There is a god simulator at the beginning

Chapter 77 Hope You're Right Dude!

Chapter 77 Hope You're Right Dude!

Chapter 77 Hope You're Right Dude!
"The full version of the spore ice flower must be collected quickly to unlock its secrets."

Luo Ming squinted his eyes, looking at the ice wall that was getting closer.

He could already see a huge black shadow inside!

"Vulcan Gatling!"

Raising his hand, Gatling, who had been changed by his master, appeared.

"Maximum power!"

Gatling with the fire source installed began to spin, and clusters of thick flames spewed out!


The sound of explosions was endless, and the ice wall in front of Luo Ming shattered into large pieces, with cracks extending inward.

The huge ice wall in front of me cracked from the middle!
Luo Ming put away Vulcan Gatling and looked at the cracks in the ice.


There was a roar, and the huge ice wall completely shattered!

The beast inside woke up again and broke out of the cage with unparalleled strength!

"This is... a mammoth?"

When a behemoth of more than 30 meters appeared, Luo Ming immediately recognized its shape.

Two thick fangs grow curved, covered with brown hair, and the limbs are as thick as a water tank.Every breath rolls up snowflakes.

This is the big one that I put out myself.

Luo Ming took out his weapon and faced the huge mammoth.

The mammoth raised its front hooves and stomped on the ground, causing cracks in the ice.

The lightning crack extended directly to Luo Ming's feet, and Luo Ming jumped aside, leaving a gap one meter wide.


For Luo Ming, the man who released himself, the mammoth rushed towards him with infinite anger.

A ripple was released from the mammoth's feet, and everywhere it went was ruins.

We jumped on Romin's swollen ice, watching the mammoths in action.

No reason!
In Mammoth's eyes, Luo Ming did not see the spirituality in Nana's eyes.

Luo Ming raised his arm and handed Vulcan Gatling to the mammoth.

The fire attribute attack attached to the bullet immediately ignited the mammoth's fur, making it whine.

A chunk of fur was burnt off and the hide inside was scorched.

But at this moment, a strange scene happened!

Luo Ming saw a part of the mammoth's fur reappear!
First is covered with hoarfrost, then brown hair regrowth!
don't want!This frost is a derivative of the spore ice flower!
The mammoth took a step crazier and ran a step faster under its feet.It is less than 60 meters away from Romin!

Luo Ming held his breath to block out the stench of the mammoth's breath.

"Excellent test material."

With a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, Luo Ming suddenly took Gatling from his hand.

Then jumping backwards, the person suddenly disappeared behind the ice!

call out!
A white shadow rose into the sky, and Luo Ming sat firmly on its back.

"Sir, it's your turn!"

"Show me the surprise you gave me!"

Luo Ming propped himself up with one hand, waving and shouting loudly.

The ice suddenly glowed red!

A figure breaks out of the ice!

"My lord will not let you down, dear master..."

A heavy bass sounded in Luo Ming's ears.

The red light around the figure rushing out of the ice dissipated, revealing the perfect body of the subject!

His body was covered with a layer of bronze metal, with silvery white lines extending from his eyebrows to his limbs.

In the position of its head and eyes, there is a blue spar embedded.

"Master, is this a high-level sea area? It's much more exciting than before."

The flames ejected from the owner's feet are suspended in the air, looking around, the blue crystal is reflected in the ice and snow.

"The joy of rebirth is indeed a surprise, but sir, I advise you to pay attention to the following. A guy who just woke up is getting up."

Luo Ming smiled and pointed at the crazy mammoth on the ice.

"Interrupting my reunion with my master will cost you your life."

The master's tone changed suddenly, and he looked down at the mammoth.

It was greeted by a flying boulder!

The mammoth uses its long trunk to roll up the rocks exposed under the ice, stomps the ground with its front hooves, and constantly throws the boulder into the air with the force of inertia!

His master stretched out his hands forward, the palms melted like liquid, and a metal shield with a diameter of more than 3 meters stood in front of him.

Knock knock.

The gravel all over the sky blocked the front, and the floating figure of the master remained motionless.


There was another low cry, and the master suddenly pushed forward with both arms, and the potential energy accumulated in the gravel attack was released instantly!
Invisible ripples rippled in the air, and the stones shot in front of it all moved and were smashed by an invisible hand!

