Chapter 63 Extricate yourself!

Chapter 63 Extricate yourself!
"Oh! You really are from the wild camp. I think your costumes are similar. I don't know where you are from. What is your mission here?"

The supervisor in charge of guarding the gate immediately greeted him.and start introducing myself.

"Hello, I'm Sun Cheng, director of Nancheng Gate. Can I help you?"

"So it's Captain Sun, hello. My surname is Ma. You can call me Xiao Ma. We are here to find Luo Ming's leader, and we have a secret mission."

The director of this field camp did not introduce Milan.After all, Milan's identity is relatively sensitive, and he doesn't want to cause extra complications.

But Sun, the captain of the city guard, was very afraid of the field camp.But he knew all the golden talents of the field camp.But now he is a director, but he is not even a golden one.So he didn't dare to make things difficult for the director.

Of course, he would not doubt the identity of the director, only these 100 people.And under such a clear sky, as long as you go in and let the leader see you, you can immediately tell the truth from the fake.No one is that stupid.But he still has vision, so he walked over and said.

"Well, this should be your first time coming to Chuhua. How about I accompany you in? Otherwise, you don't know where Luo Ming's leader is."

"Okay, then I'll work hard on you. Don't affect your work."

The pony captain of the field camp was also very polite.Be as warm as spring to your own people, this is what the leaders of Luo Ming taught them.

The two directors walked towards Chu Huazhong talking and laughing.

While walking, the two explored each other.What is the situation of a spy in Chu Huazhong?Another also took the opportunity to ask them about the wild, where they came from.

Milan followed them into Chuhua.But they focus on the survivors in the city.At that time, there were almost no idlers among the survivors in the entire Chuhua.

They are all assigned jobs, even if you are disabled, you can still sit at every corner of the street or alley and do your duty.I don't need you to do anything at all.If you find robbery or something, just say hello, and a patrol team will come out immediately.The effect is the same as that of Little Feet in the old world.

Milan couldn't help sighing while watching.Sure enough, it's a city situation, that's all.Each has its own characteristics, and each has its own differences.Chu Hua's approach cannot be completely copied.

Now I am mainly in charge of internal affairs, so I am very concerned about this matter.Along the way, she discovered some strengths and some weaknesses.Keep it in mind.

Soon, they were brought to Jiang Cheng by Milan's director Sun Cheng.

The security here is even more heavily guarded, with almost one post every three steps, and one post every five steps.Moreover, all the staff on guard are field battalion soldiers.

This is what Luo Ming said to Li Long earlier.It's just that at that time, I was too busy to make a move.Now Chu Huazhong has basically straightened out.Even street knights began to form.

So Luo Ming transferred 100 soldiers from the barracks to Li Long to guard Jiangcheng.

He feels that this hotel is good, with a good location and a spacious place.Prepare to use this place as the office of Chu Hua.

Moreover, when he wanted 100 field battalion soldiers, he made strict demands on Li Long.Want the best fighters.

Even these 100 soldiers will be separated from the field battalion and will serve as Luo Ming's bodyguards in the future.Hand it over directly to Brother Zhou Tiantian.Li Long has no objection to this matter.With Luo Ming's consent, he has started recruiting new field battalion soldiers in central Chu.

This time, when Li Long asked Luo Ming what is the recruitment quota?Luo Ming just said lightly, "Do your best."

When they were more than 1000 meters away from Jiangcheng, they were stopped by soldiers from the field camp.Wait for Sun Cheng to go over and talk.Captain Pony let out a cry of surprise.

The soldiers in the field camp opposite also recognized him.I immediately found my loved ones.At this time, the pony captain's heart was hanging in his stomach.

Even though he knew these were soldiers from a field camp, there were always accidents.If something happens, you probably won't be able to eat and walk away.

At this point, even if your task is complete, you can speak right away.

"Captain Ma. I brought you the place. Go back if you have nothing to do. There must be no shortage of people at the gate of the city."

The pony captain nodded to him and watched him turn and leave.

At this time, the soldiers in the field camp were familiar with each other.Although there were 1000 soldiers in their field battalion, they were all in a training camp at the beginning.Trained under Li Long for several months.It can be said that everyone can no longer be boiled.

