Chapter 503 Subscribe

"General Wang Mo looked at it for a while, the trial and distribution army was divided into two, a small part went to log miles away, and most of them stayed where they were.

Take a closer look at the enemy soldiers. They seem to be relaxed, but they are holding their weapons tightly, and the formation is only slightly loose. Our army can immediately form an formation if there is any change. "

Wang Mo carefully looked at the direction Zhuge Liang was pointing, and then thought about it, and it was exactly as Zhuge Liang said, and sighed slightly that this young and outrageous commander has two brushes!
"What the marshal said is very true, but do we have to inform the brothers in the former battalion?"

The front army is the military stronghold under the city. In this case, Wang Mo is worried that the military stronghold will send troops.

"Haha! General Wang Mo is at ease, there is a quality husband (Zhang Yi word quality husband) who can see this strategy!"

It was Zhao Pu who laughed loudly, Zhuge Liang smiled without saying a word, Wang Mo thought for a while that it was the scribe who was with Liu Zan and Yue Sheng, and nodded silently.

Wang Mo didn't have much communication with Zhang Kai, but he had sparred with Yue Sheng, a fierce general who looked exactly like Guan Yu. He was very clever with swordsmanship and could always find his weak points. He was very difficult to fight. His martial arts skills were not inferior to him!
Even people like Yue Sheng respected that scribe, which shows his ability, so Wang Mo stopped talking.

This is the first game between the judge and Zhuge Liang and Zhang Yi, and it has quietly started.

This year's Zhuge Liang is only in his early twenties. He is far from the Prime Minister Zhuge who loved to use feather fans decades later in the original time and space, but he can intimidate the three armies.

To be able to form such an influence, on the one hand, Zhuge Liang's ability is very strong, and he was in the military camp when he was not in the army in his early years.

Although he is not directly in charge of the army, he has been in the army all year round, including offering advice, customizing military routes, logistics, rewards and punishments, and promotion. There is nothing that Zhuge Liang has not touched, let alone a single mistake.

After leaving the army, he led the army independently many times in Lu Heng's Eastern Front War, and made many achievements, big and small. In addition, Yu Yunwen's first apprentice who was born from a famous teacher convinced everyone.

Since the war between Lu Heng and Yuan Shao, in addition to Li Zhu, Lu Wenlong, and Yang Zaixing who were famous all over the world for their bravery, the names of the two commanders Du Gao and Yu Yunwen were also famous all over the world!

Now Yu Yunwen's reputation in the army is only lower than that of Lu Heng, and he is fully worthy of the Tiankui Sword given by Lu Heng!
The trial leader was under Dongwuyang City, deliberately making the soldiers look lazy, trying to lure the Dongwuyang garrison army or the army in the camp to attack.

However, when several partial generals slowly sent the wood to the front line, not only did not a single soldier appear in the city, but even the enemy's army camp.

"Have you seen through your own strategy? Or is the enemy general so cowardly? Just want to defend the city to the death?"

The examiner thought to himself, if it was the former, then Tobu Yang would be hard to deal with!
Yuan Shaojun was busy, and only set up the military stronghold in the evening. Since the judge judged that there had been no attack before, it was even more impossible to attack at night, but the judge still made various preparations to prevent night attacks.

Of course, there was nothing to say all night, neither Zhuge Liang nor Zhang Wei thought about attacking the trial troops at night, so they passed the night peacefully, even for several days in a row.

Because building siege equipment such as ladders, catapults, rams, etc. requires transporting wood from several miles away for craftsmen to make, this makes the construction progress much slower.

Yuan Shang didn't show up for the past few days, all of them were under the command of a single judge. Even Yuan Shang refused to leave the city when he saw Lu Heng's army. He sneaked out of the camp to show that he was observing the city defense, and actually went hunting a hundred miles away!
Finally, five days later, Yuan Shang just showed his face, made a mobilization, and said some big cakes that would be rewarded after conquering Dongwu Yangcheng, and then hid in his Dazhai again.

And Shen Pei personally led the two brothers Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to pull out the nail barracks gathered outside first.

"Everyone! Kill!"

"Kill! Go!"

Following the order of the trial and distribution, the trial and distribution army rushed forward one by one, rushing towards the camp like a tidal wave!

"Four hundred steps, three hundred steps, get ready! Shoot arrows at two hundred steps!"

"Put the arrow on the eight-ox crossbow, get ready! Let it go!"

"Whoever has a shield raises the shield! Do! Do! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the camp, Zhang Yu personally commanded, Liu Zan and Yue Sheng waited in full force, and let the bow and crossbow battalion in the camp shoot arrows one after another!And Zhuge Liang on the city wall also asked the eight oxen crossbows to fire arrows together!In an instant, there were countless sounds of bows being drawn and arrows being drawn, and the sound of bow strings swinging back and forth sounded repeatedly, like a unique concert!
The rain of arrows flying all over the sky densely formed a black mist. It was true that the camp and the city wall were shooting arrows together. Although the interrogation army outside the camp was out of the range of the crossbowmen, they were indeed within the range of the eight bull crossbows!

Ever since Du Gao on the western front showed the eight-ox crossbow, the generals under Lu Heng's army were not going to hide it, and released this big killer weapon from the very beginning, as a sharp weapon to deter the siege army.

Thanks to Lu Heng's army, as long as the princes who have fought against Lu Heng, they will all have one thing in common, that is, the ratio of shields has greatly increased!

If the ratio of shields in the traditional army is only [-]%, then large-scale sculls, iron shields, and leather shields are now being built on a large scale, and the ratio of shields in the trial army has reached [-]%.

And Sun Cejun in Jingnan is [-]%!Of course, slave-like death camps do not have this kind of treatment.

Looking back at the battlefield, even so, the loss of the trial troops was not small. The first wave of arrow rain caused more than [-]% of the battle damage, nearly half of it!This is the first wave of arrow rain!
After about a cup of tea, only the troops equipped with shields could rush into the camp, and they were all soldiers with large oars and iron shields. The quality of the leather shields could not withstand the rain of arrows, let alone soldiers without shields. !Basically all of them were killed or wounded by the rain of arrows and lost their combat effectiveness!

"Order the quartermaster to send more people to cut wood and make big sculls! Let the craftsmen make seven thousand wooden shields in seven years, and it is impossible to kill the quartermaster!
Lu Kuang was ordered to personally lead 1000 people to supervise the battle team, and those who retreated would be decisive! "

Seeing this scene, the judge immediately ordered the quartermaster to manufacture large oars on a large scale. According to the judge's observation, there must be a shield array to attack the city, otherwise he would not even be able to run under the city wall!

Iron shields have the best defense effect, but the cost is too high, and leather shields are useless. Only wooden shields, which are large oars, are effective.

As for the second order, the reason why the battle damage is so great is not to order the troops to retreat, but to let Lu Kuang personally serve as the supervisor of the battle team. How to fight the battle?
The second is to test out the strength of the enemy army. It is true that Lu Heng's army's equipment and arrow rain are very powerful, but if it is just that, don't be afraid. If an enemy army is not strong enough to face each other, then the equipment is useless even if it is strong .

Compassion does not command soldiers, now half of the battle damage is done first to test, to find out the level of the enemy's general is now to be judged!

Relying on the defense of iron shields and large oars, half of the Shenpai army came to the camp, drove up ladders and began to attack the military camp.

(End of this chapter)

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