Chapter 64 Rest!

Chapter 64 Rest!
It can be said that he is proactive.I haven't asked for permission before.I don't know what Luo Ming's attitude is.

"You have done a good job. Now every survivor is very precious. They all need to be absorbed and protected. You should remember this. In the future, you can properly accept the foreign survivors in Maple Leaf Valley and arrange them to work and live here. Only in this way can one step forward Step by step to strengthen your own strength. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Director, I am relieved when you say that. I am still a little scared after receiving 24 people. I am afraid that the leaders will not agree. In this case, I can boldly take in survivors in the future." Zhou Tiantian immediately giggled happily straight smile.

"Yeah, now we have four cities outside, and you are one of the valley masters here, this Maple Leaf Valley should be developed very well. Not only should the interior be developed, but the exterior should also be extensively searched. When you meet those survivors , bring them all back. Only in this way can you slowly grow and develop here.”

"In addition, I want to tell you that every day, you are here. The important goal is to breed. I will give you monkeys, bison and rabbits. You want to form a large-scale farm here in the shortest possible time. In addition, you should also Use the cow dung and pig manure produced by farming. Plant giant wheat, sweet potatoes, and wild vegetables next to it.”

"How many people did you find to plan this? Make a preliminary plan. I will stay here for a few days. I will help you with all this, but you will have to rely on yourself in the future."

When Luo Ming walked out with him, he told Zhou Tiantian some of his plans and ideas.Zhou Tian scratched his head.

"Leader. I'm not afraid of this battle. I don't know much about these things, and I'm afraid I can't figure it out."

"How can you get it wrong? It's just a small valley. What if I make you a duke in the future? If you can't do it, you can go to the survivors, find someone who can do it. Even soldiers from your own field camp can do it Yes. You can find someone to help you." Luo Ming looked at him with some resentment.

"You're still a soldier's mind. You need to change your mind. You're the leader now. You have to see the big picture and you don't need to know the details. Letting a professional do a professional is like having a chef cook."

"Yeah, maybe there are survivors who were engaged in agriculture in the old world. I have so many people here, and you brought more than 800 survivors. There must be someone who can do this check. I will find someone. Isn't it just to build a farm? Simple .”

Every day of the week has been fine, except that the brain is a bit simple, but that's what Romin likes about him.The mind is simple, and the favorability for oneself is high enough, so people can use it with confidence here.If a person is too complicated, Luo Ming, who thinks about things all day long, cannot use him.

After all, this Maple Leaf Valley is an enclave hanging outside.I will definitely not be able to take care of myself in the future.

When they went out, it was raining harder and harder outside.The three of them didn't bring umbrellas and were drenched in the drenching.And behind them, Wang, is already a diamond-level ability user.This light rain is equivalent to giving them a natural bath.Don't worry about catching a cold at all.This is also a little benefit after the ability is improved.

Walking in the rain, looking around, there is a drizzle.They walked through a vast grassland, which was originally a breeding base for alpacas.the other side.A large amount of pasture suitable for the growth of alpacas has been artificially planted here.It has grown more than half a meter tall and is growing well.Coupled with this rain, it is estimated that the grass will grow taller in a few days.

It looks like this.Luo Ming felt that the timing of coming here was very suitable.I can't help but feel sad when I think about the grassland in my castle space that has been gnawed beyond recognition by bison and monkeys.

In the heavy rain, the three rushed back to the original host family in Luo Ming.The more they walked outside, the harder it rained.When they got to the B&B, it seemed like someone had poked a hole, and it was pouring rain.During this period, there were rumbling thunder and lightning, like a silver pig, splitting directly from the air to the earth.

It's like the sky is falling, the world is ending.

The three of them got into the homestay like drowned chickens, just in time to see Milan coming up to them.He hurriedly greeted them, dried himself, and changed his clothes.The chef brought us hot tea.Before everyone finished drinking the cup of hot tea, the torrential rain outside actually stopped.

The storm came and went quickly, as if it had washed away the entire Maple Leaf Valley.All the trees glow an attractive green.The air is clean and messy.

Milan pushed open the sliding door leading to the yard, stretched out his arms, and took a deep breath.She always wears casual clothes at home, with small suspenders and off-the-shoulder tops, and floral skirts below.The round and fair shoulders are like white jade, and the bright eyes and white teeth are still so beautiful, showing the most beautiful curves.

