Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 383 Find My Dead Body

Chapter 383 Find My Dead Body
"No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you look at it for thousands of years, you will get tired of it!" Fang Han said with a smile.

The smile on the ghost's face froze and gradually darkened, "Yeah! I'm tired of being here!"

Fang Han knew that he had hit the ghost's disguise, and immediately looked at it vigilantly.

"But what if I get tired? I will never leave here. I don't have a body. I don't even have strength. I can only stay here!" The ghost said with a sneer. He looked at Fang Han. Don't waste your efforts, you can't get anything from me."

"I didn't want to get anything from you, I just wanted to ask you about King Shura and King Ashura!" Fang Han said with a light smile.

The ghost sized up Fang Han, "Your strength is not bad, those Asuras really can't do anything to you. The reason why you were injured should be shot by one of them, right?"

"That's right!" A trace of hatred flashed in Fang Han's eyes, "I've always had revenge for my revenge."

The ghost shook his head, "With your strength, you are far behind the two of them, and you can't take revenge at all!"

"Don't they have any weaknesses?" Fang Han asked, frowning.

"Of course there are weaknesses, but for you, this weakness is the same as not having it. You can't even get close to them, let alone break their mana shield!" The ghost is not optimistic about Fang Han at all.

When Fang Han heard this, he immediately pretended to be furious, "Could it be that I can't even cause trouble for them? It's too reconciled not to be able to take revenge!"

"Creating trouble?" The ghost pondered for a moment, "This seems to be okay!"

Fang Han's eyes lit up, "Really? What is the solution?"

A smile emerged from the corner of the ghost's eyes, "Why should I tell you?"

Seeing such a situation, Fang Han knew that it had conditions.So he said: "I just want to take revenge on them, as long as you tell me, I can help you with one thing!"

"What can you do for me?" the ghost said in disbelief.

"I'm a mercenary from Ten Thousand Realms, I can do many things!" Fang Han immediately revealed his identity.

"Oh?" The ghost looked at Fang Han in surprise and weirdness, "Are you that mercenary?"

"Have you heard of me?" Fang Han couldn't help asking when he saw that his expression was a little off.

"I've heard a little bit!" The ghost returned to normal, "You do one thing for me, and I will tell you a way to cause trouble for the two of them."

"Really?" Fang Han asked suspiciously, he always felt that this ghost was weird.

"Of course!" the ghost said with a smile, "I always mean what I say."

Fang Han couldn't believe it, if he could believe everything the ghost said, there wouldn't be such a word as nonsense!It's just that he has no other choice but to rely on this ghost, "I don't know what it is?"

"Find my body and bury it!" A trace of nostalgia flashed in the ghost's eyes.

"That's it?" Fang Han was stunned, it's too simple!

"It's very simple, isn't it?" The ghost chuckled, "But you have to be able to find it. I don't know where my body was thrown by King Shura. You have to go back and ask King Shura!"


Ma Dan!You don't know the location of the body so how can I bury it?That bastard King Shura didn't say a word of the truth, maybe he will put forward some conditions again.Just thinking about it gives me some headaches!
The ghost turned a blind eye to the embarrassment on his face, "On my chest, there is a diamond talisman that can prevent you from taking any damage for 30 seconds. With it, you can trouble the two of them!"

30 seconds without damage?Isn't this invincible?Fang Han thought happily, with 30 seconds, he could do a lot of things.

Before he could finish his joy, the ghost pointed to a rocky mountain, "Passing over that mountain is Shura City!"

After finishing speaking, before Fang Han could react, his body gradually disappeared!

"Where did it go?" Fang Han looked around, but he didn't see the ghost at all, as if it had never appeared before.

"Hiss!" This made Fang Han gasp, did this ghost not lose its power?Otherwise, why would it suddenly disappear?
Don't stay here for long!Fang Han suddenly lacked a sense of security in his heart, and hurriedly ran towards Shishan guided by the ghost, and while walking, he touched the acupoints on his body to relieve his pain.

At the foot of the rocky mountain, Fang Han had shielded himself from the pain, ran up quickly, and ran for 10 minutes in one go.

Fang Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief looking at the endless rocky mountains in front and behind.He quickly sat down and lucked out with mana to heal his injuries.

After entering the alchemy stage, Fang Han's body was already extraordinary.After a while, he cured himself completely.

He stood up, jumped, and rushed forward at a fast speed.After running until noon, Fang Han finally saw the end of the rocky mountain. At the end there was a big flag planted there. It was the big flag of King Shura!

Fang Han didn't want to meet King Shura, so he turned to the side and jumped directly from the stone mountain to the wall of Shura City.

There were quite a few Shuras on the city wall, and when they saw someone breaking in, they all looked over vigilantly.After finding out that it was Fang Han, he put down his vigilance and surrounded him one after another, "You're not dead?"

"Are you all looking forward to my death?" Fang Han asked a little unhappy.

"No!" The Asuras quickly waved their hands and said, "Last night, we saw that you were beaten to death by King Asura, and we thought you—"

Hearing the explanation, Fang Han laughed, "It's okay, I'm Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death!"

He didn't bother with these Shuras, he waved his hands and said, "I still have things to do, let's talk later!"

Seeing that he was really busy, the Shuras quickly moved out of the way and let him go down the city wall.

After entering the city, Fang Han quickly walked into the attic.Now he needs to find someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the ghost's corpse. After King Shura, he only thinks of one Shura, the one who told him about Asura's night blindness.

Although he didn't know why that Shura avoided him yesterday, but he had already remembered where that Shura was.Go directly to the door, that Shura can't hide anymore, right?
Arriving outside the attic, Fang Han pushed the door open and entered!I saw that Shura and several other Shuras lying lazily on the bed.

"How did you find it?" That Shura looked at Fang Han in astonishment.

"I have something to ask for your help!" Fang Han didn't expect that Shura lived in Datongpu. Originally, he wanted to have a secret discussion with Shura, but now it seems that he needs to find another place.

That Asura immediately stood up when he heard Fang Han's words, "Let's go out and talk."

The other Shuras continued to lie on the bed and pretended to be dead, as if they didn't hear what the two said.

Shura led Fang Han to the roof of an attic. The roof was not very high, but there was no one on it, so it was a good place to talk.

"Why did you come to me?" that Shura asked displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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