And as long as the soldiers in the field battalion are mostly Chuhua people, who doesn't know the leader's wife Milan?So Milan, accompanied by the pony captain, these people went straight into Jiangcheng without hindrance.

And as long as the soldiers in the field battalion are mostly Chuhua people, who doesn't know the leader's wife Milan?So Milan, accompanied by the pony captain, these people went straight into Jiangcheng without hindrance.

Now, the inside of Jiangcheng is no longer dirty and smelly.Everything is clean and bright.

The entire River City has returned to a luxurious and high-profile decoration style.The overall color is mainly golden yellow.As soon as I walked into the Jiangcheng Guild Hall, I felt a splendid momentum released.

The hotel is decorated in major style.It is the main color of the European royal family.Almost everything is gold.As soon as Milan walked in, he frowned slightly.

Although she is the rich second generation of the Shen family.But there is still some resistance to such an exaggerated decoration.But it doesn't affect anything.Accompanied by soldiers from the Milan Field Battalion and Captain Colt, he walked upstairs.

Impossible to go up.The field battalion fighters who came with them were all waiting outside the door in a special place.The three of them walked up the stairs.

Milan noticed in particular that there were workers coming and going on every floor.She is very familiar with the work of this staff member, knowing that they are all dealing with some internal affairs of Chu Huali.This kind of work is very tedious.So these workers were in a hurry with dozens of documents in their hands.Shuttle between departments.Milan was taken directly to the sixth floor and stopped at the door of a luxuriously decorated suite.

There were two burly men standing at the door, one on the left and the other on the right, like two gatekeepers.

Seeing Milan approaching, the two couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What do you do? The sixth floor is where the chief is, and ordinary people don't come up."

The big man on the left asked in a deep voice.Obviously, they regard Milan as a new employee.Probably because I was not familiar with the situation, I went to the sixth floor.This happens from time to time these days.The field battalion soldiers who accompanied them hurried forward and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty! This is Milan, the wife of Chief Luo Ming. I came all the way from Chuhua. Let this lady come in quickly."


Woof woof woof, the two big men were startled at the same time, and their eyes stared.Look at Milan.

After all, Milan is everyone's family background, standing there gracefully, looking at the two of them smiling.The two big men turned their heads to look at each other, nodded, and said two words at the same time.


Every day this week, my brother is with Luo Ming.I have long heard that Luo Ming has a beautiful wife.But the two of them have never met, and they suddenly appeared in front of them today.

Let these two guys look a little dumbfounded.It took several seconds to react before turning around and pushing the door.

"Wait a moment……"

Milan stopped them in a low voice.At the same time, place a lush index finger over your mouth.He made a booing gesture and a smile appeared on his face.If Milan was a dignified and generous lady just now, at this moment, she has already become the girl in "The Seed of Love".

Seeing Milan's expression, the two rough men understood in a second, and immediately moved to the left and right.At the same time, place your index finger over your mouth.Said he couldn't make a sound.

Milan smirked and pushed open the door of the suite.She went straight in, and the door was closed behind her.

In fact, Luo Ming just finished discussing some things with Li Long.Only half an hour after Li Long left, he is now lying on a three-seater sofa.His head rested on the armrest on the left side of the sofa, his eyes were slightly closed.He is thinking about something.

In his mind, he was slowly sorting out the affairs of the four cities he was in, personnel arrangements and so on.But at this moment, his ears moved slightly.He felt the door of his suite being pushed open, and he was shocked.You know, there is Zhou Tiantian's brother guarding the door.No matter who it was, even if Su Qiang and Li Long came in, they would knock on the door in advance to say hello.

Now Luo Ming's senses have been strengthened to 23 points.This is not for nothing.If he listened with his heart, he could feel the heartbeats of the four people outside the suite.And the hearts of these four people are very stable.Doesn't look like a bad guy.

At the same time, he also felt slight footsteps coming from the door of the routine room.The voice is soft, like a kitten.The ground floor is covered with pure wool carpets imported from Italy.Step by step, I am approaching myself cautiously.

The corners of Luo Ming's mouth turned up, with a sweet smile.He couldn't feel the killing intent of the needle at all.Instead, I felt a familiar and sweet taste.You can even feel the early morning fragrance of orchids in the air.

The scent is not that of any skincare or perfume.It is a person's body fragrance.This person is the Milan he misses day and night.

