Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 78 You have changed

Chapter 78 You have changed

In the few days after the press conference, Xiao Tu has been writing some articles, advocating pacifism, all about how friendly China and Nihong are, and some about how Consul Muto cares about the situation of the two countries.

In short, Xiao Tu boasted about the neon friendliness, and perfectly did all the things that a pro-Japanese "traitor" should do.

The result of this was that Muto was very satisfied and happy. A few days later, Muto Zhixiong invited Xiao Tu to the consulate for dinner.

Lamb chops, red wine, candlelight dinner.

If it's a man and a woman, there might be a fierce fight at night. If it's two men, it doesn't seem to be impossible?

This gathering is an opportunity for the two people at the table.

Shio Muto needs a mole, a traitor.

Xiao Tu needs to get close to Muto Shio and become a "traitor".

The two hit it off immediately, and it was really bastard looking at mung beans—they met eyes.

In fact, Muto Zhixiong had already sent someone to find out about Xiao Tu's past a few days ago.

The patriotic youth at the beginning, the Japanese study abroad later, and the pro-Japanese youth today.

Xiao Tu's deeds have proved that he is a good young man who "knows his way back".

Muto Zhixiong likes such young people the most.

Ever since, Consul Muto gave Reporter Xiao a mission, a mission to persecute progressive youth and patriotic youth.

In the living room, Shio Muto was sitting at the dining table, reading a new newspaper.When he saw Xiao Tu coming, he motioned for him to sit down.

"Xiao Jun, come, let's have a drink." Muto Zhixiong raised his glass and toasted Xiao Tu.

"Xiao Jun, I read your last article, and you wrote it very well." Wu Teng expressed high praise to Xiao Tu, "However, there are still many people who are confused by the unscrupulous remarks of some newspapers and cannot understand it. Our kindness.'

"Why do you care about other people's opinions?" Xiao Tu said, taking a sip of his wine.

"Xiao Jun, you are a member of the newspaper circle, and it is convenient to inquire about news. Can you please make a list for me? Record the names of all reporters and editors who have made unscrupulous remarks."

"Could it be that the consul intends to..." Xiao Tu didn't say the whole thing, but Muto Shio's actions showed everything.

Muto's right hand swiped down diagonally, with a murderous look on his face.

This is a signal to kill these people.

You are worthy of being a Neon person, cruel and ruthless, and even more worthy of being a high-ranking official of Neon. A few days ago, you said that China Neon is peaceful, hello, me, hello, everyone, and now you turn your face and deny people, turn over old accounts, and want to arrest and kill Those good young people who made reactionary speeches, patriotic speeches.

"How about Xiao Jun"

"No problem, please rest assured the consul." Xiao Tu smiled and agreed to Muto Shio's request.

Since you want to lurk by Muto Shio's side, you can't refuse him, you have to follow his will.

Therefore, Xiao Tu agreed.

"In my opinion, Mr. Xiao, you have a bright future."

"Thank you Consul Muto."

A meal is a feast for the host and guest.

In the secret room of Jiren Library, Xiao Tu and Sun Zhengqing sat around the conference table, discussing the list.Xiao Tu decided to submit a real list.

At this time, Sun Zhengqing also handed over the plum blossom cufflinks representing the emergency retreat of the mission termination to Xiao Tu.

Three days later, Xiao Tu handed Muto Shio a true and complete list.

Shio Muto has been in the officialdom for many years, and he has seen more false information than true information.

Whether it is Xiao Tu handing over or not, whether the handing over is fake or real, Shio Muto can tell the difference.

So instead of this, it is better to submit a real list and really gain Muto's trust.

"Xiao Jun, you are very good." Muto Zhixiong looked at the list in his hand, very satisfied, and then greeted the defense line at the door, "Come in."

"Come on, come on." A bearded man in a windbreaker walked in.

Hu Yibiao! ! !
"According to this list, let's start." Shixiong Muto handed the list to Hu Yibiao.

"Hi." Hu Yibiao took the order and led his men to arrest people according to the list in hand.

On the third day, Xiao Tu went to the Japanese consulate for an interview according to President Jiang's instructions, and happened to meet Shio Muto and Junko Muto on the stairs.Shio Muto waved his hand and greeted Xiao Tu.

"Xiao Jun."

"Good morning, Consul." Xiao Tu also greeted Muto

"Xiao Jun, good morning."

On the side, Junko Muto smiled slightly at Xiao Tu.

Today, Junko's face is only thinly powdered, and there is a hint of beauty in her delicate beauty.She was dressed in an orchid kimono, with big clear eyes and a graceful figure.

Compared with the day of the press conference, her beauty is still the same.

Xiao Tu didn't know the identity of Junko Muto, so he asked, "Who is this?"

"Xiao Jun, let me introduce you officially. This is my daughter, Junko Muto, who is a history teacher." Shixiong Muto introduced Junko.

"Oh, it's Miss Muto, I'm sorry."

"Chunzi traveled thousands of miles to Shanghai just to see China with a long history with her own eyes."

Junko Muto suddenly looked shy and interrupted Shio Muto.

"Father, I really came to China because I missed you."

