Chapter 78 Never Met You!
Chapter 78 I’ve never seen you before!

"Keep an eye on it!" he shouted, pointing to the wound, "Look carefully and tell me what you see!"

When he was wondering, Lao Li came over.

Gradually, Lao Li's heart was filled with goosebumps.

In the flesh and blood around the waist, countless white tentacles suddenly appeared.They went about their separate lives, hooking each other up, pulling together the ripped flesh, and then the frost appeared and covered the wound, and the bloody wound healed quickly.

"Boss, what is that... what is that?"

Old Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Even if he had less experience, he could still tell that this white bug was definitely not inside the human body!
"What the black-spotted owl transferred into my body."

Pulling up his clothes again, he slowly said to his side: "It probably eats other animals because of this thing."

"Only in this way can we resist the cold."

There was a pause, and a possibility was brought up.

"Hypothetically...if they can't find food, someday the frost will completely cover them, and that's what creates the ice we see today!"

"In other words, my final result is to die covered in frost!"

"The flesh and blood of animals belong to Durico. I depend on it, but I am also subject to it."

"While there will be relief from the cold, the frost will not stop the spread."

He came over and patted Lao Li on the shoulder. "I don't know if I'm the only one here who has this situation, but as one of the survivors we need to spread the word!"

"Beware of living animals and their parasites!"


On Xiaobai's back, Luo Ming stood side by side with his master.

In front of them was the main workshop. The metal ball in the middle was split into two, and a puddle of liquid solidified at the bottom.

When Luo Ming split the eighth block of ice, he received a hint of his master's rebirth.

So let it hide itself and deal with the crisis in the dark.

Born in World War I, the mage's physical attributes have been fully strengthened.In addition to being able to cherish the power of Moses' elephant, he also gained the ability to liquefy and shapeshift.

"Master, please give me that thing, maybe I can help the master."

The master refers to the spore ice flower with a strange origin.

Luo Ming nodded, waved his hand, and 10 sawdust bottles of different sizes appeared on the ground.

Inside each bottle is a mass of white wriggling silk threads.

"The capacity of the main workshop has also been enhanced because the owner has contributed valuable supplies."

The master sticks out a cable and connects it to the console.

The main body of the workshop is constantly changing, walls are erected around it, more light sources appear, and the console is more refined than before.

A small sealed laboratory appeared.

The master operated the main arm to clamp the sawdust bottle and put it into the laboratory.

The sound wave sounded, the sawdust bottle shattered, and the spores and ice flowers inside were free.

Sensing each other's presence, the 10 spore ice flowers approached each other, and their white tentacles touched each other.

Then there is a melee between the spores and the ice flower!
Luo Ming looked inside, and finally the spore ice flower collected from the brain of Moses' giant elephant swallowed the other nine plants.

The sporangia at its tail wriggled violently, and something was conceived inside.

The sporangium suddenly burst open, and a branch about 10 centimeters tall with seven snowflake-like leaves appeared in front of Luo Ming. This was the most beautiful "plant" life!
【Man!The symbiote's extremely icy ice species has been discovered! 】

The symbiont "plant" named Extremely Cold Ice Species stood quietly in a sealed box, with a pile of withered white silk threads underneath.

Withered white threads, like burnt incense ash, break, decompose, and turn into dust
"Born from flesh and blood..."

"Learn from other beings and gain rebirth..."

Luo Ming looked at the "plant" in front of him, as if he saw the bloody evil behind him.

"Before the spores hatch, they are parasitic."

so now.
"Sir, send this piece of mutton in."

Luo Ming waved his hand and ordered a piece of bloody mutton.

say "no"

The main body sent the mutton to 10cm in front of the extremely cold ice seed, and the blood dripped.

Its seven leaves suddenly moved, and then strands of roots stretched out from the roots of the extremely cold ice species, climbing onto the mutton.

At this moment, the arctic ice species behaves like a living creature.Its roots should be tested on the surface of the mutton and then stuck in one place.

Tsk tsk-
The extremely cold ice moved, and the whole body was squeezed into the mutton.

After a few seconds, the mutation started.

The muscle fibers of the mutton suddenly become thicker, and instantly expand to twice the original size, secreting a large amount of white viscous liquid to prevent blood loss.

