God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 301 Braised Meatballs

Chapter 301 Braised Meatballs

Chen Er used chopsticks to put the pickled maple leaves one by one into the big bowl filled with batter.

Then, as soon as the aroma of the oil in the pan comes out, put the maple leaves in it and set it aside.

The batter-wrapped maple leaves turned snow-white, and oil bubbles appeared one after another in the yellow oil pan.

The oily flowers on the edge of the maple leaf are "zizi", like the small waves hit by the goldfish in the pool when they roll and swim.

Koike Rina couldn't help stretching her neck beside her, sniffing the fragrance in the air vigorously.

The smell of maple leaves gradually changes from cool to warm at first, and the salty smell in the leaves also exudes a faint sweet fragrance little by little.

It was as if wet honey suddenly emerged from the leaves.

The aroma in the air became sweet and salty.

Chen Er held up a snow-white porcelain plate, and slowly took the fried maple leaves out of the pan with chopsticks.

The fried maple leaves become a bit hard, so don't be careful when picking them up with chopsticks.

The chopsticks in Chen Er's hand leaned against the edge of the pot and shook it slightly.

The maple leaf held on the chopsticks was lightly tapped on the edge of the flat pot a few times, making a slight crisp sound.

The oil brought out of the pot flows back into the pot along the edges and corners of the maple leaf.

Chen Er put the fried maple leaves into the white porcelain plate.

The maple leaves still had an oily sheen, and when they were lying on the white porcelain plate, they were like maple leaves falling in the snow and being illuminated by the sun.

The process of frying the maple leaves is not troublesome, Chen Er fried the maple leaves in a short while.

It filled two large plates.

Koike Rina watched from the side, feeling that her saliva could not help but flow out.

I had to keep inhaling the aroma, and then said, "It smells so good..."

Chen Er thought her appearance was quite funny, "Have you never eaten tempura with red leaves?"

Koike Rina nodded vigorously, then shook her head again.

"I have eaten it, but what I ate before is not as fragrant as today!"

Chen Er said with a smile, "Then I hope the taste of this red leaf tempura is as good as its aroma."

Chen Er picked up the fried red leaf tempura and put it aside.

"The fried maple leaves I just made can only be snacks and desserts. We still need to make some more dishes."

Chen Er thought, since it is autumn, the red leaf tempura is made of maple leaves.

How about taking maple leaf as today's theme, and the delicacies to be made later will use maple leaf as the main material.

What delicious things can maple leaf do?
Before Chen Er came to the island country, he had already thought about this issue seriously.

Before cooking, the first thing to do is of course the rice.

Cooking with maple leaves is much easier. After all, Chen Er has used lotus leaves for cooking before, and maple leaves are almost used for this purpose.

Chen Er washed the fresh maple leaves, and then neatly spread them in the steamer, then put the cleaned rice in and spread them on the maple leaves.

Then just steam it just like making lotus leaf rice.

Next, there are a few small dishes to be made, which will take a long time. Chen Er first uses fresh maple leaves to steam the maple dew.

Then cook a pot of tofu and cabbage soup. After the soup is cooked, add maple dew. The soup is light, transparent and better than clear stream water, and there is a fragrance of maple leaves in the soup, which is refreshing.

Chen Er also plans to make a braised meatball.

Lean pork and shrimp are chopped into meat fillings, then add a small amount of starch and pepper, and knead into meatballs.

Before the meatballs are braised in brown sauce, they are fried in oil pan until golden and set.

The pink meatballs, like small fish, scrambled from Chen Er's hands and fell into the oil pan.

Immediately, there was a huge "sizzling" sound, and it was tumbling and rolling in the golden oil pan, and then slowly changed color.

"Fried meatballs, just deep-fry them until they're half-cooked. We'll have braised meatballs later. If you fry them for too long, they won't taste so good."

Chen Er picked up a large colander, scooped up the oil pan, and scooped up all the meatballs.

The colander was filled with round meatballs, steaming slightly, and the smell of meat instantly filled the whole room.

Koike Rina stared at the large colander in Chen Er's hand concisely, and watched the colander slightly bumped above the oil pan, then drained a lot of oil, and dripped back into the oil pan.

I don't know if Chen Er's technique is too unique, but Koike Rina always feels that the aroma of this meatball is very special.

The meat was full of fragrance, like a large piece of fried golden and tender meat was placed in front of her eyes, and the aroma was desperately drilled into her nostrils.

This is a completely different feeling from the island country meatballs.

Islanders also like to eat meatballs, but it is rare for island country meatballs to be made directly from meat.

The most common meatballs in the island country are sweet glutinous rice balls and fish balls.

Compared with the meatballs Chen Er is making now, the meatballs commonly eaten by islanders are much lighter in taste.This may be related to the fact that islanders don’t like to put too much oil and condiments in their meals.

Islanders usually prefer raw food or cold food.Hot food is mostly noodles or some simple fried food.

Chen Er put the fried meatballs aside, cleaned the pot, and then made braised meatballs.

Islanders hardly eat stir-fried vegetables, let alone braised food.

Koike Rina on the side seems to be very curious about the cooking method of braised sauce.

She stared closely at the movements in Chen Er's hands, as if she couldn't even blink her eyes.

Chen Er's knife skills are very good, and he can chop the required ingredients, such as onion, ginger and garlic, in a few strokes.

Then pour the right amount of oil into the pan, and when you smell the aroma of the oil, quickly put the chopped onion, ginger, and garlic into it and stir fry.

Chen Er likes this smell very much, "When cooking, the smell of onion, ginger and garlic is the most fragrant when they are stir-fried in a pan!"

Chen Er has always believed that the most primitive fragrance in the world is this kind of fragrance.

As for who invented this cooking method, Chen Er felt that it was necessary to point it out and thank him.

Stir-fry the onion, ginger and garlic until the aroma is released, then add cooking wine, soy sauce, and chicken broth.

Then use a spatula to stir fry a few times to let the flavors blend, and then add sugar.Put the nine seeds into the pot and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.

The meatballs in the pot were still burning, so Chen Er took out some red peppers, washed them, cut them into small pieces, and put the peppers in after 10 minutes.Pour some starch juice, stir fry a few times with a spatula, the meatballs in the pot can be turned off after the juice is collected.

Chen Er clapped his hands and said, "The braised meatballs made today are a bit different from the usual ones."

He covered the plate with fresh maple leaves, then carefully spread the braised meatballs, but was not in a hurry to pour the remaining soup in the pot.

Instead, he took out a small bowl of Fenglu that was not finished just now.

Take a spoonful and sprinkle it evenly on the meatballs, and finally pour the remaining soup in the pot on top.

Chen Er lowered his head slightly, and smelled the faint aroma of maple dew accompanied by the aroma of braised meatballs towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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