"Xiao Liu, the air is so good. Why don't we go for a walk?" Hearing what Milan said, Luo Ming almost cried.I just run in the rain.This cup of tea has not been finished yet, and I want to go out for a walk again.

Feeling a little unhappy, Luo Ming pretended not to hear and continued drinking his tea.

"Ah," Milan screamed.Several people present almost jumped from the sofa in fright.

"Rainbow, look at the rainbow.!"

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the sun showed a smiling face, shining golden sunlight on Maple Leaf Valley.The water vapor rises, and a beautiful rainbow spans Maple Leaf Valley like a sky bridge.The sun is warm and the air is fresh.Just after the rain, the sky cleared up.A touch of floral fragrance, a touch of moisture, and the fragrance of earth come with the wind, relaxing your pores, like soaking in spring rain.

"There is really a rainbow, sir..." Dapao Ge Shan got up first, walked to the yard, and stared blankly at the rainbow in the sky.

Luo Ming stood up from the sofa, even though he didn't want to.Going out with Xiao Wang, this kind of beautiful scenery is like a flash in the pan, which is very rare.

Seeing Luo Ming come out, Milan hurried over, took his hand, and pointed to the sky.

"Liu! Look how beautiful this rainbow is!"

Then, Milan's face was a little sad, and he said in a low voice.

"If you can take a group photo like this. How happy it is to send it to Moments."

"Do you want to take a photo?" Luo Ming asked in a low voice.

"Of course, I have never seen such a beautiful rainbow. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful rainbow. Of course I want to take a photo as a souvenir."

"Okay, let's take a photo." Suddenly, Luo Ming waved his hand, and Milan was startled.

"What are you shouting about? How do you take pictures? We don't have electricity or cell phones here."

Luo Ming ignored her and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty"

With his loud shout, the king, who had never been seen before, emerged from the store room.

"Leader. It's really turned on. He shouted while running, holding a mobile phone in his hand. And the screen of the mobile phone was actually on. This shocked several other people at once. What's going on?

The most shocking of these was Milan.She has a pair of beautiful deer eyes, and she can't help covering her mouth with her hands.

"Chief, look..." Cheng Wang had a look of excitement on his face.

"I have installed the solar panel you took out, but it was cloudy in the morning. It was sunny just now, but the solar panel can already generate electricity. I plugged in the phone and it was really charged. However, the power is only 7% , just open it."

"7% is enough. Please take a picture of all of us. Otherwise the rainbow will be gone soon."

After hearing Luo Ming's words, everyone knew that it was time to take pictures, and they all showed excited expressions.That's why the king didn't follow Luo Ming to the portal today.

Early in the morning, Romin called the king to the storage room, where he took a set of solar panels for the castle space from his father.By the way, there are instructions for him to install it.See if you can charge his phone.

As soon as the king saw the power strip.Suddenly his face flushed with excitement.For the past two years, he has been thinking about the photos of his family on his phone.So this phone is not willing to be thrown away even in the most difficult times.Luo Ming also wanted him to try, but now it really succeeded.

Suddenly, everyone stood in the yard, you and me, Luo Ming and Milan kept shooting.

After a while, the king shouted, "No, there is no electricity."

Who would have thought that Milan ran over to snatch the phone?Looking at the photos I just took.Still complaining.

"Whose broken phone is this? Nothing, not even beauty. Filters don't download one.

Wang next to him could only smile bitterly and say, "Ma'am, this is my cell phone. As a grown man, what do I need those things for? Please return it to me quickly. There are many photos of me and my family here."

"no way!"

Milan said domineeringly, there are my photos in it, and this phone will be mine from now on.

"Director..." King Milan had no choice but to turn to Luo Ming with a sad face, but Luo Ming spread his hands to him, indicating that I had no choice.

After the rain, everyone started to get busy.Zhou Tiantian is now busy appealing to farmers among the survivors.I didn't expect to find four or five easily.

