Chapter 79 All Diseases!

Chapter 79 All diseases!
"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up! Stop dawdling!"

Lao Li stood on the deck, urging the busy members, with anxious eyes shining, and glanced at the captain's cabin on the third floor from time to time.

"Put all slaughtered animal meat in the warehouse below deck!"

"Remember, their blood must be separated!"

In front of Lao Li, dozens of people were busy at dusk.

On deck, masses of lower animals are securely strapped with nylon and are usually sent to members of the assembly line for slaughter.

Knock knock.

In the captain's cabin on the third floor, chair legs made contact with the ground, making noise.

His hands and feet were bound and a towel was stuffed in his mouth.

His chest was bare, covered with a lot of hoarfrost, and shocking blood stains.

too painful!

In the evening, his condition worsened, and the pain caused him to scratch through Hoarfrost.

It must be suppressed with animal flesh and blood!

Lao Li was killing people, tied him to a chair to prevent self-mutilation.

gasp - gasp -
Panting heavily, the towel was wet with saliva and bit the ground.

His eyes were red, he felt countless worms wriggling under his skin, and his internal organs seemed to be drilled by an electric drill.

Only one straw away from the collapse of sanity!
In fact, his exposed skin, his blood vessels kept twitching, swimming under the skin like eels.


The door of the captain's cabin was pushed open, and Lao Li broke in with a leather blanket in his hand.

"Boss, I'm ready."

"Everything is in the warehouse."

"We can't watch you die and drink poison to quench your thirst. We can definitely delay until we find the antidote."

Lao Li wrapped the blanket around his body, untied his limbs, supported him, and walked towards the warehouse step by step.


"Brother, I'm waiting for you outside. If it's not enough, you can call me, and I will continue to kill people."

Old Li said seriously.

"No, no, no" holding Lao Li's hand, there was still a bit of reason around him.

"I can't control my heart. It's coming out."

Staring at Lao Li beside him with crimson eyes, "Let's knock on the door with a signal. After one day, if I don't knock on the door, you will lure the brothers out of this boat and blow it up."

"The me after that, I'm afraid it won't be me anymore."

"After a day, if I walk out by myself, I've won."

"Frost can be overcome."

With tears in his eyes, Lao Li nodded solemnly, "Okay!"


The warehouse door was closed, extinguishing the last sunset.

Night fell!
Half-kneeling on the ground, he stretched out his palms inch by inch towards the flesh and blood of animals not far away.

At this time, an animal that had been dead for a long time moved.

From its nose and mouth, white silk threads slowly drilled out.
I didn't notice it around, just opened my mouth and bit down on a piece of meat!

Luo Ming sat at the desk with a piece of paper in front of him.

What happened today was so weird that it subverted his previous understanding.

Luo Ming writes and draws on it. There are three circles in his notebook.

The first circle reads: Spore Ice Flower.

The second circle reads: Animals.

The third circle reads: Extremely cold ice species.

On the three circles, there are two double-headed arrows pointing to each other.

Two arrows protrude from the Spore Frost:
1. Spore ice flower can parasitize on animals or marine fishes, more like the transmission medium of spore ice flower in this period.

2.10. The [-] spore ice flowers phagocytized each other to produce complete polar ice species.

Two arrows protrude from the animal:
1. Spore ice flower has not been found in frozen animals, only found in frozen animals on the island.

2. Animals coexist with extremely cold ice species.

Two arrows protrude from the extremely cold ice species:
1. The extremely cold ice species "symbiosis" with animals, which promotes the animals to move forward.

pointing spore ice flower
Luo Ming frowned, and the pen in his hand was spinning rapidly.

The relationship between them. Luo Ming's eyes aimed at the above inference, if pushed back.

A hypothesis arises: the extremely cold ice species will produce spore ice flowers? ? ! !

Luo Ming suddenly stood up from his chair and ran quickly to the main workshop.

"Sir, check the water quality in the sealed chamber!"

Things are getting bigger!
If you are the first person to touch the spore ice flower, then the key to Pandora's box is still in your hands.

But if someone or a creature has been in contact with it before myself, by chance, the extremely cold ice species was born!

This kind of "symbiosis" is really not a good thing!
"Symbiosis" strengthens its own host, and then uses the host to sow more spores!

