Chapter 66 Shit!

Chapter 66 Shit!
But I didn't expect Luo Ming to be so anxious and only give everyone a month to prepare.Even Milan glanced at Luo Ming, but she didn't say anything.

Despite the tight time frame, none of the men raised any objections.

"Since this is the case, I have nothing else to do. Let's go to work after the meeting." Luo Ming decided to dissolve the meeting.

After Luo Ming finished speaking, of course everyone had no objections and stood up and left.

Su Qiang stood up and walked to Milan, and said with a smile, "Madam, I have prepared an office next to you, and I will show you around."

Milan nodded, without saying anything, got up and took Su Qiang away.

And Luo Ming didn't move, still sitting on the chair.When they left, he saw William and Milan's brother and sister staying where they were.

So he stood up and said to William: "Let's go. First, please strengthen the nineteen people you brought into gold."

"Director, they are waiting on the first floor. Let's go down together." William and Luo Ming left the meeting room.Walk down the hallway like a staircase.

Before reaching the stairs, Luo Ming passed a private room, and saw the door of the private room was open. Inside was Milan, outside was Su Qiang, and there was a beautiful middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa talking about something.

Luo Ming didn't stop and walked quickly through the door, but he was confused.Because he didn't know who that middle-aged woman was.

On the first floor, Luo Ming quickly strengthened the people brought by William.The brothers and sisters of William and Milan did not stay, and led those people away directly to Luo Ming.They should hurry back to the Jiangcunju base.

The Jiangcunju base is now empty. Take these 19 golden talents and go back.It is also possible to strengthen the defense there early. At the same time, William was impatient and wanted to go back and quickly select people.The 50 places promised by Luo Ming will be fulfilled soon.

Watching William, Milan's brother and sister Luo Ming leave in a hurry, they stood in the hall for a while.After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing too important to do.Let's go and see the soldiers at Lee Yong's field camp.

Li Qian stayed in the field camp until dark before returning to his chief's office.From a distance, I saw a few workers writing down the words Jiangcheng outside the building.

When he walked to the sixth floor and returned to his presidential suite, he saw a happy Milan pulling him.

"Liu, come in. Why did I wait for you for a long time to come back?"

"What are you waiting for me?"

Luo Ming wanted to know.

"Waiting for you to eat!"

Luo Ming looked inside, and sure enough there were several plates on the table.Looks rich.I can't help but wonder.The most recent festival came back to my mind.However, that year was not a holiday, nor was it Milan's birthday, nor was it my own.

What day of the week is it?He was a little baffled.

"Don't just stand, sit down!"

Milan is as cheerful as a little crow.Greeting Luo Ming to sit down, he took out a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

People brought up a glass of wine and looked at Luo Ming tenderly.

"Don't just sit around, hold your wine up. I have good news for you."

"good news?"

Luo Ming's mind was a little confused.What's the good news?Did Milan and Su Qiang make the rules in one afternoon, so quickly?
Looking at the bewildered face, Milan really couldn't restrain his excitement.There seemed to be a little starlight in the two eyes, looking at Luo Ming.He said softly with his lips parted.

"I have."

"You did it. What do you have?" Luo Ming asked casually, but saw Milan gouging himself out with his eyes.Then he spoke softly in a more gentle tone.

"I have."

"Have you? Why are you acting weird today? You mean.?"

Suddenly, Luo Ming was taken aback, and his eyes widened immediately.Looking at the smiling face on the opposite side, looking at his own Milan.

"You mean you would?"

Milan looked at Luo Ming in surprise, couldn't help but smiled sweetly, and nodded.Fang Weiteng stood up from the table, and the chair behind him fell back with a bang.

"You really have!"

Milan laughed like an old hen who just stole someone else's eggs, with Luo Ming's violent smile.

Smiling and nodding, he looked at Luo Ming with happiness. "I really do. I just tested this afternoon, you idiot. Don't you know? My relatives and aunts haven't been here since we started our honeymoon."


Luo Ming is a little silly.Think about it carefully, indeed.Since Milan came to Chuhua to find him, the two of them will go to Maple Leaf Valley for their last honeymoon.Then I went to Chuhua, and finally I went back to Chuhua.

