Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 290 Let You Be Comfortable For A Few Days First

Chapter 290 Let You Be Comfortable For A Few Days First

"Hey, why is that little girl Mei Xiang missing?" Cui Zhu stretched her waist after cleaning, and then thought suspiciously: "Could she be entangled by those guys?"

When talking about the men in the family, Cuizhu felt depressed for a while: everyone was so thick-skinned as if he had never seen a woman before. . .

It's fine to pester myself and wait for others, anyway, I have practiced it for so long.But Mei Xiang is a submissive little girl, she doesn't dare to speak loudly, if she is entangled by these men, wouldn't she be frightened?
Thinking of this, the green bamboo couldn't stand anymore, and immediately ran outside to start looking for it.

"Huh?" When she passed by the front yard, she found that Wang Shiyi was standing next to Mei Xiang, looking courteous, while Mei Xiang lowered her head shyly and played with the hem of her clothes.

"Oh? Is this Wang Shiyi okay?" Cui Zhu quickly hid behind a pillar, the fire of gossip burning in her eyes: "Are you quick enough to strike? And it doesn't seem to be annoying to see Mei Xiang like this, is it? Is this right?"

"Sister Cuizhu, you..." When Chunxiang passed by, she saw Cuizhu hiding behind a pillar and walked over curiously.

"Hush..." Cuizhu made a silence gesture at her, and then called her to come over and watch together.

"Huh?" Seeing the two people in the corner of the yard, Chunxiang's eyes were instantly lit with gossip, and she lay there watching with relish.

"Sister Cuizhu..."


"Sister Cuizhu..."


"Sister Cuizhu..."


. . . . . .

In this way, the peeping team grew stronger and stronger, until it was not only a few little girls, but even Wang San and the others came here for them.

It's a pity that they were chased away by Cui Zhu and his gang of little girls. . .

It may be that they accidentally made too much noise, which directly disturbed the couple in the yard.

Seeing that she was surrounded by so many people just now, Mei Xiang immediately ran out with a 'ah', leaving only Wang Shiyi standing there at a loss, looking at the group of people eating melons with a bitter expression. . .

"What are you waiting for if you don't chase after him?" Cui Zhu booed upon seeing this.

"That's right, hurry up and chase it out!" A group of little girls shouted after watching the excitement.

"That's right, if it's a man, just chase it out, don't be cowardly!" Wang San and the other elders also shouted.

Although they were blasted away by Cuizhu and others just now, these guys just ran behind the nearby pillar. . .

Then Wang Shiyi looked at the group of people eating melons, then at the door, and finally gritted his teeth and chased them out.

"That's right, the elders have to take the initiative, just like me." Wang Sanyi said sternly, and then ran to Cuizhu, licking his face: "That's right, Cuizhu. Hehe."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Cui Zhu gave him a blank look, and then returned to the room with a few little girls.

"Is there any Fighting Landlords?"

"Three missing one, three missing one..."

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, a group of elders shouted.

After all, this work is done, and idleness is idleness, so it's better to play a few games to enjoy yourself.

This is also their daily pastime after work every day.

"What is it so lively?" At this moment, Wang Yin came in from the door: "Just now I saw Mei Xiang ran out, and Wang Shiyi was chasing after her. What's the matter?"

"I've seen the young master!" A group of servants quickly bowed respectfully when they saw Wang Yin came back.

"Master, it's like this." Immediately Wang San vividly described what happened just now.

"Oh? This Wang Shiyi can do it!" Wang Yin was immediately happy when he heard the words, and then patted Wang San on the shoulder: "Look at him and then at you? When can we take down the green bamboo?"

"I've been working hard on this..." Wang San said helplessly.

"Okay, let's work hard!" Wang Yin patted Wang San on the shoulder, and then he got into the villa.

Ten minutes later, Mei Xiang and Wang Shiyi came back.

"Hehe, you're back so soon? Why don't you play outside for a while?" Wang Si and the others booed when they saw the two walking in.

Being teased by such a large group of elders, Mei Xiang immediately blushed and ran away covering her face, while Wang Shiyi smiled silly.

"Wang Shiyi, are you too shy to go out to play with others?" Wang Sanjian walked over with a smile and put his arms around Wang Shixi's shoulder: "Big brother will lend you some when I go back later."

"No, no need..." Wang Shisan said with embarrassment, and then went back to the room.

"Hey, you're so thin-skinned. I didn't notice it when I hooked up with Mei Xiang just now." Wang San muttered as he sat back in his seat.

"Cut~ Do you think everyone is as thick-skinned as you, Wang San?" Wang Si said contemptuously.

"Pull it down, you guys are no better than me..." Wang San then opened the paddle that he had just kept in his sleeve again: "It's alright, alright, let's continue playing cards."

"Fight the gun!" Wang Wu came up and made a big move.

"Pass." Wang San looked at the cards in his hand, but didn't try to fight.
"Three to old king." Wang Wu's cards were running out.

"Explosion!" Wang San chuckled, "I'm waiting for you right here!"

"Wang Zha!" Wang Wu took a picture of the top ult with a mysterious smile.

. . . . . .

"Give me money!" Wang Wu and Wang Si smiled at Wang San.

"Ma De! Your cards can't be so good!" Wang San looked at the good cards in his hand, and immediately quit: "I must have secretly changed your cards while I was talking to Wang Shiyi just now! "

"Hey, you just make excuses if you lose?" Wang Si said contemptuously, "Could it be that you, Wang San, still can't afford to lose?"

"That's right," Wang Wu pointed at Wang San's nose, "Your skin is getting thicker and thicker!"


The three of them looked down upon hearing the sound, and saw a 4 of Hearts lying quietly at Wang Wu's feet.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. . . . . .

Zheng Family Courtyard
"Boom, boom, boom!" Hearing the knock on the door, Zheng Ze put the book in his hand on the table.

"Master, there's news from Nail." The housekeeper cupped his hands and said.

"Say." Zheng Ze stretched out his right index finger and tapped the table slowly.

"According to Nail's report, all the food in Wang Yin Restaurant is cooked in a way called 'stir-frying'." Guan Jiahui reported: "According to Wang Yin, it is put in a kind of oil... Wang Yin's house has two locked rooms... There is a smell of beans... There is a smell of wine, it should be that Paowa Niang."

Immediately, the housekeeper told the news in detail.

"Understood, let them continue to observe. Don't expose yourself!" After listening to the butler's narration, Zheng Ze waved him away.

"I was still worried about how to get the nails to spread the news..." Zheng Ze sat alone in the room and continued to click on the desktop: "I didn't expect that Wang Yin gave these servants so much free time... Wang Yin, Wang Yin, you have saved this old man a lot of worry... I can't say that I have to thank you very much..."

Immediately, Zheng Ze's hand that clicked on the desktop suddenly stopped: "Let's make you comfortable for a few more days first!"

(End of this chapter)

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