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Chapter 484 Beast Chasing

Chapter 484 Beast Chasing
"Pfft!" The black bear hit the giant sword, its whole body was cut in half, and it ran forward for more than ten meters before falling to the ground.Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the place.

Fang Han waved his hand and formed a mana barrier in front of him, blocking the spray of blood.

The little carpenter looked at Fang Han in astonishment, his mouth opened wide, "Fang-Brother Fang, are you really in the alchemy stage?"

"Of course!" Fang Han removed the mana barrier, withdrew the mana on the purple gold sword, and looked at the little carpenter with a smile, "Don't worry, this is just a routine operation."

"But, that's a baby beast!" The little carpenter still couldn't accept Fang Han's extraordinary strength.

"You also said that they are just beasts." Fang Han said indifferently, "If it was a goblin, I might still have some difficulties in dealing with it, but the beasts are no problem at all!"

Seeing how relaxed he said it, the little carpenter showed joy on his face, "Then maybe we can go inside again."

"Of course!" Fang Han said: "I will help you watch these beasts, if I can't deal with them, I will remind you!"

"Okay!" Hearing this, the little carpenter was full of energy, and immediately finished cutting the felled trees, then packed up his things, and continued to go deeper into the city wall.

Along the way, he saw a lot of precious wood, all of which were chopped down by him.After Fang Han killed a few of the baby beasts in the forest, the others didn't dare to come.These wild beasts are very familiar with each other, whichever one dies, other wild beasts will know.

They knew that there was a master in the forest, so they didn't dare to come in this direction again.

In the afternoon, the two came outside the city wall.Standing on a collapsed stone, Fang Han said to the little carpenter, "Let's stop here for now! I feel that there are very powerful beasts inside, which may be dangerous."

"Okay!" The little carpenter nodded, he was already very satisfied to be here.Originally, according to his thinking, he might just wander around the edge of the forest!Unexpectedly, he was able to walk to the edge of the city wall.

There are many kinds of trees on the edge of the city wall, and the little carpenter is constantly busy.Fang Han was also observing the dilapidated city wall.When I was in the distance just now, I thought this city wall was similar to the one in the human world!
But I didn't expect this city wall to be very huge, at least 50 meters high and more than 30 meters wide, all made of stones.Moreover, there are runes on the stone. After inputting mana, those runes can still be used.

More than 1 years have passed, and it has been buried, which shows how powerful the Liangtian City was at that time.


A loud roar suddenly came from the city, Fang Han quickly stood up and looked into the city.

The house in the city has already been in charge of the tree, and soon a few embarrassed people ran out of it. They turned out to be the disciples of Tianmu Mountain that they met in the inn. The leader was Qu Zong, who had a problem with the little carpenter. .

Fang Han frowned. Judging by their appearance, they must have become beasts that shouldn't be provoked!
The little carpenter walked over quickly and found Qu Zong and the others, "They seem to be being chased by some wild beast?"

Before the words fell, a huge white ape sprang out from the forest, roaring and rushing towards this person.Behind the white ape, some tigers and leopards sprang out, quickly outflanking several people.

Seeing this scene, Fang Han immediately grabbed the little carpenter, "Hurry up, they are coming this way!"

When the little carpenter heard this, he immediately panicked and wanted to jump off the city wall.

Qu Zong also saw the two of them at this time, and immediately said happily to his senior brothers: "We are saved!"

The eyes of several Tianmu Mountain disciples also brightened. They could use Fang Han and the little carpenter to divert the sight of the beast.

So they rushed towards the city wall at the same time.Several people rose into the air, stepped on flying swords, and went straight to Fang Han and the other two.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Yuan almost caught a disciple of Tianmu Mountain, but he still missed.It slapped the ground violently, and the earth shook violently.

The dilapidated city wall collapsed again, and the little carpenter fell to the ground when his feet were empty.

Fang Han couldn't leave him behind, so he had to turn around and come back.

Several Tianmu Mountain disciples flew over the sky, and when they saw the little carpenter, they immediately burst out laughing: "God is really helping us, little carpenter, thank you so much!"

"Haha, you are really unlucky enough to meet a white ape."

"Little carpenter, you are going to die soon, you better give me your thousand-foot saw! Otherwise, there will be no one to burn paper money for you in the future." Qu Zong also gloated.

The little carpenter looked at the people in the sky and smashed the broken stone with his fist. The sad and indignant Fang Han said, "I'm the one who got you involved!"

Fang Han chuckled and said, "Did you forget? I'm a mercenary from Myriad Realms. I took your money, so naturally I want to protect your safety."

"But—" the little carpenter wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fang Han, "Okay, we haven't reached the time to die yet!"

With that said, Fang Han stood up and turned the Purple Gold Sword into a giant sword again.The giant sword pointed at the white ape, and shouted with killing intent in his eyes: "Stop!"

The white ape is more than 30 meters tall, and he couldn't help being taken aback when he saw a small man holding a sword that was bigger than him.He paused, took a few more steps forward, and then stopped slowly.

Looking at the giant sword in front of him curiously, it felt a little dangerous, and an angry look immediately appeared on his face, and he roared anxiously at the giant sword.


The other tigers and leopards also slowed down when they heard the call of the white ape.A few tigers approached slowly from the side, and a few leopards directly crossed the dilapidated city wall and surrounded the two from behind.

"Eh?" Seeing that Fang Han had forced the white ape to stop, Qu Zong couldn't help calling a few brothers, "Brothers, wait!"

"What's the matter? Brother Qu?" A Tianmu Mountain disciple asked.

"Look, the bodyguard hired by the little carpenter seems to be holding an amazing sword!" Qu Zong pointed to the giant sword and said.

Several Tianmu Mountain disciples turned around immediately and slowly moved closer together.One of the brothers said: "This sword is very powerful, much stronger than the one we use. Even the Xuanbing sword used by the master may not be as good as this sword."

When Qu Zong heard this, a smile appeared on his face, "If we dedicate this sword to the master, the master should be very happy, right?"

Upon hearing this, the senior brothers looked at each other and smiled.

A junior had some doubts, "Senior Brother Qu, now they are surrounded by white apes, we can't get this sword!"

Another junior scolded with a smile: "You are stupid! After the white ape kills them, why don't we go down and pick them up?"

"Haha——" The others immediately laughed, and sat on the flying swords one after another, waiting to watch the show.

"I have to say that the helper the little carpenter has found is very courageous! He dares to confront the white ape who is in the tribulation period. I don't know who gave him such courage!"

(End of this chapter)

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