Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 385 Underestimating Fang Han

Chapter 385 Underestimating Fang Han

Fang Han quickly reached out and took the Vajra Talisman, and hung it around his neck.A warm current rose from his body immediately, and Fang Han found that his strength was recovering rapidly.

In less than a minute, Fang Han found that he had recovered all his strength.He was pleasantly surprised to use his mana, but found that his mana had not recovered.

But recovering his strength is already very good. After all, he is just wearing the Vajra Talisman. With such ability, he is already very strong. What more bicycle is needed!
Diamond Talisman: Keeps the wearer energetic and immune to damage for 30 seconds, with a one-month cooldown.

He bent down and picked up the ghost's body, "Thank you for the Vajra Talisman, I will bury you properly as agreed!"

Fang Han found a place with good geomantic omen outside the valley and buried the body. Because he didn't know the name of the body, he didn't leave a tombstone.

After dealing with everything, he immediately sat on the ground and began to recover his mana. It was completely dark, and there was not much time left for him!
At ten o'clock in the evening, Fang Han woke up from the samadhi, and he had accumulated enough mana to run back.

He raised his feet and was about to run back, but stopped again, pondered for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the Worm Valley!



King Ashura yelled angrily, just now his back was itchy, and the two clones collapsed when he was distracted for a moment.

This situation made him feel depressed!My majestic King Asura could be defeated by a tiny insect!The magic power in his body shook and shattered all the bugs on his body.

He raised his head and looked at Fang Han, "Human mercenary, I want you to die!"

He raised his hand, a stream of mana gathered, and was about to attack Fang Han.


After a light sound, he felt countless things quickly climbed up his body, and then the itching came again, it was more bugs than before.


He quickly opened the mana shield to isolate these bugs.But the condensed mana in his hand also dissipated, and he didn't study the dual-purpose spellcasting.

Just now, under the anger, King Asura obviously forgot the characteristics of these bugs, and helped the bugs increase their number.

The bugs crawled up the mana shield densely, and soon covered his body.

King Asura was very angry, but he was calm in his heart.He stretched out his hand to hold the four clones, and a huge suction force sucked up the magma inside the clones.

Under his control, lava poured from his head to his feet, burning all the bugs to death!
"Now it is your turn!"

King Asura opened his eyes and looked at Fang Han who was still stealing the living stone. As soon as he turned his hand, the magma on the ground flew up and splashed towards Fang Han.

Fang Han took advantage of King Ashura's dealing with the bugs, and already got more than 30 killing stones.This speed is very fast, but there are too many killing stones, more than 30 are only half of it.

He couldn't help thinking, if he wasn't greedy back then, wouldn't it be so troublesome?He's cheating himself, right?
Moreover, he also discovered one thing, King Asura couldn't use flames, he needed to use magma to kill bugs!
This made Fang Han almost laugh, no wonder he didn't kill the bugs!It really cannot be eliminated.Unable to use flames, most of the wood in this world has been used to build attics for the two cities, so the bugs escaped!
A burst of red light hit his face, interrupting his cranky thoughts.

It's magma!
Fang Han quickly jumped off the mold, and quickly ran to the side, trying to shake off the magma.

But the magma followed him like a shadow, chasing him from behind.

"Want to run? I want to see where you can go!" King Asura looked at Fang Han ferociously, and he vowed not to give up until he killed Fang Han.But before killing him, he decided to play Fang Han, otherwise it would not be enough to calm the anger in his heart.

He controlled the magma to cover the entire mold inside, leaving Fang Han with no place to hide.The magma engulfed Mold and Fang Han, and then calmed down.

King Asura frowned, it was just magma, it shouldn't kill Fang Han so quickly!No matter what, Fang Han probably won't die before all his magic power is used up!

The magma suddenly exploded, and Fang Han rushed out, holding a killing stone in his hand, which was taken out of the mold just now.

"Haha?" King Asura laughed angrily. Under such circumstances, you still want to take away the killing stone?You just don't pay attention to me!
Fang Han jumped onto another mold, and quickly picked up the killing stone on it.He needs to get enough killing stones before King Ashura activates his ultimate move.

Although the Vajra Talisman can give him 30 seconds of invincibility, he reserved these 30 seconds for running.Moreover, from Asura City to Asura City, these 30 seconds may not be enough!

He had already seen that King Asura was playing tricks on him, and he didn't mind being played.As long as you can get the Killing Stone, no matter how powerful you are, it doesn't matter!

But he didn't know how much patience King Ashura still had, so he needed to speed up the collection of killing stones.

Without pausing at all, he ran quickly, then jumped to the next mold and picked up the killing stone on it.

"You want the killing stone so much?" King Asura condensed mana on his hands, "Then I'll give it to you!"


The two mana shocks hit the two clones in front of Fang Han one after the other.


The clone exploded, along with the mold, and the killing stone flew up among the broken stones and magma.

Fang Han couldn't stop the car, so he could only jump up.But in the air, he directly used the pupil of insight to look for the killing stone.

The killing stone is already filled with the killing intent of Asura King, and under the observation of the pupil of insight, it is like a candle in the dark.

Fang Han stepped on a piece of gravel, jumped up suddenly, and grabbed the killing stone.


The second clone was also exploded!

Using the power of the flying gravel, Fang Han quickly jumped over and found the killing stone in the same way.

After putting the killing stone into the APP space, Fang Han rolled in the air, landed on the third mold, and picked up the killing stone on it.

The avatar in this mold has just been emptied of magma by King Asura himself!
King Asura looked at Fang Han in astonishment. He did not expect that Fang Han found the two killing stones in the air so quickly, as if there was no pause at all!
How can this be?

The moment Fang Han looked up at him, he noticed that Fang Han's eyes were different.At this time, he realized that he had underestimated Fang Han!

Can't play anymore, this human mercenary has done too many abnormal things, if he delays any longer, he may really escape!

So, he decided to kill this damned human mercenary now!

He raised one foot and stomped it hard against the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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