There was light rain in the sky.

And the owner's blue one eye sparkled.

"Scan for unknown creatures!"

"Ding! Find the weak point! Belly!"

The metal shield was transferred to the owner's hand again, and fell from the air onto the ice.

"Master, surrender or kill?"

Master ignored the mammoth, which was gathering strength, and looked up at the sky.

"Kill the head and leave the head."

Luo Ming gave the order while looking at his master with interest and feeling a little excited.

Master, this guy can talk!
And the attack method has been upgraded!
At this time, the mammoth let out a loud roar, and a strange smell rose from its body.Stones on the ground fly up and are attracted to its surface.

A beast in rock armor appears!


In an instant, the ground shook on the ice sheet, rocks were dug out from under the ice sheet, and snowflakes rose into the air.The charge of the behemoth actually caused a small earthquake!

Luo Ming looked down silently. At this time, the owner was still not panicking.

The shape of the owner began to change, and the silver lines spread out, replacing the previous bronze color.At the same time, its arms began to liquefy, taking on the shape of two giant axes.

The rock under his feet turned into dust, and the owner's body moved instantly!

A huge ax out of proportion to the body swings flexibly from side to side, splitting the rocks blocking the way.

In the smoke and dust, facing the giant beast rushing towards him, Grandmaster slightly bent his knees, crossed his arms and ax together, forming a strong support structure for his body.

Luo Ming narrowed his eyes, he understood what the master was thinking.

The two sides finally made contact!The shock wave erupted in the center, blowing the smoke around!

Mammoth cried for the first time!
His body was lifted inch by inch, and under his feet, the master's arms were crossed, just blocking his trampling!

"Weakness exposed!"

The master's blue eyes lit up, revealing a deep chill!

The mammoth's feet were released, and the owner jumped forward, rolling around by inertia, and had already reached the belly of the mammoth.

With hands crossed, the master cuts out a "ten" glitter!

The mammoth fell hard into the rubble.

"Trophy, head!"

The ax was turned into a weapon again, and the master stood before the mammoth, the blue one-eyed expressionless.

A fiery laser shot out from the inside of the one-eyed eye, and slashed across the mammoth's neck!
Not a single drop of blood spilled!
The mammoth's red eyes remained wide open, its head sticking out of its body.

Zhou landed on the ground with his back on his back every day.

"Give you a present."

The master bowed respectfully to Luo Ming and pointed to one side of his head.

"It's getting stronger."

Luo Ming didn't look at the skull, but patted the master's shoulder and looked it up and down. "He's becoming more human."

"The price my master has paid for me is immeasurable."

"When I was recreated, my stream of consciousness was reborn."

"While I can't show my face, I can see what's going on."

The owner has no mouth, but he can make a sound.

"You're my partner, and it's worth it."

Needless to say, the tacit understanding with Master Luo Ming.He reached out and pointed to the ground.

"Cut it open for me."

"It has what I need in it."

The lasers came on again, and a mammoth skull fell off, revealing what was inside.

There are really spores and ice flowers!

And it has been cultivated to the point of terror!

They replaced the mammoth's blood vessels and nerves and were tightly connected to them.

"Huh?" The adult's blue eyes flickered. "When I scanned it, I didn't find it."

"Take it out." Luo Ming took out a big chip bottle.

Realizing Luo Ming's next move, Master took the first step.

The palm liquefied, forming a long main tentacle, which directly pierced into the mammoth's brain.


With screams, a huge white thread was pulled out by the master.

Countless tentacles protruding from the white thread ball touched the owner's body, trying to pierce into his body, but there was nothing they could do about the steel.

"They're highly parasitic."

"That's right." Luo Ming nodded.

"At the same time, it is certain that the more powerful the creature is, the more active it is."

When Master Luo Ming killed the mammoth, he had a hint in his ear.

【Man!You killed Moses the elephant, class [-] animal! 】

[Moses Elephant: A terrifying creature possessing the blood of Behemoth.Their actions can cause earthquakes and manipulate rock, and they are highly resistant to physical damage. 】

"It's getting more complicated."

