Chapter 65 You Say You!
Chapter 65 You Say You!

"Half, then you can't pay another one. Can a platinum be divided into two halves? Why don't you know how to be grateful? The director gave us half is already a lot. How much can you get when you go out with other scavengers? Even 20 yuan of bones is possible Can’t get it. Now you get two or three times what you usually get, aren’t you satisfied?”

Fang Wei was very angry, and her voice became louder and louder.In his opinion, the leader not only saved his life, but also allowed him to accept his own bones. This is obviously a sign of trust in him.I have to do this perfectly.Do your best to safeguard the interests of the leaders.

"I don't care, I can pay 65 at most, and I have 66 left. Since the leader promised to keep half, I will keep half."

The young survivor bit his mouth and held on to his pocket.

Fang Wei was obviously impatient and wanted to take it over.But the survivors dodged suddenly.He even pulled out a bloody dagger from his back and blocked it in front of him, ready to strike when he saw a disagreement.

At this time, Fang Wei faced the dagger without fear, stretched out his fingers, and burned the survivors to death.

"Okay, you can keep your 66 bones! I gave this bone to you."

"Okay, who's next? How many of you?"

Fang Wei will no longer ignore the survivor and accept it directly.very smooth.I collected some and then I found an odd number.

This survivor was a little older, a few years older than him, in his late twenties.Said with some embarrassment.

"What should I do? Fang Wei is also an odd number of 127. How much should I pay for this?"

After Fang Wei heard what he said, how could he not understand what he meant, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"You say how much you want to pay, and you can pay as much as you want. If it's not enough, I will make up for you white-eyed dogs."

Hearing what Fang Wei said, the middle-aged survivor said embarrassingly.

"Don't fill it in, don't fill it in, it turns out you asked us to come. We've taken advantage of that. I handed in 64 bones and I kept 63 for myself."

Fang Wei grabbed the bones in his hand and counted them carefully.Yes, he failed.

Luo Ming saw Fangweier collecting bones from a distance.He has some opinions about this Fang Wei, especially when he first came back, he dared to question himself.But through collecting the bones, he found that this Fang Wei'er was just a little grumpy, and she did things well, and he had a good impression of him in his heart.

Soon, Fang Wei collected the bones of all the survivors.With a smile on his face, he reflexively approached Luo Ming.

"Leader. The bones of these people have been collected, including mine, a total of 1424 pieces. They are all here."

As he spoke, he stretched out a cloth bag to Luo Ming.Most are gold coins with a small amount of bone.

Luo Ming cast a glance and asked coldly. "Are you sure the numbers are correct?"

Hearing his words, Fang Wei, who was full of smiles, showed a stiff smile on his face.

"All. Good. Chief! I've checked it out."

Then Luo Ming didn't say anything, just reached into his cloth bag, and the bones and gold coins inside disappeared instantly.

He transformed more than 1000 bones into a system, into physical strength and thought.This is thousands of points at once, but Luo Ming knows that this is just the beginning.There are a lot of bones in the back, which will flow into my hands continuously.

After collecting the bones, Luo Ming turned around and left with Zhou Tiantian's brother.Fang Wei watched Luo Ming leave, quickly followed two steps, and shouted:
"The director has something to do."

"What else can I do for you? The bones haven't been distributed to you yet."

"Uh, no, boss." Fang Wei hesitated to say anything, and looked at Luo Ming cautiously.

"Leadership is like this. I have enough bones. Can you wake me up?"

After hearing what he said, Luo Ming turned around, nodded coldly, and said nothing.

When he agreed, Fang Wei immediately took out ten gold coins and handed them over.Luo Ming didn't say a word, just took out ten gold coins, exchanged them into the system, and then put his hand on Fang Wei's shoulder.Just give him [-]% physical strength and [-]% thought.

Fang Wei. (adult).

Physical conditions. (healthy).

It can strengthen physical strength by 100-700 and strengthen thinking by 100-700.

