Chapter 338
This aroma was very intoxicating, and after Liu Yunya brought the food in front of him, the aroma became even more intense.

Shui Jikun was even thinking at this moment, if he was a little honey bee, he would have been so dazzled by the fragrance that he would have died drunk in the flowers.

Of course, the taste of this rose yam did not disappoint Shui Jikun at all.

This can be said to be the best yam he has eaten in his lifetime.

In fact, Shui Jikun doesn't like yam. When he goes out to eat, he never order food with yam.Although there is nothing he hates about yam.

But, at the same time, in Shui Jikun's view, there is nothing he likes about yam.

Shui Jikun has always believed that the taste of yam is a bit like that of sweet potato, but the yam is thicker and crisper.But the taste of yam is not as good as that of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The taste of yam was too bland, and Shui Jikun thought it was a sign of lack of characteristics.

But today's yam is very different.

Not because the taste of rose nectar also brings a unique taste experience to yam.Rather, this yam tastes really delicious.

Shui Jikun took another bite of rose yam.

The first taste that melts in the mouth is of course rose honey, which is extremely sweet.

But after the smell of rose honey became weaker and weaker, the taste of yam was revealed instead.

The yam paste is very soft, maybe because it has been frozen, it is still slightly cold in the mouth, which makes people feel that its taste is softer.

If you chew it a few times, you will feel that the yam paste is slightly sticky.But it's not strong enough to stick to the teeth, so the texture is very enjoyable.

The taste of yam is very mild, but Chen Er handles it very well, it doesn't taste numb at all, but a little sour.

The sweetness of rose nectar in the mouth has not come and receded completely, and the acid in the yam mud is even more precious, and even a little irritating to the taste buds.

Shui Jikun quickly finished a plate of rose yam.

At this time, he was already a little impatient, and completely lost the calmness and casualness just now.

Now he really wants to know what the next dish is, and wants to eat it right away!
At this time, the second course was almost ready.

In the kitchen, only Chen Er's voice could be heard rambling.Liu Yunya and Liu Jiming, father and daughter, remained silent. They stood aside and looked at Chen Er intently. The expressions on their faces were very strange. They didn't know whether they were surprised or amazed.

Chen Er put a layer of soft tofu cut into small cubes on a large lotus leaf, and then neatly spread the washed jasmine leaves on the tofu.

Then wrap the lotus leaf on the outer layer and tie it lightly with a thin hemp rope, trying not to damage the tofu inside.

Seeing that Chen Er had already wrapped the lotus leaves, Liu Yunya asked softly, "How to make this tofu and jasmine leaves..."

When she said this, Liu Yunya subconsciously wondered if she was crazy.

Can jasmine leaves and tofu be eaten together?Which weird recipe came up with this?

Liu Yunya just wanted to throw herself into that person.

Chen Er calmly pointed to a stove, then took out the firewood inside and extinguished it.

"Just simmer it in the hot ashes from the furnace."

This time not only Liu Yunya was stunned, but even Liu Jiming didn't know what to say.

Both of them actually have something in their hearts, but they are embarrassed to say it.

That sentence is, "Is this dish poisonous?"

Chen Er put the lotus leaf bag in his hand into the stove and covered it with ashes.

"This dish is called white-bottomed sapphire."

Liu Yunya was stunned, she never expected that such a wonderful dish could have such a nice name.

Chen Er continued, "This dish can't stay in the ashes for too long. Tofu itself is very tender. If it is heated for too long, it will taste bad. And the jasmine leaves on the tofu are also very tender."

"So you have to calculate the time. According to the temperature in the ash just now, at most 10 minutes, it will be taken out."

Of course, when Chen Er wrapped the tofu and jasmine leaves in the lotus leaves, he didn't add condiments.While waiting for the dishes to simmer, Chen Er wanted to make a condiment by the way.

Needless to say, of course it is Chen Er's favorite - oily and spicy.

Chen Er took out the chili pepper, Sichuan peppercorns and other seasonings, chopped the onions, ginger, garlic, etc. and put them together in a bowl.

At this time, Liu Jiming and Liu Yunya would be fools if they still didn't know what Chen Er was going to do.

Liu Yunya was a little worried.

"That person doesn't seem to be able to eat spicy food, you can put less chili..."

Chen Er waved his hands, "This is the essence of this dish."

"And..." Chen Er said with a smile, "I won't directly mix the chili oil with the vegetables, I will serve them separately, and it's up to him to eat or not."

Only then did Liu Yunya feel relieved.

Jiangsu cuisine is naturally sweet, and people who like Jiangsu cuisine probably cannot eat spicy food. For example, she...

Chen Er prepared the chili oil and put it into a small white bowl.

When the red chili oil collides with the snow-white color, it will only make the red redder, and the chili peppers seem to be hotter.

Liu Yunya watched from the side, and suddenly swallowed for some reason.

The aroma of this chili oil is really charming...

Chen Er pulled out the lotus leaf bag from the ashes, carefully removed the dust on the surface, and then untied the thin hemp rope that tied the lotus leaf bag.Slowly open the lotus leaf bag.

A faint jasmine fragrance came.

Although these are just leaves of jasmine, they are from the same root. After being simmered with heat, all the fragrance comes out.

With a wave of Chen Er's hand, Liu Yunya took the dish away.

Then proceed to the final dish.

Bamboo leaf porridge.

Chen Er put the washed bamboo leaves into the pot, added three bowls of water, and simmered over low heat.

Until the water in the pot slowly boils down to the size of a bowl.

Chen Ercai filtered the water used to boil the bamboo leaves, washed the japonica rice, and cooked porridge with this water.

After the porridge is cooked, add a teaspoon of sugar, stir well and continue cooking until it is cooked and rotten.

Shui Jikun has almost finished eating that very wonderful "tofu jasmine leaf".

Because it is simmered, the tofu looks a little dry, but the taste is not bad.

Instead, it has a strange toughness, and it still tastes soft, but it doesn't feel too fragile.

And Shui Jikun believes that the most amazing thing about this dish is the green leaves attached to the surface of the tofu.

This is a very strange plant that tastes wonderful, tender, smooth, and extremely refreshing.

(End of this chapter)

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