It is because of this handsome face that Xiao Tu can be popular among thousands of school girls.

"Haha Xiaojun, could you please take Junko around the bustling neighborhoods of Shanghai and see the peaceful scene of friendship between Japan and China." Muto Zhixiong extended an invitation to Xiao Tu.

"I am very honored to have the opportunity to lead Ms. Muto on a tour." Xiao Tu smiled at Junko Muto, leaning slightly, showing his happy gesture.

"Okay, then please take care of Junko."

"Thank you Xiaojun." Seeing Xiao Tu agreeing, Junzi nodded to express his gratitude.

"Okay, don't trouble Mr. Xiao." After Shio Muto finished speaking, he turned and went to the second floor, leaving Junko Muto who was shy in place.

Xiao Tu and Jun Zi walked along the bustling street, watching the busy traffic in Shanghai.

Junko is curious about everything, so everything he sees is fresh, but Xiao Tu is different, he knows what kind of darkness is hidden under this false prosperity.

On the road, they suddenly met a little girl in a red floral dress selling flowers.

"Selling flowers, selling flowers." The little girl carried a small bamboo basket in front of her, and there were more than a dozen beautiful roses in the basket.

Seeing Xiao Tu and Junzi, the little girl ran up to Xiao Tu and held up a rose: "Big brother, buy a flower for pretty sister."

Xiao Tu smiled, took out two copper coins and handed them to the girl. The girl chose the largest rose and handed it to Xiao Tu.Xiao Tu took the flower and handed the rose to Junko, his eyes fell on Junko's face.

"Here are the flowers for you."

Junko was shy and shy, reached out to take the flower and said softly, "Thank you Xiao Jun, this flower is so beautiful." Then she passed the rose to her nose and smelled it, and smiled at Xiao Tu.

Xiao Tu also responded with a smile and said, "Beautiful flowers and beautiful girls are a perfect match in this world."

When Junko heard this, her face became even more flushed, she lowered her head, and started playing with roses.She pinned the flower on the clothes on her right, and smiled at Xiao Tu again.

"Before I came to China, I was still worried that the Chinese would hate the Japanese. I didn't expect to find out today that everyone can live in peace and live together in such a prosperous city. It doesn't seem to be a lie." Junko sighed with emotion.

Hearing what Junzi said, Xiao Tu's face darkened: "Let's talk in another place."

Among the teahouses.

Xiao Tu told Junzi all the heinous crimes committed by the Nihong people in China, and Junzi burst into tears.

Junko is a pure and good girl, and a true pacifist. After hearing Xiao Tu's story, they all grieved together.

After all, in the Neon country, Junko really doesn't understand what happened in the Celestial Dynasty.

"It's ridiculous. A Japanese girl can empathize with the tragedy that happened. Those Japanese fans of later generations, where are the idiots in Hari still washing, and what kind of ancestors forgive Neon, hehehe, you deserve it too?" Lin Zuer said in On the table beside him, he took a sip of coffee and thought about it.

[The history that has happened cannot be changed, but it is worth remembering. We have no right to forgive Nihong for our ancestors. When Nihong dies, my heart of heaven will never die. Readers must keep it in mind. 】

Although he has no ability to reverse the history that happened, but in a sense, Lin Zuer can be regarded as revenge.

The massacre in Tokyo, the bombardment of Hokkaido, and the poisoning of Honshu Island.

In the Song Dynasty, Dong Tianbao was still very happy to play. After all, bananas are not human beings.

Do you remember how many breads you have eaten? — Dio Brando.

Do you remember how many bananas you cut down? ——Dong Tianbao.

The two walked side by side on the streets of Shanghai, handsome men and beautiful women, talented scholars and beautiful ladies, what a beautiful picture, but unfortunately, this was in the war years.

Suddenly, an exclamation disrupted the quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

"Xiao Tu."

Fang Min is here!

Lin Zuer, who followed behind, became interested, this is a big show.

"Fang Min" If anyone could say who Xiao Tu owed the most in his life, Fang Min might be the only one.

"Xiao Tu, you are actually with a Japanese woman. I saw your article published in Yahui Club, your literary talent is still so good..." Fang Min's voice was a little choked up, and his eyes were fixed on Xiao Tu.

"Xiao Tu, you are actually with a Japanese woman. I saw your article published in Yahui Club. Your literary talent is still so good."

A woman's voice sounded from behind Xiao Tu, but these words were exactly the same as Fang Min's.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice calling his name, Xiao Tu subconsciously wanted to look back, but before he turned back, a soft touch came from his arm.

"Xiao Tu, I didn't expect to meet you here." Lin Zuer held Xiao Tu's hand, smiling like a flower.

Xiaotu: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Fang Min: (°ー°〃)
Junko: (⊙⊙)
"Xiao Tu, you are still so handsome." Lin Zuer buried her head in Xiao Tu's strong arms, and praised Xiao Tu.

Xiao Tu: Who are you?
Fang Min: Why are you holding my man's hand.

Junko: It’s so big and white, I’m not as good as it.

"Senior Xiao, Sister Zuer, why are you here?" Another voice sounded.

