The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 502 The first confrontation today gives priority to big rewards, brother Jingjing o plus mor

Chapter 502 The first confrontation today gives priority to big rewards, brother Jingjing o plus more!

Let's put the system problem aside for now. With Yuan Xi's entire army annihilated and the Battle of Pingyuan completely over, Lu Heng believes that Yuan's will not counterattack again in a short time.

Because of the distance, the battle to defend the city of Dongwuyang would start one month earlier. We focus on Yuan Shang and Shenpei leading their troops to attack the city of Dongwuyang where Zhuge Liang is located, and move the time back one month.

To say that the judge has a strong character, integrity and unparalleled feeling that his temper is stinky and hard, and he is still Yuan Shao's diehard loyalist!Yuan Shikong's two sons both voted for Cao Cao, and did not change their loyalty to the Yuan family at all. Cao Cao broke Yecheng and died facing north.

There are not many achievements in trial and match, and there are no records before the Battle of Guandu. In the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao let Yuan Shao guard Yecheng, and his status was just like Cao Cao's treatment of Xun Yu!
It can be said that compared with Jushou and Tian Feng, Yuan Shao trusts the trial and match more, but Yuan Shao is by nature uncertain.

There is a sense of sight that hearing the wind is the rain, and you will be suspicious when you hear other people's provocations. Sending Meng Dai as the supervisor is more intentional to let this person replace the judge.

After Yuan Shao's death, Shenpei's only performance was remarkable. He defended Yecheng and confronted Cao Cao for more than half a year. He fought back and forth.

It can be said that Shen Pei is also a person who is underestimated by everyone!

Some people want to refute, Xun Yu said that the trial and match is professional and has no plan, how can this be underestimated?

The underestimation mentioned here is aimed at the ability to lead troops!

This person's personality is more suitable for being a commander than a counselor. As a counselor, he is indeed incompetent. He detained Xu You's family at a critical moment in the battle of Guandu!

He supported Yuan Shang but did nothing to Yuan Tan, allowing Feng Ji to stay in Yuan Tan's army and was killed.

But if you put aside your status as a counselor, and let the trial and command army be a Confucian general, this person is loyal, staunch and decisive, and he is not afraid of facing the army, which is an absolute high-quality quality!

This is the case now. The style of reviewing and leading troops is also correct. Not to mention Zhuge Liang is famous for being cautious in using troops!
Both of them are very 'righteous' people in using troops, so the battle situation in Tobu Yangcheng fell into a stalemate.

Compared with Yuan Shang and the [-] troops assigned by the judge, if Zhuge Liang was at a disadvantage in terms of strength in the field battle, and Dongwu Yangcheng was newly broken, Zhuge Liang did not choose to fight in the field if the people's hearts were not stable.

Of course, the scouts were cautious when they came to report to the commander. The general scouts were deployed within ten miles of the army.

After discussion, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Pu and Zhang Kai decided to let Zhang Kai, Liu Zan and Yue Sheng lead [-] troops to camp under the city and form horns with Dongwu Yangcheng.

Zhuge Liang placed the siege catapults and eight-ox crossbows behind and on the city wall respectively. These siege weapons turned into defensive weapons!
At the same time, Zhuge Liang ordered Wang Mo and others to collect all the trees, large and small stones outside the city and bring them back to the city, and asked the craftsmen to make them into rolling logs and stones, as if they were defending the city.

Because Zhuge Liang knew that before Lu Heng laid down the plains and repelled the Youzhou reinforcements, he had no troops to rescue him.

When Yuan Shang, Shenpei, Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and others led their troops to Dongwu Yangcheng, they saw such a Dongwu Yangcheng.

The surroundings within the line of sight are empty and wild, without trees or stones, as if they have been swept away by something.

Although there is no moat outside the city, there is an army camp outside the west gate. The west, north, and south camp gates are of different sizes. The east camp gate is very spacious and a dozen steps away is the city gate.

This made Yuan Shangjun very toothache. To fight Dongwu Yangcheng, he must first capture the camp before continuing to attack the city.

The judge did not believe in evil, and sent people to check the other three gates. It turned out that the other three gates had no military camp except the east gate, and the layout of the north gate and south gate was exactly the same as that of the west gate.

As for the fact that there is no military stronghold in the east gate, the judges will not attack from the east gate!
The reason is very simple. To attack the city is definitely not a day or two. You must set up a camp. With the geographical location of Dongwuyang, setting up a camp at the East Gate is equivalent to giving the other party food roads. This is a big taboo for military strategists.

The judge took a look at the young figure under Zhuge's big banner on the city wall. The judge got the news that Dongwu Yangcheng was broken.

However, Shenpei knew Juhu's character very well and believed that this son was not a person who defected to the enemy and betrayed his master. There must be a reason. It was not that Shenpei had not thought of writing to Yuan Shao, but by the time Shenpei knew the news, Yuan Shao had already made his decision. It is too late to decide.

Now combined with the city's defense situation, this person is definitely a strong enemy, and Dong Wuyang is not easy to fight!
"Mr. Zhengnan (the name is Zhengnan), this city is not easy to fight. Mister Gao Cai, can you give me full command of this battle?"

As soon as Yuan Shang saw the strength of Dongwu Yangcheng, he felt that there was no hope. Before, he had a glimmer of luck. If the defender was a waste, he could command a fierce attack and capture the city to gain military merit.

But this defensive style is flawless. How can he fight with 3 people? If the battle situation is not good for him, let alone his military exploits. He has no fault and is already good. Why not let Shen Pei take full responsibility? This is what Yuan Shang thinks now. In fact, let Shen Pei take the lead. cylinder.

The judge thought for a while and then said: "Third Young Master, we should set up camp first and send the sergeants to cut down wood a few miles away to make rams, catapults and other equipment!"

"Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang will follow Mr. Zhengnan's command from now on. Mr. Zhengnan's words are mine!"

"No!" Since then, the battle has become a game between the judge and Zhuge Liang and others!
Zhuge Liang's strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country made Shenpei very uncomfortable. To build a large camp, wood had to be cut down from several miles away and then transported to Dongwuyang City.

The commissioner asked some generals to cut logs, and Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang pretended to rest on the spot, but they secretly guarded against the enemy's immediate attack if they attacked.

Seeing this scene on the city wall, Wang Mo thought there was an opportunity to call for battle: "Marshal Zhuge, the enemy army is cutting down wood to build a camp at this time, and the general is willing to bring thousands of soldiers and horses to attack the enemy army!"

Zhuge Liang looked at Wang Mo's resolute face, then looked at Yang Qin, Yin Shangchi, who were also eager to try, looked at him and smiled slightly.

Zhuge Liang is very fond of Wang Mo, Yue Sheng, and Yang Qin, especially the two generals Wang Mo and Liu Zan. Zhuge Liang believes that these two can be independent with a little training!
Wang Mo is bold and careful, emphasizing love and righteousness, and has a cohesive force in the army, while Yue Sheng is both wise and courageous, courageous and resourceful, stable and not impatient, and he is very outstanding and handsome after making decisions.

And Yang Qin's second is not that this person's martial arts and commanding troops are not strong, but that this person values ​​his family too much, leaving a fatal weakness. If the enemy army attacks this point, Yang Qin will definitely be shaken.

But on the contrary, if this person’s family is settled well, there will be no problem of loyalty for this person. However, for the sake of his family, whether he will be greedy for life or fear of death, he will focus on saving his life in certain scenarios, so Zhuge Liang divides this person into Second wait!

(End of this chapter)

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