Luo Ming looked at the ball of white silk thread that was still trying to parasitize his master, and put it into the bottle with a snap.

"Let's go."

On the current ice sheet, all the white plants have disappeared, and there is heavy snow in the sky again, gradually burying the battle scene just now.

This island is not land, more like a prison for animals.

The discovery of the spore ice flower is the only harvest, other than that, there are some contribution points.


The heavy wooden door was pushed open, and Lao Li twisted his fat body and squeezed in.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Still so mysterious."

Lao Li smiled and wrote around the table, pulled a chair and sat down.

"Is everything taken care of?"

"Well, I'm ordering everyone to get out of here before they come in."

"very good."


There was a moment of silence, and I looked up, tiredness written all over my face. "Lao Li, my condition is getting worse and worse."


Lao Li stood up from the chair eagerly and reached for the collar next to him.

There was no movement around, so let Lao Li pull away.

Underneath his clothes, his skin was covered with a layer of pale frost! ! !


The chair behind Lao Li fell heavily to the ground...

"It's impossible! It shouldn't be!"

Muttering in his mouth, Lao Li wanted to touch Shuangjiang, but he didn't dare.

"There is no sure way."

He sighed and turned around, beckoning Lao Li to move the chair.

Pull up the collar and sit up straight.

"In addition to the chest, the frost has spread to the arms."

While speaking, the surrounding cuffs loosened, revealing a pale look.

"It's all because of me. If I wasn't so fat, you wouldn't have been attacked by that ghost to save me."

Lao Li was still blaming himself, talking non-stop.

Then he changed the subject and stood up suddenly. "I'll look for it again. There must be animal flesh in the sea."

"Come back!" Drink.

Old Li reluctantly shouted: "But the flesh and blood of animals can keep you alive!"

"Drink to quench your thirst!"

"The more you eat, the faster the frost will fall!"

dong dong——
After knocking on the surrounding tabletops, Lao Li sat back helplessly, waiting for the boss to explain.

"The attack happened five days ago. Do you remember the scene?"

There was a trace of panic on Lao Li's face. "I remember."

"Our first encounter with a live animal!"

"That spotted owl is devouring another frozen species."

"That's a C-rank!"

nodded. "That's right."

"But according to records, it is impossible for a C-class spotted owl to be that fast!"

"Then you were bitten by it and came to cover me." Having said this, Lao Li's eyes turned red.

"The black spots on the nose are nothing." He raised his hands to the left and right, revealing the tiger's mouth with light white marks on it.

Looking back and looking around, I had a high fever all day and night, and had a terrible nightmare.

In the dream, a twisted monster controlled him and squirmed into his body from his mouth.

Then i woke up.

What followed was frost on the chest.

Coldness emanates from the body.

All heating methods can only maintain short-term warmth, except...animal flesh and blood!
A mouthful of flesh and blood can warm him for a day, greatly increasing his physical strength, and at the same time his spirit is surprisingly good.

Look around Lao Li, "If I die, cremate me immediately, and you lead the survival team away from here!"

"If you encounter a free-living animal in the future, just shoot it!"

"Because, there are even weirder things on them!"

Raise your hands around, "What I did when I was unconscious was not a nightmare at all, but a fact that happened!"

"A monster! There it is! My! Body!"

"Maybe it's the brain or the heart."

"Boss, that's just the sequelae of your trauma. After all, the black-spotted owl is poisonous. It's a miracle that you can survive." Lao Li said: "We work hard to develop and one day we can find a drug to treat you."

At this time, everyone suddenly asked: "Old Li, how is your leg?"

Lao Li nodded subconsciously. "After applying the medicine, it is much better. It is expected to recover in 3 days."

"But I've recovered."

Lao Li suddenly raised his head and looked around with astonishment in his eyes.

Stand up and lift up the clothes around your waist.

"During the battle just now, I was scratched by a splinter on my waist..."

In Lao Li's eyes, there is only a white mark left around the waist.

"Brother, are you kidding? There is no injury that can heal in an hour." Lao Li laughed.

There was no explanation around, just took out a dagger at the 【Base Camp】.

Before Lao Li could react, a silver light flashed, and a hideous gash appeared on his waist again, bleeding profusely.

"Brother you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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