Although he didn't know how Milan suddenly appeared in his suite.But he could totally know what Milan wanted to do now, so he quickly silenced the smile on his lips.Lie down pretending to be expressionless.

No, as Luo Ming expected, he didn't wait for a few seconds.He felt a pair of warm hands and suddenly covered his eyes.A purposely grumpy voice rang in his ear behind him.

"Guess who I am?"

"You are Li Long." Luo Ming said.

"No, guess again." Milan behind had no choice.She already knew that Luo Ming had found herself.Lying on the sofa, of course Luo Ming would not guess again.Standing up on the sofa, he stretched out his hand and took Milan behind him into his arms.


With a bewitching scream, Milan curled up in Luo Ming's arms like a kitten, with his small hands hammered into fists on his chest.


Suddenly, Luo Ming couldn't bear it anymore.He has not touched Milan for more than two months.Seeing her shy, she ignored everything and asked nothing.Instead of being newlyweds, it's better to say a little goodbye.

And at this critical moment, in this luxurious presidential suite, in the corner of the ceiling, there is a crab god poking his head.I saw the crab god muttering to himself, chanting a series of mysterious and obscure incantations.From his mouth, he spit out countless layers of mosaics.The entire presidential suite is tightly sealed.

Not to mention the picture, even the sound can't come out at all.When I was waiting for the melon, the audience could only give a thumbs up and say.


Over time, the audience waiting to eat melons can only be anxious outside the mosaic.

Finally, after more than two hours.The mosaic outside the presidential suite suddenly and slowly moved to the roof.In the end, they all disappeared in the mouth of the crab god.

The River Crab God sucked back the spit out mosaic completely.At this time, the melon eaters saw that one of Crab God's eyes was a little red, and there was a needle eye on the eyelid.But before they could take a closer look, the Great God Crab had already wiped the drool from his mouth with his hands, and disappeared contentedly.

It seems that everyone knows.He didn't show it to us, but he took a good look.The underground people who eat melons can only beat their feet, look up to the sky, and howl.

"The way of heaven is unfair, what can disciples do?"


The arrival of Milan made Luo Ming breathe a sigh of relief.With Milan here, he doesn't have to spend so much time on internal affairs.Luo Ming felt very headache about the tedious affairs of internal affairs.He would rather lead the field battalion out to attack the city.

But now that he has just acquired four cities, he urgently needs stability.In a short period of time, it is impossible to expand externally.The focus of the next work is internal affairs, and we must fully develop our four cities.

Milan also learned about the survivors in the central Chu Kingdom and collected weeds from Hui.Not to eat for myself, but to feed the rabbits.There are many residents in central Chu.And there are a lot of weeds outside the city, so Su Qiang and Luo Ming.

Survivors with little to no workforce were encouraged.Several rabbit farms were built in central Chu.Luo Ming also had butterflies catch hundreds of rabbits from the castle grounds.Divide these farms into breeding rabbits.

Luo Ming also has ten butterflies in the castle.He has a huge field of giant wheat in the castle clearing.We also need to grow sweet potatoes and various wild vegetables.He even more than doubled the mushroom planting in the cave.So these jobs must not be less than ten butterflies.

As for the other butterflies, he didn't bring them to Chu Hua this time.These were all left to Li Ming in Chuhua.Now Chu Hua, under the leadership of Lao Wang, has slowly cultivated nearly a thousand butterflies.These butterflies are no longer in Chuhuali, they are all in the XC area, and the streets and urban areas are being cleaned up in a planned and step-by-step manner.

These thousand huge butterflies.Rooted in the radiation zone.It takes almost ten days to absorb the radiation of tens of thousands of square meters around.

these clearings.Not only will survivors be stationed, but fields can also be reclaimed purposefully to grow giant wheat or sweet potatoes.

Although there are many infected people in the radiation area, even the most monkeys.But looking in front of nearly a thousand butterflies is not enough.The safety of these places is also guaranteed.

In short, with the cooperation of twin brothers Lao Wang, Li Ming, and Sima Li Ming, they are encroaching on the West District step by step.The peak is pointed at by soldiers, and its momentum is like a broken bamboo.Countless infected people were wiped out by butterflies, and turned into physical strength and thoughts in Luo Ming's system.

(End of this chapter)

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