Dexterity 6 (normal communication)
Electronic Spirit.

talent.After using the hidden skill, you can perfectly integrate your body with the surrounding environment, so that the enemy cannot find your existence.But there is a certain chance of being discovered by the enemy after moving.The higher the level, the lower the chance of being discovered.

Seeing Fang Wei's awakening of this ability, Luo Ming was slightly taken aback.This ability is very good, and it is a very special ability.Don't look, Luo Ming now has millions of people under his command.Only the number of field battalions he commanded.There are almost 3000 people, and he has never seen such an ability.Isn't this a born scout?With that, what else could he not go to?
Luo Ming nodded without saying anything, Fang Weier also felt his ability.Suddenly, I took out a bunch of gold coins from my hand, including a few bones.He continued to Luo Ming:
"Leader. These are exactly 500 bones. Awaken and become a golden man again."

After hearing Fang Wei's words, Luo Ming glanced at him in surprise.I didn't expect Fang Wei to gain so much this time.

Thinking about it is also right.He started mining gold coins from the very beginning.Until now, it's almost time to dig into that number.The other survivors basically dug more than 100, and that was because they arrived late.Just now, Fang Wei's awakening ability took away 100 of his bones and replaced them with physical strength and thoughts, which was 1000 points.

And it only took him 100 points to wake him up.Only this time Luo Ming gained 900 physical strength.This kind of business, Luo Ming's teeth are about to fall out of laughter.How can you disagree?

That's why Luo Ming promised to give them half of the bones.No matter how much money you give them, it will be difficult for Luo Ming to earn back.Currently only two people know how much money Bone Romin can make by strengthening survivors.

One person is Romin himself.The other is Lao Wang who is loyal to him until death.Except for the two of them, even Milan didn't know that his profit was so high.

Fang Wei. (adult).

Physical conditions. (healthy).

It can enhance physical strength by 300-700 and enhance mental strength by 300-700.

Dexterity 6 (normal communication)
Electronic Spirit.

talent.After using the hidden skills, you can perfectly integrate your body with the surrounding environment, so that the enemy cannot find your existence.But there is a certain chance of being discovered by the enemy after moving.The higher the level, the lower the chance of being discovered.

Backstab, delivering a critical blow with a dagger weapon without the enemy seeing you.The higher the level, the higher the chance of triggering a critical strike, and the lower the level, the equal chance of triggering a critical strike.

After waking up the golden ability, I saw Fang Weier's small screen.Luo Ming was shocked in his heart, this is just a scout, it is entirely possible to evolve into an assassin.It's a pity that Fang Wei's ability has not been brought into play.

Fang Wei was also full of excitement at this time, he already felt his ability.The hand has been involuntarily holding the bloody dagger.He used this dagger to dig the bones of the infected before.

"Thank you Director, thank you, thank you very much."

I felt like my body was bursting with strength and explosion like never before.Fang Wei thanked Luo Ming again and again.

Before Luo Ming could speak, a voice suddenly came.

"It's enough for me, Director. Give me the ability to awaken."

Luo Ming didn't look up, but felt that this person's voice was very familiar.As expected, it was the young survivor who had just argued with Fang Wei.

The survivors saw Fang Wei awaken his abilities one by one.Also evolved into a golden ability, becoming jealous on the verge.

Now he squeezed up regardless, holding the bone in his hand and handing it to Luo Ming.

Luo Ming looked at him with a cold smile and nodded slightly.The survivor looked at Luo Ming, wondering what he meant.

While he was wondering, suddenly a tall figure appeared in front of him, it was the king.

I saw the King walk through Romin and punch the survivor directly in the chest.

"Ouch..." sounded.The survivor was crushed like a male shrimp by the fist-sized body.He retched again and again, spit out a puddle of acid water.The king then snatched the bone out of his hand, and kicked the survivor away with a kick.

Survivors nearby were stunned.Overwhelmed by sudden changes.

At this time, Luo said slowly. "You all know why I beat him. What's the use of raising an ungrateful white-eyed dog like this? You will bite us back one day. Fang Wei..."

