God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 300 Red Leaf Tempura

Chapter 300 Red Leaf Tempura

Facts have proved that Chen Er really doesn't need to mind Rina Koike standing beside him.

Because after the live broadcast started, Chen Er spoke all in Chinese, and Koike Rina's Chinese was not good. Except for the first few greetings that she could barely understand, she could hardly understand other words.

He could only stare at Chen Er with a pair of eyes.

Fans outside the screen also saw the big-eyed cute girl standing next to Chen Er at first sight.

Then one after another posted a barrage, asking Chen Er to introduce the younger sister.

"This is Rina Koike, a friend I met in the island country."

Pork stewed vermicelli: "Chen Laoshi is indeed Chen Laoshi, no matter where you go live, you can't live without a cute sister paper!"

Eat a pound: "Chen Laoshi, you are a double standard person! When you were live broadcasting in the United States last time, you said that you don't like to be around other people when cooking, so you don't want Brother Snail and the others to enter the kitchen! Now you are in the island country , let this cute girl enter the kitchen!"

Riding a snail to a well-off life: "I understand, it's all because I'm not a cute girl..."

Tea eggs invaded the earth: "Chen Laoshi did it on purpose! How can sister paper and Han paper be the same!"

Chen Er silently rolled his eyes in his heart, and began to take out the ingredients from the bamboo basket one by one.

Then brought the subject back.

"The last time I did a live broadcast in the United States, some strange fans said that the host, I have eaten food made of flowers, but food without leaves."

"So, today the anchor, I will use the leaves to make a delicacy!"

"This delicacy comes from an island country and is the most common delicacy in Minoh City, Osaka."

Chen Er said and picked up a plate in his hand.

I saw a stack of thick maple leaves neatly piled up on the plate, almost every maple leaf was the same size, as if it was a perfect copy.

The color of the maple leaves is a deep orange-red, which looks like a rising flame from a distance.

"The name of this delicacy is - Red Leaf Tempura, and it is a delicious food made from maple leaves."

After Chen Er finished speaking, the bullet screen was blank, and on the screen, Chen Er's face was also clean, without any cover.

It seems that everyone is still reacting?

After a while, a large number of thick bullet screens suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Hold the grass! The people of the island country actually eat maple leaves!"

"I've never heard that maple leaves can be eaten!"

"The people of the island country are amazing. If I don't support you, I will support you!"

"I'm going, what kind of unhealthy barrage was sent upstairs, it was actually blocked!"

"If maple leaves can really be eaten... There are two big maple trees downstairs in my house! Hahaha... I found a new way to get rich in an instant!"

"How to eat maple leaves? Steamed? Braised? Cold? Fried?"

"Why didn't I see anyone eating maple leaves when I traveled to the island country!"

"Maple leaves are only available in autumn, are you sure you went upstairs in autumn?"

"So...where did Chen Laoshi pick up these weird recipes!"

"Chen Laoshi, let's start quickly! I've prepared a basin for drinking water!"


Chen Er picked up a fresh maple leaf and brought it to his nose to smell the smell.

The taste of maple leaf itself is not strong, only a faint fragrance of leaves.It probably tastes like nothing.

No wonder the maple leaves that are made into Momiji Tempura are marinated for a year in advance.

Chen Er played with the maple leaf in his hand and said, "It's not difficult to make this red leaf tempura, but it takes a little longer."

"Because the maple leaf itself has no taste, when it is used to make food, it needs to be marinated for a period of time before eating it."

"Because maple leaves are only available in autumn, when you want to make red leaf tempura, you usually choose to start making them in autumn."

"Collect fresh maple leaves first, wash them and marinate them with salt for a year, and then take them out in the fall of the next year. Wrap them in sweet flour and fry them to eat."

Sunny: "It's actually eating maple leaves... It's so annoying..."

Eat a catty: "Is the maple leaf really edible? Isn't it poisonous?"

Tea eggs invaded the earth: "Don't worry, even if it's poisonous, it won't poison you, anyway, you can't eat it..."

Eat a catty: "..."

Chen Er put down the maple leaf in his hand, spread his hands and said, "The tea egg is right..."

"However, everyone can rest assured that the maple leaves I picked today are edible maple leaves and are non-toxic."

Chen Er told everyone that in the island country, when everyone makes red leaf tempura, they will choose some special varieties of maple trees.

For example, the maple tree in the Aceraceae family.Moreover, the sugar maple in the Aceraceae family is also an important source of edible syrup production.So it is completely feasible from the edible point of view.

You don’t have to worry about poisoning incidents.

Chen Er took out a small ceramic jar and a box of salt.

"The maple leaves I'm pickling now won't be eaten until next autumn, so I bought some maple leaves that have been pickled."

Chen Er's eyes fell on another jar in front of him.

The camera moves accordingly, scanning the jar.

"However, I have to make something. This way, next fall, I will have an extra delicious snack."

The process of pickling maple leaves is very simple, just like pickling plums.

Just swapped the sugar for pickling prunes for salt.

And pickled maple leaves do not need to cook the maple leaves, but just pickle them with salt.

Then put it in the jar and seal the mouth of the jar.Just wait until next fall to open it again.

Chen Er put the jar of pickled maple leaves aside and took it away later.

"Okay, now you can start frying the maple leaves."

Chen Er opened the jar containing the preserved maple leaves, and a strong aroma of maple leaves wafted out immediately.

It seemed that he was not in the kitchen at this moment, but on a hillside full of maple trees. Countless maple leaves were trembling on the branches, and the fragrance was like a floating streamer, slowly moving toward Chen Er's face with an intoxicating attitude. Come up.

Chen Er took a deep breath and said, "The pickled maple leaves have a stronger and more mellow aroma than fresh maple leaves."

"Maybe it's because the maple leaves have been sealed in the jar for too long, and the aroma of the maple leaves is all gathered together for concentrated fermentation, so this kind of hazy intoxication is born."

When frying maple leaves, you need to pay extra attention to two points.

One is to choose high-quality flour for the sweet flour wrapped in maple leaves, and add fine granulated sugar to the flour.The sweet flour produced should be white and sweet.

The second is that the pan for frying maple leaves needs to be wide and flat, so that it can be heated evenly, without destroying the taste of maple leaves, and frying the flour until golden and crisp.

However, fortunately, the kitchen of Koike Rina's house is complete with all kinds of tools.

Chen Er doesn't need to worry about these at all, he just needs to concentrate on making food.

(End of this chapter)

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