Chapter 483
The tiger is black with white stripes on its body. It is more than two meters tall. The fangs on its upper jaw grow out of its mouth, shining with a cold light.Seeing that Fang Han blocked its path, a fierce light flashed in its eyes and it rushed towards Fang Han.

Fang Han immediately closed his breath as the strong wind blew his nostrils. He flicked the Zijin sword at the tiger, and the mana was poured into the Zijin sword.The sword light soared, and it slashed at the tiger's body.

The tiger's eyes were full of disbelief, and then his waist force dodged in the sky and fell to the side.

"Huh?" Fang Han withdrew his sword light, played with a sword flower, and looked at the tiger curiously.He didn't expect this tiger to be able to dodge his attack. He didn't know if this tiger was special, or if all the beasts in the world of heaven and man were so good at fighting.

Almost at a disadvantage, the tiger became more cautious.It lowered its head and looked at Fang Han warily, with a fierce look in its eyes, and it let out low roars.

"You want to scare me?" Fang Leng laughed, and the killing intent on his body surged, and he rushed towards the tiger!

The tiger became frightened instantly, gave a strange cry, turned around and ran away, like a prodigal dog.

Fang Han did not pursue, but turned back to the little carpenter.

The little carpenter had already packed up Biluoyang, and looked at him worriedly, "I just heard the roar of a tiger."

"A tiger came over there, but I scared it away!" Fang Han saw that there was no danger from the little carpenter, so he put away the Zijin sword.

"Scared away?" The little carpenter looked at Fang Han in disbelief.

"Yes!" Fang Han didn't explain. Although the tiger could escape his attack, it was not his opponent at all.If he wanted to kill the tiger, there were countless ways, even if he didn't use the Purple Gold Sword.

Beasts are beasts, and their attack methods are still too few.Relying solely on physical attacks, compared with cultivators who use magic, they are completely at a disadvantage.

"I'm curious, the beasts in the Celestial Realm are so powerful, why don't they become goblins?" Fang Han asked puzzled.

The little carpenter explained with a smile: "The world of heaven and man is different from other places. It is said that the world of heaven and man used to be a part of the world of gods, and later it fell off from the world of gods due to some things. Then some very powerful gods gave to the world of gods. The human world has decreed that all beasts in the heavenly and human world will never be allowed to become spirits!"

"Nani?" Fang Han was stunned. Is there such a thing?Although there is a joke in the human world that people are not allowed to become spirits after the founding of the People's Republic of China, I didn't expect that such a rule would actually exist in the heavenly world.

"En?" The little carpenter didn't understand what Nani meant, but seeing Fang Han's appearance, he knew that he didn't understand.

"This is a legend that has been circulating in the world of celestial beings. I don't know exactly what happened. Anyway, everyone who fights in the celestial and human world knows it, so goblins cannot appear in the celestial and human world. We and the demon world are also inseparable. contacts."

Fang Han fell silent. The world of heaven and humans - from the two words "celestial beings", it can be seen that this world is composed of heaven and humans.The sky generally represents gods, so this is a world that gods and humans share together, and it is normal to exclude goblins.

"So, are there any gods in the world of heaven and man?" Fang Han asked.

"How could it be possible?" The little carpenter said with a smile, "Will that fairy be greedy for this place? He has already ascended to the God Realm. The God Realm is so wonderful, you don't have to worry about anything, you don't have to worry about anything, and you can be at ease all day long."

"You're really talking about the God Realm?" Fang Han looked at him suspiciously, why is it different from the God Realm he saw?That God Realm is completely a place where people eat and wait to die. They repeat the same job every day, so boring that people want to commit suicide. Otherwise, why would Xiao Zhenjun want to raise a thunder beast that they dare not offend?

"Of course!" The little carpenter nodded, "That's what is said in the legends, so can it be fake?"

Fang Han shook his head gently, he felt that there must be an unpredictable connection in this myriad worlds.He had a hunch that the ultimate purpose of APP should be related to these connections.

But he is still very weak now, if he wants to unlock this secret, at least he needs to wait until he ascends!At that time, even if it arouses the wrath of gods and demons, it will still have the power to protect itself!
My thoughts were running wild, and paranoia of persecution broke out unknowingly.

Seeing Fang Han's absent-minded look, the little carpenter reminded: "Brother Fang, we are going into the forest. There will be more beasts soon."

"I know!" Fang Han nodded and followed the little carpenter into the forest.

Soon the little carpenter found another precious piece of wood and once again started cutting down the tree with a thousand-foot saw.


This time, it attracted the attention of two wild beasts, one from the left and the other from the right, rushing towards this side, at about the same speed and distance.

Fang Han saw that the little carpenter was busy, so he didn't say anything.He directly took out the Zijin sword, stood on his body, and looked to both sides lightly.

From the left came a brown wolf, from the right a black bear.One swift and one heavy, the brown wolf quickly dodged several big trees and approached quietly, but did not attract the little carpenter's attention.

But the black bear made a "boom" when it walked, and the little carpenter was startled when it was far away!
The little carpenter shook his hands and was about to remove the formula.

"You continue!" Fang Han said from behind, he threw the Zijin sword up and waved the sword formula. The Zijin sword immediately turned into dozens, divided into two sides, and shot at the brown wolf and the black bear!
Seeing Fang Han's attack, the little carpenter realized that there was a brown wolf on the left.His face turned livid, he never expected to encounter so many dangers.

When the brown wolf saw the flying sword flying over, he quickly avoided it.However, he was still a step too late, and was cut on the hind leg by a sword, almost cutting off the entire hind leg.

"Aw—" the brown wolf howled miserably, turned around and ran away.The three legs pounded desperately, and it fell down after running a few steps, but it got up and continued to run regardless of the pain, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them after a while.

The speed of the black bear is slow, and it cannot outrun the flying sword.But this guy had a thick skin, so he hid his head directly, hugged his head with his two front paws, and lay down on the ground to resist the attack.

"Puff puff--"

More than a dozen flying swords were stabbed down, but the black bear was fine, and stood up after shaking his body.As soon as it lifted its two front paws, it rushed over quickly and ran into Fang Han.

"Be careful!" The little carpenter hid away quickly. He didn't know how to fight.The reason he was able to reach the elixir-forming stage was because he had been dealing with spiritual wood all year round.

As soon as Fang Han's hand changed, Zijin Sword flew back.Holding the Zijin sword in his hand, Fang Han rushed towards the black bear, the sword stabbing.

The body of the black bear is nearly three meters high, and the hair on its body is tens of centimeters thick.It speeded up, afraid that Fang Han would avoid it.

Fang Leng laughed, pouring mana into the Purple Gold Sword.

The sword light on the purple gold sword surged, quickly forming a giant sword and penetrating the black bear's body.

(End of this chapter)

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