There were indeed more than two months before and after, and during these two months, I worked hard every night to do my best.I really didn't meet my relatives in Milan.

"So, I want to be a dad, I want to be a dad..."

Luo Ming let out a cheer.The figure appeared beside Milan in the blink of an eye and picked her up.

Milan is now lying in Luo Ming's arms, just giggling.

The suddenly excited Luo Ming stopped.His eyes slowly looked at Milan.

"Liu Mei, are you sure you have it? You won't make me happy for nothing."

"What are you talking about?" Milan gave him a light punch.

"Can I joke about this kind of thing? Of course. This afternoon, when Su Qiang took me to the office, I happened to meet Liu Lan in the office. Liu Lan helped me measure it. The captains of the two bars really had it. And I'm worried. Liu Lanren is a very nice person. She took me out again, and even found an old Chinese doctor."

"This old Chinese doctor was very famous in Chu Huazhong before. Before the end of the day, if you want to see someone, you have to make an appointment a month in advance. The old Chinese doctor also checked me. I did get it, and he gave me some medicine Get me back. It's all abortion."

Hearing what Milan said, Luo Ming's heart is a piece of nylon.

"Really." Now Luo Ming was so excited as if he had a kitten in his heart, scratching his heart with its paw.He couldn't stop, holding Milan back and forth in the presidential suite.

After being happy for a while, Luo remembered and asked who is that Liu Lan? "

He remembered seeing a good-looking middle-aged woman in Milan's office when he went out after the meeting.

"That Liu Lan is now Su Qiang. She manages the 32 grocery stores that Su Qiang opened in Chuhuazhong. According to Su Qiang, this Yimei used to be the owner of Jiangcheng Hotel. Originally, I followed the foreman Li Qiang. Since we Occupying the entire Chuhua, this Yimei follows him."

"According to Su Qiang, this Yimei is very good at management. I think he and Su Qiang should be a family now."

Milan explained to him with a smile.

"Really, I remember Su Qiang had a wife. I think it was called Zhang Yafang. By the way, he also has a cousin named Li Ming."

"That's right. You have a good memory, but what year is it now? Who cares? Su Jiang wants to find two wives, and that's not enough.

"That's right. You have a good memory, but what year is it now? Who cares? Sujiang needs two wives, and that's not enough. There are three or four wives everywhere in Chu and Central Plains. Didn't you tell me to encourage them before?" Fertility? It's the end of the day. More boys than girls."

Hearing Milan's words, Luo Ming almost opened his mouth wide.Does that mean I can have two wives too?Fortunately, he shut up in time and didn't say this.

Man, sometimes there are things you can do but never say.

"Okay, Liu Mei, let's go back to the castle space right away. I want to tell my mom and dad the good news."

In fact, Luo Ming can now go back with peace of mind, she is no longer afraid of Li Mei chasing her and asking when she will have a grandson.

Milan was smiling when he heard Luo Ming's words, and suddenly froze.

Luo Ming was startled when he saw Milan's face, and asked:
"What's wrong, don't you want to tell my parents the news?"

"No," Milan shook his head lightly.Gentle looked at Luo Ming, then without speaking, pulled Luo Ming's left hand up and placed it on his lower abdomen.

"Liu, can we go back tomorrow? I think the three of us are together today."


Luo Ming put his hand on Milan's warm stomach.Suddenly some crazy love.

"Yeah! What an amazing thing. I actually have a new life, my life with Milan." At this moment, he felt his shoulders sink, as if he had more responsibilities.

"very good,"

Luo Ming nodded.Milan turned to Fang Wei with a flushed face.murmuring. "Tonight I want you to love me well, love me hard."

That evening.What happened, only the Crab God knows.It's still a night without words for us.

Early the next morning, Luo Ming couldn't wait to take Milan back to the space castle.Then the entire castle space was flying around.Li Mei's earth-shattering laughter came out.Huang Mao, who had just returned to the yard, was so frightened that he didn't know where to go.

In the following time, the entire Chu Hua began to rotate like a huge machine with only one goal.Prepare to go north.

