Chapter 289 Mei Xiang
As far as the three melons and two jujubes at home are barely getting by, why don't you take your head and study?
Even if you don't consider the issue of money, judging by the appearance of the school, it's not something we mudlegs can get into!
Although I didn't dare to go in and see what it was like, but what I saw outside was enough.

Not to mention the neat concrete road, anyway, this thing is also for people to step on.Besides, everyone stepped on the village for so long and the immortal didn't say anything.

Just looking at the things pasted on the walls of those houses and those top-quality colored glazes, how dare you put your own son in them?
It's okay to be obedient, those who usually go in skinny. . .

Not to mention anything else, if someone stains the wall or breaks a piece of glass, you can't afford to sell yourself!

The immortal didn't know what he was thinking, saying that this kind of thing didn't add trouble to people. . .

After Wang Yin finished speaking, he was about to appreciate the cheering scene of the villagers, but when he saw them frowning one by one, he was stunned: Why is it different from what he imagined?

"Young Lord." Seeing the behavior of the villagers, Cao Wenxi naturally understood what was going on, so he went to Wang Yin's side and whispered a few words.

"So that's what happened..." Wang Yin suddenly understood after hearing Cao Wenxi's explanation.

"Don't worry, everyone." Wang Yin signaled to the villagers: "It is free to study in my school, and I will provide all the books, paper and pens. Also, you don't have to worry about making the school dirty or losing money if you break something. , feel free to send the child here."

Hearing Wang Yin's words, a group of villagers all stared wide-eyed, wondering if they heard it wrong!
Don't ask for money and provide books, paper and pens for free?There is such a good thing?
Are you afraid you didn't wake up?

It was as if I was digging in the ground, but the hoe hit something with a "ding" sound, and I dug it out to see: good guy!This big box full of gold, silver and jewels can't be eaten up in a few lifetimes!

Isn't this pure nonsense? !
Seeing that the villagers still couldn't believe it, Wang Yin suddenly felt pain again: "Everything I said is true, can I still lie to you?"

"This..." Hearing what Wang Yin said, the villagers hesitated again.

Yes, this is a fairy, there is absolutely no reason to lie to us!

People are rich and rich, rich and well-clothed, what can they lie to us?
As far as our three melons and two dates are for nothing, I guess people don't bother to take a look. . .

Thinking of this, the villagers immediately became excited!

It turned out to be true!

One day, my own son will be able to do such lofty things as reading, and he can wake up with a smile in his dreams, right? !

Besides, this is a school run by the immortals. Based on the relationship between the immortals and His Majesty, do you have to worry about having no way out after studying here?
At that time, my son will not be able to win the champion. . .Forget it, it's not realistic for so many people to be the champion. . .

Even if you can't get the number one scholar, even if you are a petty official, you can have enough food and clothing!

Thinking that I will be the father (mother) of the official in the future, are you so excited? !
A group of villagers imagined a bright future, and all of them suddenly drifted away, and their souls were about to fly. . .

Seeing the crooked expressions of a group of villagers who couldn't help themselves at the moment, Wang Yin knew that the matter was almost settled: "Okay, everyone, go back and get ready, give the children a bath, and start recruiting students tomorrow."

Speaking of Wang Yin, it hurts for a while: It is not an exaggeration to say that the number of baths in the homes of ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty is very small. When playing with the bear children before, all the hairs were so forked, and some of them could be straightened. Rub the mud off your body. . .

After all, it is not very convenient for ordinary people in Datang to take a bath at home, and they cannot take a bath as often as those rich families.

Wang Yin said: I can understand, but I can't accept it!

"Don't worry, Immortal, it must be clean!" The villagers said excitedly.

In fact, even if Wang Yin didn't say it, they would do it.

It’s okay if it’s normal, but now I’m going to study in the beautiful house built by the immortals, this bath must be taken!Otherwise, no matter how thick-skinned I am, I would be embarrassed to send the cub in.

Although the immortal said just now that even if something is dirty or broken, there is no need to pay for it, but I dare not really do that!
At that time, even if the immortals don't pursue it, they won't be able to face it!

It's all neighbors in the neighborhood, isn't it normal for nothing to be compared to a child.

At that time, other people's children will be honest, but in the end, my own son will dirty the fairy's house or break the glass. Do I still want my old face?
Although we are poor, we can't afford to lose that person!
Thinking of this, the villagers began to think about their cubs' usual behavior, and even a few of them immediately changed their faces: Made!It's time to let the cubs in the family know what a deep father's love is!
After finishing Shangshui Village, Wang Yin took Cao Wenxi to Xiashui Village.

Being so close, Wang Yin didn't intend to let those yamen servants make an extra trip.

After all, the entire Lantian County is so big, and there are only so many yamen servants, so it is still necessary to allocate resources reasonably.

The situation in Xiashui Village is similar to that in Shangshui Village. After learning that his son can go to the fairy school, he is also full of disbelief.Fortunately, Wang Yin has the experience of Shangshui Village, so he can deal with it much faster this time.

Seeing the villagers leaving excitedly one by one, the children of these two villages may have a deeper understanding of fatherly and motherly love tonight. . .

around 05:30 pm

After a day of practice, and their own basic skills, several new cooks have gradually adapted to this new way of cooking.

Although the taste of the dishes they make is not as good as that of green bamboo, but in general, it can be regarded as a master.

"Sister Cuizhu, are we closing the door so early?" Mei Xiang asked curiously when she saw Shopkeeper Lu starting to close the door at the door of the Paowa Building.

"That's right, it's the young master's rule." For this new little girl, Cuizhu still loves it very much: "The door is closed at this time every day. After closing, everyone can go out to play or stay at home, as long as it doesn't affect you. Just go to work the next day.”

"Go to work?" Mei Xiang wondered, "Sister Cuizhu, what is work?"

"It's just work." Cuizhu nodded her forehead: "That's what the young master said."

"Oh..." Mei Xiang suddenly said, "But wouldn't our restaurant have to do a lot less business?"

"It's still the same sentence, the young master stipulated." Cuizhu spread her hands helplessly: "Anyway, we will do whatever the young master asks. You will gradually understand in the future."

"Oh..." Mei Xiang responded and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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