Sniff!Hot air rose from the lamb, adding a layer of moisture to the sealed room.

On the display screen in front of Luo Ming, a row of numbers showing the temperature appeared.Just now the instrument detected that the surface temperature of the mutton was as high as 50 degrees!
The next moment, the meat came alive again!

Writhing, twitching, and the division and regeneration of new flesh and tissue!
Tsk tsk-
Meat rushed forward, hitting the wall of the sealed room.

Luo Ming squatted down to observe it closely.

Something is wrong.Luo Ming drove the car to the side of the road and found that the meat had been dehydrated.

Extensive burn scars appear.

It screamed from inside, and the extremely cold ice seeds were about to squeeze out of its flesh!
"The energy of the meat itself is about to run out."

The master said loudly: "According to the data analysis, a series of hyperplasia, hemostasis, and temperature rise directly above the meat block have exhausted the stored energy."

"It no longer has the conditions for symbiosis."

Without saying a word, the whole plant of extremely cold ice seeds separated from the meat.

The meat instantly turned black and shriveled, like a piece of black charcoal.

Without flesh and blood, the extremely cold ice species returned to a static state.

"Master, until I finish studying it, I don't recommend you touch it directly."

"As far as it's concerned, it's behaving like an aggressor rather than a true symbiont."

Master stretched out his main arm and shook it. "They cannot live in symbiosis with the host organism."

"During the time just now, the biological pulse it shows fluctuates strongly against you."

"That is, it thinks you're the best parasite."

"On the other hand, it has sentience and a certain instinctive thinking, so it is more properly classified as a living thing."

"After my rebirth, I yearn for the mysteries of biology even more than before."

"Give it to me, please."

When the master said this, Luo Ming saw a hint of a mad scientist in its one-eyed eyes.

"Learn what you want to learn."

Luo Ming nodded. "It's no accident that this thing appeared in the extremely cold sea."

"Find out as soon as possible."

In the data analysis you just provided, they would choose humans.

If the scope is expanded, what will happen to the survivors of the entire extremely cold sea.
Luo Ming only felt that everyone was locked in by an overwhelming net.

"However, master, please provide me with 100 pieces of steel."

"Here." Luo Ming agreed, he wanted to see what his master would do next.

"My new ability is to create metal clones."

The interior of the workshop changed again, the airtight room containing the extremely cold ice species was sealed, and a new operating space appeared.

"I can do two general subjects that carry my data awareness and give me enough time to process things here."

"They can help owners with other jobs."

The steel placed on the material table melted rapidly, and a pair of invisible hands were shaping the shape of the main body.


Blow out cold air to cool down the red body.

Two metal figures appear!

They are two meters tall, have no facial features, and their streamlined bodies lie on the material table.

Master stretched out two data cables and connected them to the back of the metal man's head.Gradually, a blue one-eyed dragon emerged from the metal man's face.

"As the mastermind, I can simultaneously process the information they capture."

"Apart from the shape, they are no different from the real me."

Knock on the door.

The two subjects stood up and knelt down on one knee in front of Luo Ming.

"I'm t1."

"I'm t2."

"very good."

Luo Ming is very satisfied, the problem of her family's lack of resources has been partially solved.

One is to build flowers and plants, and the other is to use fishing nets in daily operations.

This discipline focuses on research.

"Next, I need some living organisms for research."

The master said: "Whether the difference between animals and ordinary creatures is caused by them still needs further judgment."


At night, Luo Ming and his master stood together, looking at each other.



The master has a spatula in his hand, and the blue one-eyed laser shoots.


The master paused. "data lost."

Luo Ming patted his forehead and finally figured it out!

The 2% data information that Master lost is the cooking technique he taught him! ! !
Luo Ming's heart was blocked, and he felt that the cabbage in the pot was not so attractive.

Luo Ming let out a long sigh of relief, and reached out for the spatula.

"Come on, let's start from scratch."

"My lord, I have a suggestion."

"Master, tell me."

"Next time, back up the information that you can cook 100 dishes."

Da da-
Dancing tongs, Nana, it's not too much to watch.

In order to officially celebrate the master's rebirth, Luo Ming took out a bottle of red wine and put it on.Nana was very happy.

"How was the first test?"