These people started running their own farms when they were not in the Old World.They are engaged in agriculture-related occupations.With these guys, getting up every day is easy.Let these people walk around Maple Leaf Valley to select a site and draw a design drawing where to build a cowshed and where to build a pig shed.Where do you need to surround yourself?
In just one afternoon, the simple design drawings were handed over to Luo Ming.

Luo Ming looked at it, and there was nothing wrong with it.Build it like this first, and then solve the problem.So I made a decision with a wave of my hand, starting the next day.Survivors throughout Maple Leaf Valley are busy, starting to build large-scale buildings.

There are trees on the gable wall, and those young and middle-aged people go up the mountain to cut trees.Just build a simple cow shed and pig shed.

As expected of these men, they used to engage in farming, so they chose a construction site not far from the lake.In this way, it will be convenient for cows and pigs to drink water, and there is no need to worry about eating grass.After being busy for more than ten days, the whole Maple Leaf Valley has changed a lot.

A wide cowshed has been built.The roof of the cowshed has also begun to be erected.After all, everyone still remembers the heavy rain before.If the buffalo get this much rain, they're bound to get sick.Always build them a shelter from the rain.

No, when these are all built.Luo Ming had already hunted and killed more than a dozen bison in the castle grounds.The bison he chose were basically calves.Three months old, it's time to grow up.

These cows are basically the second generation of the castle space.A little less wild than the first generation bison.Not that cranky.

After these bison are called into the real world.Some survivors tied up the ropes they had prepared earlier.The purpose of raising cattle now is to eat meat, so they are not going to let these bison roam free, tie them up.

In addition to the cowshed, thick wooden stakes were also erected on the grassland.Three or four bison were tied to each stake.Their intention is to wait for the grass to be eaten up by them before moving to the next stake and tying it up.Basically just put the bison to sleep after eating.

Later, the monkey that Luo Ming took out did the same thing.I believe that within three or four generations, the wild nature of these monkeys will fade away and they will become domestic pigs.

In addition, Luo Ming is also planning to build a rabbit farm for the survivors.This rabbit is nasty.You can't keep a piece of land by ringing it.

That way, the rabbits would just burrow and run straight away from them.So Luo Ming found an abandoned homestay.This is the closest place to the grassland.The ground here is a concrete floor, and the surrounding walls are cement walls.The wild rabbits raised here cannot escape.Just go to the grassland to mow grass and feed them.

After the cultivation is over, the next step is planting, so the problem is much simpler.The entire Maple Leaf Valley is very fertile, surrounding the entire lake, fertile farmland can be cultivated.Anything you plant can grow like crazy.

As time passed, Luo Ming and Milan were also busy in Maple Leaf Valley.Of course, in their spare time, they will also travel to the mountains and rivers to enjoy the sweetness of their honeymoon.During this period, Fang Wei also brought Milan back to the Space Castle.Get together with your parents.

When I have time, I spend more time with my family, and the four of us sit together to eat and chat.But every time Luo Ming and Milan were scared away by Li Mei's talk of urging her grandson.

Every time the two of them returned to the castle space, no matter how they avoided it, they were eventually led by Li Mei to ask for their grandson.

Later, Milan always complained about Luo Ming.Why do they always get pregnant?Luo Ming is more bitter, I can't tell.Now I'm giving it my all every day, okay?This kind of thing depends on luck.

Anyway, the honeymoon of two people is sweet and happy.It is rare for Milan to have Luo Ming's company.She has a happy smile on her face almost every day.Unfortunately, happy days are always short-lived.

The tranquility was broken by the arrival of a survivor, who was sent by Li Ming from Zhuhai.He sent a message to Luo Ming.

Pharaoh is in danger.

At that time, Luo Ming was at the portal, and Wang Wang, Milan, and Ge Shanpao were all there.

It's been almost a month.Luo Ming sent people back to Chuhua.Chu Hua has.There is already a relatively mature blacksmith shop there, because electricity has gradually become popular in the Chu-Central China area.The punching, cutting and welding processes are already done.

After receiving Luo Ming's drawings, the blacksmith shop began to organize people to build it overnight.Just arrived here today.

They're installing this new trap in Romin, and it's similar to the original wooden frame used every day, except it's all steel.And several thick layers of paint were applied to prevent the corrosion of lizard blood.

ps, remember to vote, thank you, hmm!I love you!Ha ha ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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