Find the spore parasites, the parasites will eat each other to make themselves stronger!
Luo Ming runs very fast, if his reasoning is correct.

Then Master must find the spores in the water!
Referring to the parasitic transmission characteristics of spore ice flowers, parasitic fish or animals can be found in the sea!

The airtight room in the main workshop is brightly lit!

Luo Ming put on a special protective suit made of crocodile skin and fish bone glue.Fully enclosed, leaving only a filter respirator for air exchange.

It was originally used to prevent volcanic ash from being exchanged, but it is now used.

Resident Evil in Another World
Luo Ming wore a wide blindfold on his face, staring at the master working in front of him.

Inside the sealed box, the bottlenose snakefish swims slowly, its cheeks moving as it filters the water.

The master stood aside and poured a glass of water from it.

"Master, I'm starting!"

Luo Ming nodded lightly, his mind was very tense, it was time to confirm his inference.

Take a can of seawater, place it on the slide, and then place it on a string of light holes.

A laser shot out from the main arm next to it.On the screen in front of Luo Ming, a light curtain unfolded.

Impurities, sand, algae, and seawater show a microscopic world under the microscope.

"Zoom in a little more."

Luo Ming pointed to one of the shadows and said that in previous cognitions, some spores were similar to bacteria, but they have not been discovered now.

Zooming in further, a dark area also appeared in front of Luo Ming.

Inside the mask, Luo Ming's breathing became heavier, and the fear in his eyes gradually became serious.

"Zoom in again..."

The fists in protective clothing clenched involuntarily, and Luo Ming tried to calm her emotions.

This time, the picture suddenly magnified a hundred times!
The moment Luo Ming saw the photo, his pupils tightened instantly!
"Main workshop! Immediately implement a three-level closure!"

In my mind, I gave orders to these buildings, and Luo Ming only felt the hairs on his back stand on end!

On the outer wall of the workshop, three layers of shells immediately appeared, covering everything below.

The negative pressure air intake system is activated, and the air inside must not leak!
knock on the door.knock on the door.

Countless purple-green high-frequency disinfection light sources appeared on the wall, and all microorganisms in the air could not escape their purification.

Luo Ming saw it!He saw countless spore ice flowers!

The dense spore ice flowers are crowded together, and each spore is a miniature version of the parasite!

White tentacles stretched across the water, hooking each other to form that shaded area.

"Cough cough!"

Luo Ming felt his throat was dry and cleared his throat several times.

He pointed to the seawater and said, "Sir, do a probability statistic and estimate the number of spores and ice flowers per cubic meter of seawater."

Although the biological security of the main workshop is quite high, it can still soak to the back of the heart.

His second inference!
The water of the sea is endless!

disaster!Endless disaster!

Luo Ming seems to have seen the future in the near future.The deep blue sea water turned crimson!
The smell of blood replaced the smell of sea!

Between the waves, countless walking corpses devour each other!
died! ! !

Survival in this frigid ocean isn't as simple as melting ice to resupply.
It's just survival in the doomsday!

Did you wait for the survivors to appear before starting the prelude to this ending?
The biggest question appeared in Luo Ming's mind.

Those who enter here are the survivors, like a group of robbers breaking in, wantonly destroying and releasing the unknown in Pandora's box.

Now, the consequences will come back against you!

"Master, the statistics are over."

"Based on the calculation of C-type animal symbionts, it is estimated that there are 10 spore ice flowers per cubic meter of seawater!"

"For the sake of rigor, Class A animals or human symbionts are not counted."

A fiery laser appeared, vaporizing the seawater from the block.

Master went to Luo Ming. "Leave the rest to me, master. Please go back and rest."

Luo Ming shook his head. "Find out this extremely cold ice species in the fastest time."

"Now I'm not sure if I'm carrying spores. I'm resting in the main workshop tonight."

"it is good!"

The master's one-blue eye flickered, and a small sawdust room appeared.

"Master, please rest inside, otherwise my living experiment tonight may disturb the master."

Nana's lair, where the starfish is full of alcohol.

Doudou looked out.Nana just saw Luo Ming running out of the attic.

