Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 288 The Worries of the Villagers

Chapter 288 The Worries of the Villagers
The next day, Lantian County Government

"Young Lord, why don't you tell me in advance when you come, so that I can make people prepare in advance." Cao Wenxi said awkwardly after meeting Wang Yin.

"Okay, don't mess with those fake things, is it possible that you are still planning to develop towards corrupt officials?" Wang Yin gave Cao Wenxi a look: "I have something to do with you today."

"Your Majesty's words are serious, how dare you be an inferior official!" When Cao Wenxi heard that Wang Yin mentioned corrupt officials again, he almost scolded his mother in his heart.

"In a while, you will send your gang of yamen servants to each village in Lantian County to inform that my school has started enrolling students." Wang Yin pointed the table with his right index finger: "The recruits are for children aged five to 15. Of course, those who are over age are welcome if they want to come.”

"Young Lord, I don't know how much it will cost?" Cao Wenxi asked cautiously after hearing the words.

He ran over to see Wang Yingai's school, and the extravagance almost blinded his eyes. . .

Look at those putty, those tiles, those colored glazes, is this a place for people to live?

It's almost enough to provide. . .

Originally, Cao Wenxi thought that this school was for the children of princes, nobles and lords. After all, only these people are worthy of such a good school!

But now Wang Yin told him that it was for ordinary people. . .

Well, you are a fairy, and you are the master of the house you build.

But even in the face of ordinary people, are you sure they can enter such a school?

If you really learn something in such a school, then the cost is probably beyond the reach of the poor people in Lantian County!
"Of course it's free!" Wang Yin slapped the table with his big hand: "The audience is two yuan, all two... I'm sorry to cross the stage, in short, no money!"

"No money?" Hearing what Wang Yin said, Cao Wenxi thought he heard it wrong.

This school that looks like a fairy house is free of charge?

Apart from anything else, if the snow-white walls were stained by those naughty children, would you be heartbroken?

And that top-quality colored glaze, if a child from any family breaks a piece, wouldn't it be fatal?
Anyway, if it were Cao Wenxi, he would definitely cry to death. . .

"Then I'll do it immediately." Cao Wenxi cupped his hands at Wang Yin.

Forget it, anyway, it's not ours, and the gods don't feel sorry for the kind of heart that I follow. . .

Sheung Shui Village

The villagers saw a group of yamen servants galloping towards the village on horseback. Looking around, almost all the yamen servants in the county government were dispatched.

The villagers were suddenly curious: there hasn't been any case in the village recently?What is Cao County Magistrate doing with so many yamen servants?Also, when did the county government have so many horses?
After all, the horses in Datang are not cheap now, even the Lantian County Government cannot gather so many horses.

But who made Wang Yin rich~
Directly paid for them to rent horses.

Seeing a group of yamen servants running quickly along the newly built concrete road, a group of villagers wondered: Is this a case in another village?I'm afraid it's a big case to dispatch so many yamen servants, right?Could it be that many people died?Haven't heard of it?
Fortunately, Wang Yin's arrival helped them solve their confusion.

"Wang Erniu has met the county magistrate, and the county magistrate Cao." Wang Erniu saluted.

"I've seen the immortal, and I've seen the county magistrate Cao." A group of villagers also hurriedly saluted.

"Er Niu, go get the villagers here in a hurry, I have something to tell you." Wang Yin waved at Wang Er Niu.

"Here." Wang Erniu took the order and went down.

Now the surrounding villagers became even more curious. Looking back, every time Wang Yin summoned everyone, he seemed to talk about big things: planting potatoes, raising pigs, and giving money. . .

No matter what, the village names have benefited a lot.

Immortal is going to call everyone again this time, is there any other big event to announce?
Also, it's fine if the immortal has something to do, why did your County Magistrate Cao come with you?
Shouldn't you follow the big case in another village now?
Just when these villagers were full of doubts, Wang Erniu arrived with the rest of the villagers.

"I've seen an immortal!" The villagers who had just arrived quickly saluted Wang Yin respectfully.

"Have you seen my new school?" Seeing that everyone is here, Wang Yin said, "Everyone with children from five to 15 years old can come here to study. Of course, children over 15 years old can come here to study. Even those who are old can come."

The age group stipulated by Wang Yin is also based on the specific situation of the Tang Dynasty: people in the Tang Dynasty generally get married early, basically most people get married when they are fourteen or five years old, and some are even earlier than thirteen or fourteen years old. I just got married, and if I was over 15 years old, my baby would probably be able to run around.

If this kind of parents are allowed to study, they will probably feel uncomfortable.

Besides, if everyone comes to study, who will take care of the children at home?

Since it is too early to get married, there is nothing wrong with going to school at the age of five.

"This..." Hearing Wang Yin's words, a group of villagers not only were not happy, but became worried there.

They are of course happy to let their children go to such a high-level thing as reading.

After all, these days people pay attention to scholars, farmers, businessmen, and scholars. It seems that they are superior to others when they say that they are scholars, and reading is also the main way to get ahead these days.

Since everyone knows that reading is good, why are there so few scholars in Datang?

One word: Expensive!

Which of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone does not cost money?
Especially this paper, it is not so expensive in Datang, ordinary people can't afford it at all.

Although there have been new types of paper sold in Chang'an City before, this has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Most of the papers were snatched up by the aristocratic family, and the rest fell into the hands of people with a little spare money. The ordinary boss's surname could not be touched at all.

Besides, even if the paper problem is solved, this book is another big difficulty.

These days, if you have money, you don’t have a place to buy books. If you have a relationship, you can borrow someone to copy it, and if you don’t care, you don’t have to copy it.

Even if you are lucky enough to copy a few books, if you don't have a teacher to explain it, you can only do it behind closed doors. If you don't understand the meaning of the book or misunderstand it, you may end up reading it in a weird way.

Therefore, things like studying are generally reserved for rich people by default, and ordinary people don't even think about it: if you have the time, it is better to study how to dig the ground to produce more food. . .

So when they first saw Wang Yingai's school, although they were curious, they didn't pay too much attention to it: this thing has nothing to do with us at first sight, just look at the freshness and it's over.

As a result, Wang Yin told them that this school is for their sons.

Isn't this a joke? !
(End of this chapter)

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