Luo Ming asked about the research results this afternoon.

"Experiment No. 1 is an ordinary sea fish, it died after 10 minutes of symbiosis."

"Experiment No. 30 is an animal. It died after [-] minutes of symbiosis."

"Their bodies have been greatly strengthened and they are extremely aggressive."

The owner's one-eyed flashed, and a picture was projected.

Luo Ming just glanced at it, "Shut down, shut down, still eating..."

"Dead organisms are carbonized and dehydrated."

"Organism 3 is a Class-D animal spiny turtle."

"Before the test, no spore ice flower parasitism was found."

"The inference that the spore ice flower causes the organism to be frozen is not valid."

Luo Ming nodded. "What about its experimental response?"

The master lowered his head and seemed to be speaking.

"I think the master will be very interested."

"In today's terms, it's a promotion."

"Advance to C level."

Luo Ming bit off the meat on the chopsticks and put down the bowl.

"Take me to see right away."

When they walked away, Nana looked in the direction they left and removed the unfinished bottle of red wine.


The door of the workshop slowly opened and the lights were bright.

Luo Ming looked at the sealed box suspended in the air.

Inside, an animal with a body length of more than 3 meters is wandering. 0 2
With a wave of Master's hand, three lamps shone in the sealed room from different angles.

Luo Ming put his hands on his back and stared at the animal in front of him.

"That's not what spiny turtles are like."


Master waved his hand back, and an electronic screen appeared with a picture on it.

The animal above is covered in fragments of tortoise shell-like material and is only 1 meter long with long bony spurs on its tail.

"This is what it looked like before it was advanced."

Luo Ming turned around again, and the animals in the sealed box disappeared in front of him, and the scales became only the size of copper coins.

But its snout is more and more developed, and the length of the skull accounts for one-third of its body length.

this creature
Luo Ming fell into deep thought, and pictures flashed through his mind.

A few minutes later, Luo Ming opened the crystal panel.

On the kill list, the shadow of an animal gradually overlaps with the creature in front of it!
Swish swish.

Luo Ming quickly scrolled down, staring at a photo in the middle of the list.

"Type C animal, bottlenose snakefish!"

Comparing the photo with the creature, Luo Ming found that the bottlenose snakefish in front of him was darker and more aggressive.

"How long did the mutation last?"

The master's one-eyed light was shining, "Master, wait a moment, I will load the monitoring at that time."

After a while, a video appeared in front of Luo Ming.

In the picture, the master put the extremely cold ice seeds into the water tank and sensed the thorn turtle.The extremely cold ice seed immediately stretched out its tentacles and surrounded it.

Strangely, the spiny turtle did not resist, as if it was paralyzed, allowing the extremely cold ice species to crawl out of its mouth.

Five seconds later, the turtle twitched violently in the water, causing splashes.

Then it turns its white belly and floats on the water.


It's not over yet!

I saw the tail of the "dead" thorn turtle began to swing stiffly, driving the body to swim in one direction.

In the corner over there, there are two "cokes" sinking!
White fish eyes, stiff mouth, just like this, two mouthfuls of "Coke" were gnawed away.

Change again!

The spiny turtle's body is bent at an odd angle, with the tail and head forming a "circle".

Its scales began to fall off, and new scales the size of copper coins appeared underneath. Its body grew piece by piece, and the blood stained the water red.

3 minutes later a brand new bottlenose snakefish appeared with a smooth body that looked more than that.

Normal swallowing, normal swimming, nothing abnormal.

Luo Ming looked at the time in the upper left corner, the process took no more than 5 minutes.

A bloody piece of meat was thrown in again.

The snakefish swims slowly, opens its mouth and swallows it in one gulp, which is how normal fish hunt.

So perverted!

If you can't be sure that there are symbionts in it, you can't tell it from the outside.

"It just ate a symbiotic failure, probably to replenish high-level energy." Luo Ming thought for a while and said.

"Continue the experiment, and adjust the target from ordinary creatures to animals."

“In addition, establish a musical notation for animal population analysis.”

"The evolution from spiny turtles to bottlenose snakefish is inextricably linked."

"Sir, I'm afraid we have discovered the great secret."

Luo Ming's intuition told himself that a major discovery was waiting for him in the near future.


(End of this chapter)

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