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Chapter 482 The 3rd view is about to be destroyed

Chapter 482 Three views are about to be destroyed
"There are so many trees here!" He looked around the deserted city that was about to form a forest, his eyes gleaming.

"Silver-leaf pine, iron bark tree, biluo poplar, saponaria pagoda tree..." One after another, the names of trees that Fang Han had never heard of were uttered from the mouth of the little carpenter.

Fang Han also followed the identification curiously, gaining a lot of knowledge.

Silverleaf pine is a kind of pine tree, but the pine needles are like silver needles, which look lethal.When his feet were about to step on pine needles, they were pulled away by the little carpenter, and these pine needles could easily pierce his shoes.

The iron bark tree is a huge shrub with very thick branches. When the bark is tapped, there is the sound of iron being struck, and the texture is no different from that of steel.

Fang Han is most familiar with the biluo poplar. It is a kind of emerald green poplar, but there are many conch-like scars on the bark.As soon as Fang Han approached, a large amount of cold air was released from the conch scar, trying to drive him away.

The Sophora japonica is a white Sophora japonica tree with bark that looks like armor plates.Press lightly with your hand, and the nail plate will be gently cushioned and stroked downward.After he discovered this manifestation, he deliberately hit it hard. As a result, all the force was downward, and only [-]% of the force would act on the tree itself.

Living in this dangerous world, they have also learned to protect themselves.

In addition to all kinds of weird trees, there are also a lot of interesting grass.Next to these trees there is a kind of Endless Grass, pull it out of the ground, it will break off at the root, and then grow back quickly.As long as you don't dig out the flesh at its roots, it will keep growing.

This kind of endless grass has no value, it can't be used as medicine, and it can't weave grass ropes. Few ascetics get these.

But Fang Han knows that this kind of grass is very suitable for growing lawns, and it is very useful for ordinary people.It's a pity that he is already a monk now, otherwise he will definitely get some back, and then he can make a lot of money by planting turf.

There is also a kind of spiritual liquid grass, which secretes a large amount of spiritual liquid every day to fertilize the land.If these grasses are planted in farmland, the crops will definitely grow well and there will be no need to fertilize in the future.

But this kind of grass emits a smell, and mosquitoes and bees will not approach it, which will cause the crops to fail to pollinate and thus fail to bear fruit.

There are many such tasteless species, which really opened Fang Han's eyes.

The little carpenter looked at it for a long time, and then came to a biluoyang tree, patted its thick trunk, "Then let's start with this tree!"

Fang Han walked over quickly, "Do you need help?"

"No need!" The little carpenter shook his head, "You just need to help me see if there are any wild animals coming around."

Fang Han nodded, looked around, and found nothing unusual.When I looked at the little carpenter again, I found that he took out a weird saw from the treasure bag.

This saw is different from ordinary saws, whether it is a hand saw or a pull saw, it has a handle.But this saw has only one saw blade, and the saw blade is very thin, about the width of a sword. If it wasn't for the saw teeth on one side, Fang Han wouldn't think it was a saw.

"Is this a thousand-foot saw?" Fang Han asked in confusion.

"That's right!" the little carpenter said proudly, "Although it looks inconspicuous, it is indeed a treasure specially used for logging. No matter if it is hard golden locust tree or iron bark tree, it can't be difficult."

"Oh?" Fang Han looked at the thousand-foot saw curiously, not knowing that such a saw blade would be of great use.

The little carpenter saw that he was curious, so he said a few more words, "Golden pagoda tree is the most difficult tree to cut down in the world of heaven and man. If you don't have good logging tools, even a cultivator at the ascension stage will have to cut down at least one tree with a flying sword." month's time."

"It's so difficult to cut down, but practitioners in the ascension stage still enjoy looking for golden locust wood everywhere, because golden locust wood is not only a good material for refining weapons, but also can calm the mind and calm the mind, help practitioners quickly enter concentration, and make cultivation more effective , even in the God Realm, golden pagoda tree is a sought-after item."

Fang Han was amazed, it was really amazing to be able to find wood that is a sought-after commodity in the God Realm.And the saw that can cut this kind of wood should be extraordinary.

The little carpenter showed off a bit, and with a pinch of the magic formula, the thousand-foot saw immediately floated up, and leaned against the tree roots near Biluoyang.Then those sawtooths stirred quickly and stuck to the top of Biluo Yang, and sawdust flew in the air after a while, reaching a depth of one foot.

Fang Han opened his mouth, he thought it was a thousand-foot saw!It turned out to be a "chainsaw" after a long time of trouble!
This caused Fang Han's three views to collapse a bit. He thought that the Celestial Realm had mastered many rules that the Human Realm didn't have!The result is much worse than that in the human world. In any case, in the technology of the human world, toothless saws, laser cutting, and water saws have been invented that are better than chainsaws. Although they are not used for logging, they are indeed quite advanced. .

But the Celestial Realm is still stuck on the "chainsaw", and is still fighting for it.

But thinking about it, it seems normal.Because it is enough, we will not invent a new saw. This kind of saw is enough for one person to use. In this world's largest timber factory, all the carpentry work is done by hand. One thing can be used for hundreds of thousands of years. Need to be replaced.

It's as if they are still wearing ancient clothes because these clothes are enough for them!
The little carpenter didn't know Fang Han's thoughts that were spinning in his mind, so he pushed Biluoyang away with his hand.


Biluoyang hit the ground and made a loud noise.He showed off to Fang Han and said: "How is it? The thousand-foot saw is not bad, right?"

Fang Han wanted to tell him what he was thinking, but when he saw his look, he swallowed his words.There is only such a proud thing in the life of the little carpenter. If he is hit hard, he may suffer from depression.

So he squeezed out a smile and said to him: "It's very good, I want to get one!"

Hearing what he said, the little carpenter felt a little embarrassed, "This saw was left by our ancestors, and I haven't understood the principle behind it, so I can't make another one for you!"

"It's okay!" Fang Han felt a little guilty, and waved his hands quickly.

Seeing that Fang Han didn't care, the little carpenter breathed a sigh of relief.He quickly cut the biluoyang with a thousand-foot saw, turned it into pieces of standard wood, and put them all into the treasure bag.

At this time, Fang Han realized that the speed of the thousand-foot saw was very fast, many times faster than the chainsaw, and he was relieved in his heart.If a magic weapon is not as fast as a chainsaw to cut wood, his three views will be ruined.

"I'll take a look around!" Fang Han saw that there was nothing going on here, so he wanted to take a look around. The loud sound just now had attracted the attention of many beasts.

He walked more than 100 meters in the direction where he just felt the killing intent, and saw a big tiger approaching.

This tiger is a beast with the strength of a baby. Fang Han didn't dare to push it too far, so he took out the Zijin Sword and looked at it warily.

(End of this chapter)

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