Gu Junru!
Xiao Tu: Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ

Fang Min: (# ̄~ ̄#)
Junko:  ̄△ ̄
Joey Lam: ( ̄△ ̄;)
Xiao Tu felt that this world was not worth it. He was just ordered to accompany the leader's daughter for a stroll. How could he meet Fang Min?
It doesn't matter if you run into Fang Min, who is this sister who suddenly hugged her arm?I haven't seen it before. Men and women can't kiss each other. Although you are big and white, I don't know you.

There is also the one who calls himself senior, what school girl are you from, why haven't I seen you before?

Lin Zuer is wearing a white cheongsam today, but it is different from ordinary cheongsam. She has added a little change. This change is really small, so small that it is just a little bit exposed on the chest. It is not a million dots, but a real one. Little by little, you can see the gully, but you can't see the bottom.

"Sister Zuer, why are you here, still hugging Senior Xiao?" Gu Junru was shocked.

The woman who treats me like my own sister hugs the senior I admire the most, what should I do?Waiting online, very urgent.

Lin Zuer didn't speak, but just looked at Xiao Tu affectionately, her cherry lips parted slightly: "Xiao Tu, you have changed, didn't you say that you like me the most? So many women?"

Speaking of this, Lin Zuer suddenly turned around and pointed at Fang Min: "Who is she?"

Then he stretched out his finger to Junko who was holding a flower in his hand: "Who is she?"

"Rose? This is my favorite flower. Xiao Tu, you have never given me a gift, and you are a liar for saying that you are a couple for a lifetime. You are a big liar." Lin Zuer saw the flowers in Chunzi's hands Hua's acting skills suddenly exploded, and she began to spin around in circles. After spinning around, she suddenly knelt down on the ground and wiped her tears secretly.

Lin Zuer: Hey, hey.

Xiao Tu: (._.)
"Wow, is this a scumbag? I, Wu Lao Er, have not seen such a scumbag in so many years? How hateful, my Wu Lao Er is ashamed to be a man with this kind of man,"

"Fart, are you ashamed? I, Zhang Laosan, don't care to say you, you have the body of a greedy girl, you are low."

"You are not mean, you don't like other girls."

"No, I'm not mean. I can say that I like that girl. I'm noble."

Passers-by saw a big show going on around them, and they were pointing fingers, and even two elder brothers had already discussed, discussing and discussing, that Zhang Laosan even walked out of the crowd, and walked in front of the pear blossom and raining Lin Zuer, Wanted to pull her up.

"Get out!!!" For a moment, Lin Zuer's eyes were like beasts, staring at Zhang Laosan.

"Okay." After many years of experience in the arena, Zhang Laosan has no other knowledge, so Zhang Laosan will be able to judge his words and feelings.

He knew at a glance that the woman on the ground was not easy to mess with, so he had better not meddle in other people's affairs, and go home and change his pants first.

Crouching down, Xiao Tu looked at Lin Zuer, who was pear blossoms and raining rain, and said helplessly, "Girl, although you cry very touchingly, I don't know you at all. Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"Oh, I seem to have made a mistake."

Suddenly, under the shocked eyes of everyone, Lin Zuer got up from the ground and directly admitted that she had misidentified the person.

Ah this?

"Once upon a time, my brother-in-law was as handsome as you, as talented in writing, and also a reporter. When I saw you, I felt like I saw him. His name was similar to yours. Xiao Tu, Xiao Tu .”

After a while of buzzing, Lin Zuer came and went with the wind, and took away an ignorant Gu Junru, leaving three bewildered people in a daze.

"Sister Zuer, sister Zuer, don't drag me away, I haven't greeted Senior Xiao properly yet?"

"Sister Zuer, I finally met the senior once, why did you drag me away?"

"Sister Zuer, sister Zuer, why are you in such a hurry? Is someone hunting you down?"

Lin Zuer looked at Gu Junru, who was asking questions, and nodded: "It is true that someone is chasing me, and it is a woman."

When kneeling on the ground, through the gap in the crowd, Lin Zuer vaguely saw a woman, a woman of all kinds, who was watching a play with a bag of cosmetics.

It's just that when watching a movie and eating melons, when she found someone she knew, the woman's expression changed and she became extremely angry.

【Name: Lee from the Stars】

[Type: Skill]

[Introduction: This is a story in a certain cultivation world, a lawyer who became abalone and a woman who became a plum. A series of reasonable copper smelting methods, but unfortunately, it was finally discovered that the plum tree is a 140-year-old fairy, and has been grafted many times. Its varieties include but are not limited to plants. It’s too unbelievable, so people in later generations named this story Li from the Star]

[Effect: I don't want you to think, I want me to think, I say I am 140 years old, you can't know that I am [-] years old. 】

[Remarks: I don't want you to think, I want me to think, listen to me—Mr. Ming]

This skill is the key to Lin Zuer being able to live with Zhuang Xiaoman for many days without being found male. I don't want you to think, I want me to think that if I say I am a woman, you will think that I am a woman.

Coupled with Lin Zuer's own superb makeup skills, the ability to change the body, and the skills of women's clothing that he has learned carefully, now he is more feminine than a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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