The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 504 Technological Improvement Seeking Subscription

Chapter 504 Technological Improvement Seeking Subscription

Don't look at the camps are all wooden, in fact, the difficulty of attacking a camp is only a little weaker than attacking a city!

Imagine the battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao's army was blocked by Cao Cao's camp at Guandu and could not move an inch.

There are basically several ways to attack the camp. The first is to use a ladder to climb over the wooden wall of the camp just like attacking a city.

The wooden walls of general military camps are much shorter than those of cities, and most of them are between five and two feet a battle, which is much easier to climb than the motionless city walls of more than two feet.

The second is demolition. The entire wooden structure makes the camp not as strong as the city wall. It can be demolished violently, especially with heavy weapons such as big axes, sledgehammers, and battering rams!The premise is to withstand the enemy's defensive arrows and attacks!

The last thing is the fire attack, which is made of wood. Even if the new wood is not easy to burn, as long as there is enough combustion accelerant, it can still be burned by a fire.

Therefore, experienced generals choose new wood instead of dead wood for camping, and they will definitely be attacked by fire!And will station the camp near the water source!
In addition, experienced defenders will prevent fire attacks, and large water tanks are placed in the camp to store water and prevent fire attacks at any time.

This is why there are always water tanks in a Three Kingdoms game camp!Of course, steamed stuffed buns, chicken legs, and barbecue would not be placed in tanks on the battlefield!
During the attack on the camp this time, the judge used a combination of overturning the wall and demolishing it. Most of the half of the battle damage were soldiers with big axes and hammers.

However, they died under the rain of arrows, and the soldiers who pushed the siege truck also died under the rain of arrows. The siege truck was densely covered with arrows, so that those hypocritical intensive phobias in future generations would directly lose their combat effectiveness.

Under the coercion of the supervising team, the soldiers of the trial and distribution army came to the bottom of the city against the rain of arrows, set up a ladder, and then climbed up. The defenders also poked down with wolf whisks and spears.

Zhuge Liang discovered that the Wolf Whip is not only powerful in field battles, but also a powerful weapon in defending the city. The large forks and multiple blades can be swept away!
The only shortcoming is that the wolf whisk is too long, but this is not a problem for Zhuge Liang who is good at invention. Inspired by the Panlong stick, the wolf whisk is divided into long poles and short poles.

The field length is required, and the short pole can be connected to the rear. Now the defense is to use only the long pole without installing the short pole.

This is also the first time that Zhuge Liang used this weapon to defend the city. If the effect is good, it will be popularized by the whole army just like Du Gao recommended the wooden building.

Now the judge saw his own army being annihilated and falling into pieces!

The soldiers who were climbing the stairs defended themselves against the rain of arrows with their shields and climbed up. Most of their bodies were hidden under the shields. Before they climbed halfway, they saw a white thing sweeping across the shields.

The white things stuck in front of my eyes are all blades!The main spear was blocked by the shield, the surrounding blades were directly on the face, and a fork directly pierced the soldier's eyes and bridge of the nose.


The eyes and the bridge of the nose were the places with the most painful nerves. The severe pain made the soldier unbearable, and he let go of his hands and fell down with a scream.

At the same time, it also knocked over a few soldiers who followed behind. Fortunately, it was not the city wall that was attacked, and the low height made the soldiers behind them only temporarily lose their fighting ability.

This kind of thing abounds, half an hour into the war, the judges' faces were solemn and they ordered the gold to withdraw the troops. Hearing the golden gong sound like a slogan for survival, the judges retreated one after another.

The reason for the unsatisfactory face of the trial match is that Lu Heng's army is more elite than he imagined. Apart from the superior equipment, the morale of the sergeants, the cooperation of the soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers are not weak!
Even the superiority of troops has become no advantage because of the siege warfare.

After the war, the judge who saw Yuan Shaofang's injured soldiers called Zhuge Liang vicious, because the soldiers hit by the wolf were all injured on their heads and faces!
In severe cases, the celestial cap was directly pierced or cut open and died on the spot, or the eyes were cut off, the nasal bone was cut off, and the ears were cut off.

After the first day of testing, the judge did not rush to attack the city, but waited for five days!

Five days later, the commissioner dispatched another army, and the siege vehicles and catapults were pushed out one after another. The siege vehicles for trial commissioning this time were different from the usual ones!

The judge has been paying attention to the battle of Yuan Shao's main force, knowing that Lu Heng used a wooden building to defend the city, it gave the veteran Han Qiong a headache!
Yuan Shao also wrote to the judge to see if there was a way to break the situation, and the judge thought hard and designed a siege vehicle.

I saw only a square iron frame on this all-wooden siege vehicle, and a wooden platform was tied to it. Ten iron shields were evenly spread on the wooden platform, and several layers of iron shields were spread on top of the iron shield. The thick lotus leaves are tied tightly with hemp rope, and they are filled with water every time they play!
In front of the siege engine, there was a long formation holding large shields.

When Zhuge Liang saw this situation on the city wall, he frowned slightly and sighed secretly: "There are so many heroes in Hebei, this Shenzhengnan is a formidable enemy!"

Zhuge Liang is not afraid of this shield formation, whether it is the short spear of the eight-ox crossbow or the boulder of the catapult can break the shield formation!
Zhuge Liang's headache is this upgraded version of the siege engine!
If Lu Heng were here, he would definitely shout: "Damn it! Who dares to underestimate these ancients, isn't this also upgrading your own technology tree!"

Look at this siege engine, the square iron armor minimizes the lethality of the boulder to the greatest extent. The siege engine that was hit by a boulder before it would rot, but now it can take at least a dozen hits.

Usually the most lethal thing against a siege engine is the fierce fire oil, but now the siege engine covered with lotus leaves makes even the fierce fire oil burn, cut the hemp rope and lift the lotus leaf layer to escape the fire attack.

That is to say, it takes at least two fire attacks to burn down a siege vehicle, which doubles the fuel consumption of the fierce fire, and what the opponent pays is only some lotus leaves.

The moment the siege engine came out, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Pu, and Zhang Yu felt a headache for a while, and there was no good way to do it.

"Swap the eight-ox crossbow for a short spear, aim at the shield array, and let the arrows go!

The trebuchet fires boulders, half of which is aimed at the opponent's trebuchet, and the other half is aimed at the shield formation! "

Since there is no way to deal with this kind of siege vehicle that has upgraded the technology tree, let's let it go first and break the shield formation of trial distribution first!

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Ah! Ah! Bang! Bang! Uh! Ah!"

In the military camp, the crossbowmen fired arrows and the shield formation was well defended, but the wooden shields could not stop the short spears of the Eight Bull Crossbows and the huge stone bombs of the catapults.

I saw that short spears, no matter if they were iron shields, large spears, or newly made wooden shields, easily pierced through a large hole and tore the shield, and then pierced through the soldiers behind the shield. Kill three or five soldiers!
The boulder bombs of the catapult are even more terrifying. After falling, there is only a muffled sound of death on the spot, and there is no scream, and the kinetic energy of the round stone bomb can crush the soldiers and cause damage.

Even though the damage caused by the shield array was broken, it was unable to damage the siege vehicles assigned by the judges. At this time, they were slowly approaching the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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