tea before meals is just hurting the stomach."

Gou Xuefang rolled her eyes at him, "I just didn't do it to cheer you up!"

Chen Er smiled slightly, "Then I should thank you."

Gou Xuefang raised her chin, "Of course."

 Hey, which boss has a book list, the author wants to ask for a book list (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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