His cave was just right.As soon as Luo appears from the attic, Xie Xie can see him immediately.

What happened?

Nana is eager to try, maybe I can help the master.

But after Luo Ming entered the main workshop, there was no news.

Kaka Kaka.

Three layers of steel curtain doors were erected outside the workshop, isolating Nana's eyes from the other layer.

Da da-
On snowy nights, Nana moved her eight legs to the side of the main workshop and squatted down, so that she was closer to the owner.

If he wants something, he can show up the first time.

Soon there was a thin layer of snow on Nana's head.


"Jane Pearl Yuanyuan..."

A pair of small main arms supported a piece of wood, and Carter struggled to practice speaking.

Above the island, much of the exposed seabed is already covered in green.

It's all because of Carter.

Carter raised his head, compared the sawdust in his hand with the moon above his head, and found that the two were exactly the same.


Carter held the chip in his hand and made an electronic sound.

Luo Ming has been away for several days, which is why Carter misses Luo Ming.

A small box emerged from the chest, and Carter put the sawdust in place, and from it took feathers, leaves, grass roots, and dead flowers.

It seems that all homeowners have a hobby of collecting things, and Carter is no exception.

The feathers that the couple used to build their nests were plucked by Carter; all the flowers and plants in the house were patronized by Carter.

After solemnly admiring everything, Carter put it away again.

Click click!

Lightning struck again in the distant rough waves.This is day five.

The intermittent lightning turned into all-weather, and the outside became lively.

Carter's small eyes became very serious, the task given by the master is to protect the island.

If there is an intruder, you are welcome.

Carter turned around on the ground and got back to work.


The clear sunshine dispelled the dark clouds, and the sea area ushered in difficult fine weather.

Under the short blue sky, a giant beast slowly swims to the upper reaches of the sea.

There are tall pine peaks, calm ponds, lush trees and strange buildings on the back of the beast.


The protective cover of the main workshop fell slowly, alarming Nana who was standing by.

The door opened to the left and right, and one foot stepped out first.

"Nana, why are you here?"

Luo Ming saw Nana surrounding her like a dog, patted the top of her head, and swept away the snow for her.

After a sleepless night, Luo Ming's physical strength was sound, except for some mental fatigue.

Knock knock.

Master Luo Ming came out, and Nana naturally greeted him friendly.

Behind the master, t1 and t2 appeared carrying a wooden box.

Coming to Xiaobai's back, Luo Ming looked around and squinted his eyes at the sun.

"Today is a good day. Let's get started."

T1 and t2 stepped forward, opened the big wood chip box, and faced the sea.

A black fish rolled into the sea with the water.

"Sir, do you think it will lead us to the original symbiote?"

Luo stood there, looking into the deep sea.

"I trust the master."

Master, answer.

"Ah, you're getting more and more human, and you're starting to beat around the bush." ​​Luo Ming smiled.

"That's okay. Even if it doesn't find 'prime,' other symbiotes will come to us."

Luo Ming raised a hand, and the next moment, a white plant appeared in his palm.

The eight crystal leaves above sway in the wind, and a stream of light flows among its stems and leaves.

"I'd like to see what monsters can be catalyzed by the extremely cold ice seeds!"

The sea was rippling, and the big black fish was gone.

The extremely cold leaf on Luo Ming's palm trembled, emitting a dazzling light.

Turning his head, Luo Ming seemed to be listening.

"No, not yet. You're still vulnerable."

Hearing this, the symbiote in Luo Ming's hand stopped shaking and regained its composure.

The master glanced at Luo Ming's hand and bent slightly towards him. "Master, I will deal with it later."

"very good."

Luo Ming nodded, turned around and walked towards the attic.

I haven't slept all night and need to wake up.


six hours ago...

late night, main workshop
Luo Ming sat cross-legged in the wooden house, closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.

But there are too many thoughts in the head, and it is impossible to enter deep meditation.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Luo Ming pushed open the wooden door and walked out.

At this time, in a huge space, several huge airtight boxes were hung, which were filled with experimental animals.

Some were not parasitized, some were used as a control group, and some parasitized failed.

"Sir, I also participated in the experiment."

Luo Ming put on protective clothing and stood aside.

"Master, the electric shock test is in progress now."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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