Every day on the streets of Chuhua, you can see field battalion soldiers who are training intensely.There is a 24-hour conscription office at the gate of the field camp.There are two people in three shifts here.Survivors are guaranteed to be able to sign up for field camps anytime, anywhere.

Of course, the selection of field camps is very strict. If it is gold, the conditions will be wider.If it is an ordinary ability, it will be very strict.Basically, ordinary ability will not be admitted.Unless your ability is unique and practical.

August is like the face of a naughty child.It's just another storm.Searched all over Chuhua.

On the second day of heavy rain, Luo Ming officially led 1500 field battalion soldiers to start his journey northward.

Many years later, Pharaoh wrote clearly in his memoirs.Occupying the four cities was his first step, and marching north was the most glorious and important step in his life.When the old king went north, his subordinates had already gathered the five heavenly kings, they were.

Following Crazy King William, Chen Zhiyuan, Magic King, Li Mingxin King.dark, Yan.

In Lao Wang's memoirs, he spoke highly of the five heavenly kings, and spent a lot of space explaining the great achievements of the five heavenly kings' northward march.

This time, Luo Ming led a full 1500 soldiers to camp in the wild.Li Long and Zhou Tiantian set off with him.He didn't take anyone else with him, and Milan stayed in Chuhua.

Milan is pregnant. In Luo Ming's mind, she is a protected animal at the level of a giant panda.It turned out that both Li Mei and Lao Zhang found Luo Ming.

Knowing he was going north, he wanted Milan to live in the castle space.But Milan disagreed.Her reasons are also very reasonable.

First, it is only two or three months now, so there is no need to make a fuss.

The second is that she and Su Qiang have reached the critical moment of neutralizing the rules in Chu Hua.Without Luo Ming, Milan would have to make decisions for him on many internal matters.

In the end, for their fat grandson, Li Mei and Lao Zhang finally returned to Chuhua from the castle space.Living in Luo Ming's original presidential suite is called serving Milan.

With his parents by his side, Luo Ming's journey to the north was much easier.

Early tomorrow morning, Luo planned to go north, and he didn't even wait to go to Chuzhou.In other words, when Yang Jing just left him, he had already started planning in his heart.

Milan also knew what Luo Ming was thinking, and didn't say a word to stop him from going north.Instead, he is fully supportive in action.Mobilize the manpower and material resources of the four cities to help him prepare for the northward march.

Luo Ming also agreed to Milan.Come back before the baby is born.

In addition, he ordered Fang Wei to take away all the remaining field battalion soldiers.After ensuring Lao Li's safety, he returned to Jiangcheng.

In Jiangcheng, Zhou Tiantian will establish his permanent training base in Qiaoxi District.In Luo Ming's plan, Chuhua and Jiangcheng would station some soldiers from the field battalion.

This can effectively support four cities.No matter which city is in danger, the soldiers in the field camp can appear in time.

At the same time, during this time, Romin took out almost all the solar panels in the castle space.The solar panels that Lao Zhang copied have accumulated a lot.

When he left Chuhua, he had already given some to Li Ming.Let some of them be installed in Central China.The other part sent him to Jiangcheng.

Later, he gave the rest to Sujiang and put it in Chuhua.Therefore, all four cities have a certain number of solar panels.

They also have some power generation capability.In addition to the senior management's room and some lamps installed on the ramparts.Other electricity is basically concentrated on the battery.Let the four cities have a certain amount of electric tricycle transportation capacity.

At the same time, the communication between the four cities has gradually developed, and the exchange of needed items has gradually begun.

Therefore, Luo Ming has basically done everything he can do in this month.The rest depends on how the first lady Milan does internal affairs.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Ming was already standing outside a small town in the north of the Chu River.Li Long stood beside him and said.

"Chief, this is our first stop in Tianwang Town. We will spend the night here tonight."

The area of ​​the town is not big, Luo Ming took a look.But there are also two main roads, one horizontal and one vertical.It should be about the same area as the Jiangcunju base before its expansion.

Just wild scenery everywhere.There are ruins on both sides of the street, and billboards are thrown on the ground casually.There are traces of survivors rummaging countless times in the store, and the ground is full of garbage.

ps, vote, thank you, okay!Love your writers!Hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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