God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 323 What a thrill

Chapter 323 What a thrill
Chen Er had no choice but to say, "Since everyone can't guess it, I have no choice but to say it myself."

"The biggest difference between the ancients eating crabs and us modern people is that we have hand sanitizer for washing hands, but they don't..."

After saying this, the barrage suddenly became pure.

It took a while before a large piece of "..." floated by.

Chen Er continued, "After all, after eating crabs, your hands will become very oily."

Fans: "I believe in your evil..."

Chen Er looked serious, "However, the method is thought up by people, so the ancients used their brains to come up with other methods..."

While taking out the things and putting them on the table, he said to everyone, "Now, we need these materials to make things that the ancients used to clean their hands after eating crabs."

The camera scanned the materials one by one, and everyone looked carefully at them curiously.

I saw some green leaves, some yellow flowers and a large bowl of green powder on the table.

Together, these things look more like ingredients for some kind of food than something that can wash your hands.

Fans are curious, is Chen Er using these things to make food, or for other purposes?

Chen Er introduced those materials one by one.

"Chrysanthemum leaves, osmanthus stamens, mung bean noodles."

"That's right, after eating crabs today, I need to use these three things to wash my hands."

Chen Er put the small basket containing the chrysanthemum leaves aside, and then put the sweet-scented osmanthus stamens into a clean small bowl.

Then put the mung bean noodles into a sieve made of woven bamboo.

"The chrysanthemum leaves can be used directly to wash hands, but the osmanthus stamens and mung bean noodles need secondary processing."

Chen Er took out a box of matches, polished the matches, and lit the sweet-scented osmanthus stamens in the small bowl.

"We lit the osmanthus stamens and smoked the mung bean noodles with the aroma."

"Of course, the stamens of osmanthus flowers used here are all dried. Only dried osmanthus flowers can be ignited to produce aroma. The smell of wet osmanthus flowers will not be so good after being ignited."

After the sweet-scented osmanthus stamens in the small bowl are ignited, bursts of light smoke and strong floral fragrance immediately come out.

Chen Er picked up the sieve filled with mung bean noodles, placed it on top of the lit osmanthus stamens, and gently shook the sieve.

Everyone can see bursts of light smoke rising, then passing through the mung bean noodles, and then floating to a higher sky.

During the whole process, Chen Er kept holding the sieve and shaking it gently.Until all the sweet-scented osmanthus stamens in the bowl are burnt out.

Chen Er put down the mung bean noodles and fiddled with the mung bean noodles in the sieve with his hands.

Because the sweet-scented osmanthus cigarettes passed through the sieve, the mung bean noodles inside also got a little bit of temperature. It felt a little warm to the touch, and seemed more delicate to the touch.

Chen Er twisted some mung bean noodles between his fingers, rubbed them lightly, and then put his fingers in front of his nose to smell the smell.

Sure enough, I smelled the faint scent of osmanthus.

This fragrance is more natural and harmonious than spraying perfume directly.And because it is smoked, there is a touch of warmth in the aroma, which smells very comfortable.

"Not bad, very fragrant."

Chen Er put the smoked mung bean noodles into a small square box made of porcelain, and then closed the lid.

After it is done, the crabs in the steamer are also steamed.

Chen Er took down the steamer and put out the fire.Then lift the lid of the steamer.

The aroma of crab filled the whole room at that moment.

The thick fragrance is like a dense drizzle, covering all corners quickly without stopping.

Chen Er felt that at that moment, it was as if even the hairs on the back of his hands were full of crab aroma.

Steamed crabs are red and look best on a green plate.

But Chen Er didn't take out the crab.Instead, he took away the small steamed crab cage and put it in the yard.

There was also a large bowl for soup on the table ready to eat. Chen Er poured boiling water into the bowl, and then put the steamer with crabs on it.

"This ensures that the crabs you eat are always hot."

But it should be noted that the hot air should not be too close to the crab, otherwise the crab will be cooked again.

Chen Er put away the crabs, and brought mung bean noodles and chrysanthemum leaves from the kitchen for washing hands.

I took out the chrysanthemum wine that I made before.

There is also a vinegar plate for eating crabs later, and a professional tool for removing crabs - eight pieces of crabs.

Chen Er stood in front of the table and thought for a while, then said, "It seems that the atmosphere is a little bit off."

So he walked around the yard, brought up a pot of golden chrysanthemums, and put them on the table.

Then sat down at the table.

"Okay, live together."

Chen Er picked up the jar of chrysanthemum wine and poured a jug of wine into the jug.

Then put the jug into an earthenware jar and fill the jar with just the right amount of warm water.

Place the whole pot on the small earthen stove that has been prepared.

Light the coals in the furnace.

Chen Er took out the crabs from the steamer and put them on a green plate.

"Crabs are very cold. Drinking at this time is not suitable for drinking cold wine."

"We can learn from the ancients and warm up the wine before eating."

Chen Er picked up a big crab and put it on his plate.

Then he opened the box containing eight crabs.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered how to use the crab eight pieces.

"Actually, this is the first time for me to eat crabs with crab eight pieces."

"After all, I'm a rough person. I used to use brute force to tear apart crabs."

Huaxia has a very long history of eating crabs, which can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

According to the records in "Zhou Li" and "Zi Lin" in Jin Dynasty, my country has a history of eating crabs for 800 years.Since ancient times, eating crabs seems to be a very elegant and elegant thing.

As early as the Ming Dynasty, skilled craftsmen created a whole set of exquisite crab-eating tools.According to the Ming Dynasty gourmet guide "Kao Chi", the crab-eating tools created in the Ming Dynasty included hammer, upsetting, pliers, shovel, spoon, fork, scraper, and needle. Axes, spoons, forks, scrapers, needles.Therefore, it is called "Eight Crab Pieces".

After the ancients invented crab-eating tools, eating crabs became an elegant and chic food enjoyment.

Chen Er opened the box containing eight crabs and showed them to everyone.

This set of eight crabs is kindly sponsored by the system, and it looks very delicate.

The word "expensive" flashed all over his body.

It looks golden and seems to be made of some kind of rare metal.

It is also carved with complex patterns and inlaid with some rare gems.

Pork stewed vermicelli: "Hold the grass, Chen Laoshi is acting aggressive again!"

Watermelons are not east melons: "Has Chen Laoshi considered the feelings of us poor people?"

Overwhelmed: "Chen Laoshi: I haven't considered it."

Chen Er thought to himself, it's really exciting to use other people's things to pretend to be your own.

(End of this chapter)

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