Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 384 Ghost's Corpse

Chapter 384 Ghost's Corpse

Seeing his emotions, Fang Han couldn't help laughing, "It seems I'm right, you are really different from other Shuras!"

When Shura heard this, he took a deep breath, "How did you find out?"

"When you were avoiding me yesterday!" Fang Han became more curious when he saw that he was able to make such a humane action, "Why did you pretend?"

Shura pointed in the direction of King Shura, "Of course it's to guard against our king!"

"Why?" Fang Han was puzzled.

"We don't have much time!" Shura looked at him, "Let's talk about you first!"

Seeing that he was unwilling to say anything, Fang Han didn't force him, "I came to you to ask if King Shura killed a man 1000 years ago and left his ghost in the ancestral pond?"

"How did you know about this?" Shura's tone was full of tension.

Fang Han frowned slightly, couldn't he also say this?But he won't give up, "I met that ghost in Zuchi, and he asked me to help him bury his body!"

Shura kept shaking his head, "You'd better not get involved in this matter, he almost killed King Shura back then, King Shura hated him to the bone, if you really did that, King Shura would definitely hate you to death of."

"Oh?" Fang Han also felt troubled when he heard this.However, "He told me that there is something in him that can help me steal the killing stone back. If I hadn't stolen the killing stone back, King Shura would have killed me too!"

When Shura heard what he said, he couldn't help but sighed, "His body is in a worm valley hundreds of miles south of the city. The worms in the worm valley are one of the few living creatures in the world of Asura, very It’s so difficult to deal with, you must be careful after you go there.”

"Insect Valley?" Fang Han was surprised, "Didn't Asura vow to eradicate all the aliens? Why didn't he kill those insects?"

Shura said mockingly: "Asura cut the worm into two sections, and it turned into two worms that came back to life, and chopped it into pieces, and then it became thousands of worms. With an ax alone, Asura can't destroy these worms."

Could those bugs be earthworms?Fang Han guessed.

But thinking that the Worm Valley was hundreds of miles away, Fang Han didn't dare to delay. After saying goodbye to Shura, he jumped up the city wall all the way, and then ran south quickly.

Because he didn't know the specific distance, Fang Han didn't save any energy as in the morning and ran over as fast as possible.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when he saw a valley.After gradually getting closer, I saw that it was densely packed with bugs as big as a fist, and they were densely covered with a layer of insects on the ground.

Fang Han saw that he was so disgusted that his skin was about to fall off, so he almost turned around and left.

But when he thought that if he didn't complete the task, he would stay in the Asura Realm forever, how could he be reconciled!Looking around, there were still some dead trees. He ran over and broke off a few branches, and then lit them with the dragon's breath technique, and used them as torches.

He has almost exhausted his mana now, and it will take some time to recover, so he can only use this stupid method.

Holding the torch, he opened up a path among the worms bit by bit.Fang Han walked in slowly, looking around while walking, trying to find the ghost's body.

But there were bugs all around, and there was no trace of the ghost's corpse.

A torch was going to be extinguished soon, Fang Han hurriedly replaced it, but it still didn't last long, when night fell, all the torches on Fang Han's body were gone, but he didn't find the body at all where!
The bugs sensed that the torch was weakening, and began to gradually move closer.

Fang Han was a little impatient, and hurriedly waved the torch, "Get out of here!"

But the waving was too hasty, and the torch went out all of a sudden!
Fang Han's face couldn't help changing, and he stared at the bugs around him rushing up.

"I'll go!" He quickly used his mana to wrap himself up, and then he felt his eyes go dark, and his whole body was overwhelmed by insects.

"So fast?" Fang Han's face looked ugly. No one wants to be overwhelmed by a swarm of insects, right?
He shook his body vigorously, trying to shake off the bugs.But for some reason, the bugs just won't fall down, as if they can grab the mana shield.They don't have claws either!

Wait, Fang Han suddenly remembered, aren't their feet secretly suckers?So there's goo stuck to the mana shield.

Thinking of that sticky mucus, Fang Han felt even more nauseous. He didn't care that his magic power had not yet recovered, and the dragon's breath technique circulated throughout his body, directly forming a whirlpool of flames around him!

The bugs that crawled onto Fang Han's body were immediately burned to ashes. Fang Han looked at the scattered dust and was about to walk out. At this moment, he couldn't care less about finding any corpses. He felt disgusted just looking at these bugs!
But as soon as he lifted his feet, countless insects rushed up again, burying him inside in an instant.

"Aren't you finished yet?" Fang Han stared, he was angry!

Using all the mana in his body, the Dragon's Breath Technique exploded directly, burning crazily around him.


The fire rose all over the sky, covering most of the insect valley, and burned most of the insects to death in an instant.

After the flames were extinguished, Fang Han squatted on the ground exhausted.The mana on his body was emptied, and he ran for a whole day, but he couldn't hold on any longer.

Panting heavily, Fang Han gently raised his eyelids and looked around vigilantly.If another bug rushed up at this time, he would most likely be killed by the bug!
Bugs with slime are mostly poisonous.Accumulation of these toxins to a certain extent will cause fatal effects.

Fortunately, the surroundings were quiet and there was no sound of crawling insects.

The bugs were eliminated so easily, which made Fang Han a little confused. With King Asura's cultivation, they should be able to kill these bugs easily, right?Why are these bugs still here?

If he couldn't figure it out, he kept the question in his heart for the time being.He stood up hard, trying to walk out of the worm valley along the same path.But just as he took a step, he stopped!
He turned around slowly and looked at a stone. Beside that stone, the dust was obviously thicker than other places.Fang Han didn't pay attention when he saw it just now, and only now did he realize something was wrong.

After walking a few steps quickly, I walked to the side of the stone and used my hands to remove the dust on it. A robe was revealed, which was the same as the robe worn by the ghost.

Fang Han was shocked and quickly picked up the dust around him. Sure enough, he found the ghost's body in the dust.

After more than 1000 years, the corpse of the ghost is still not lifelike, and it is a miracle that it has not been eaten by bugs!
He found a faint golden light on the corpse, so he couldn't wait to peel off his robe, and grabbed a red thread around his neck. A piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle was tied to the red thread, and the golden light came out of the talisman paper .

Diamond Talisman?That's why the bodies weren't eaten by bugs.

(End of this chapter)

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