Luo Ming turned around and shouted to the shocked Fang Wei beside him.

Hearing the leader calling him, Fang Wei quickly agreed, "Yes, it's the chief, what do you want to do?"

"Now you are a golden man, what are your plans for the future?"

"What is my plan?" Fang Wei was a little dazed for a while.His original plan was to awaken his abilities.You can get along better in Chu and Central China.Find a better job.But now that he has suddenly awakened to the golden ability, he doesn't know what to do with himself.

Suddenly, he was taken aback, thought of the answer, and quickly said to Luo Ming.

"Chief, I have no plan. I follow your arrangement. I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you let me take the lead in killing the infected, I will kill the infected."

Now Fang Wei basically knows Luo Ming's temper.When you know it, you show your determination.

"Very well, since this is the case. You are going to hold this man down and give it to Li Long in the camp. Go to Li Long and tell him that this man will be used as a slave until he dies. You tell Li Long and I will let you pass Yes. I invite you to join the field camp. As for where you will be placed in the field camp, what will you do? Tell Li Long what you can do, and let Li Long arrange for you. Let's go!"

Luo Ming will handle things cleanly.Two people, Fang Wei and the survivor, turned out to be one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Fang Wei was able to enter the wild camp, which made the survivors around him envious.You must know that entering the field camp in Chu Huazhong is basically a success.Soldiers at the lowest level in the field battalion send out ten bones every day.Note that this is daily, not monthly.

In addition, there is a field battalion recruiting point in Chu Huazhong.Food lists for soldiers are posted in field camps.Only eat two catties of pork on it every day.Already made these ordinary survivors drool.There are various other perks and even status.

The soldiers of the field battalion in central Chu are a special kind of existence.They take pride in being on the road, and the family is assigned the best and lightest jobs.And others have no complaints about it.

Fang Weier's biggest dream is to enter the field camp.He knows that the selection criteria for the field camp are very strict, not only based on your awakening ability.It also depends on your own physical fitness.

So after hearing Luo Ming's words, Fang Wei almost jumped up and bowed to Luo Ming again and again.One last turn.Pick up survivors on the ground.

The young survivor had just been kicked out by the king, hit the ground, and passed out.Wondering how he would feel when he woke up and found himself a slave in a field camp.

Two people leave.Survivors around were whispering.Luo Ming didn't leave, he knew that these survivors had a lot of bones in their hands.Now, there are always people who can't help but come here to strengthen themselves.This is a great opportunity to make money.How could he leave?
Sure enough, within a few minutes, a more courageous survivor gathered not far from Luo Ming.

"The first.leader.that...".

The survivor held the bone in his hand, and his words were a little awkward.

"Do you want to awaken your ability, or strengthen it into a golden ability?"

Luo Ming suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.Said with a lukewarm face.

"Sleep. Awaken Ability Leader, I only need to awaken one ability. This is 100 bones."

The survivor stammered.Luo Ming immediately walked over to take the bone in his hand, and then put his hand on his shoulder.After strengthening the ability.

He glanced at the small screen of Survivor in passing.Just ordinary abilities.Nothing was said.

Survivors felt the exuberant strength in his body and the ecstasy on his face.It is very exciting for an ordinary person to suddenly have superpowers.Almost everyone had the same reaction, they all wanted to find a place to try their strength.

With the ability to make a quick escape, the remaining survivors are surrounded.But they line up consciously.

One by one, Romin gave them strength, and they softened as they accepted the bone.If it weren't for these survivors, his mouth would have been crooked long ago.

Soon all the survivors were sent away.Of course, some of these people were unlucky, or for other reasons did not come to Romin to strengthen them.

Soon these people left, but Luo Ming stayed where he was, squinting his eyes, and there was no movement for a long time.

Xiao Wang muttered something in a low voice, and Wang stood beside him.

"Brother, chief, what does this mean? Why haven't you moved for a long time?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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