Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 77 Press Conference

Chapter 77 Press Conference

"Establishing a new order with scallions and ducks is the emperor's goal. We help China realize the development of agriculture and commerce, and pay more attention to cultural exchanges between Japan and China. We build new schools in China every year to provide good education for children," Shio Muto said solemnly on stage Said some fancy words.

Shio Muto was a handsome and heroic middle-aged man, dressed in a well-fitting suit and a blue and white tie, his whole body exuded an aura belonging to a superior person, and those who were closer would feel a little out of breath.

But to cover up the truth of the war, obscure the war of aggression, and beautify the crime of aggression, Shio Muto is still an old neon man.

Zhixiong Muto can serve as a consul, and he really has some skills.

One of the people here does not believe what Shio Muto said.

"You invaders have broken my country and rivers and left corpses everywhere! Wake up, compatriots, if you don't resist, the Celestial Dynasty will perish." A reporter stood up at the press conference.

"What do you want to do, let me go! Kill me here if you have the ability, national humiliation, national humiliation!"

"Let me go, let me go."

The reporter's voice disappeared, and he knew what happened to him, so he didn't need to go into details.

This reporter's behavior was irrational but just. If Lin Zuer followed Lin Zuer's thinking, he would naturally want to keep a useful body. Only by surviving would he be able to output.

"There has been a little commotion, I hope you don't mind it, who is the next reporter to ask questions?" Shio Muto asked, looking at everyone in the audience.

The audience was completely silent. Having experienced the incident just now, the air at the scene was almost frozen. Naturally, no one was willing to ask any questions. This made Shio Muto both annoyed and embarrassed.

"No one, do you want to ask more questions?" Muto Zhixiong looked at the reporters in the audience and asked.

Xiao Tu glanced at Shixiong Muto, knowing that the opportunity to get close to Muto had come. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still had to stand up and rescue Muto at this time.

No matter how reluctant he is.

Xiao Tu's task is to get in touch with Muto Shio no matter what, and now is the best time to really get in touch with Muto Shio, as long as Xiao Tu gets the limelight, he can leave an impression in Muto's eyes, Even able to work under Muto.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Tu stood up and said calmly: "I am Xiao Tu, a reporter from Yahui News Agency. I would like to ask Consul Muto, what do you think of the current Sino-Neon war?"

After hearing this, Muto's eyes lit up, and the reporter could be considered to have got the point.

"Neon and China are separated by a strip of water. It was supposed to be a good-neighborly and friendly relationship, but now, they are deeply involved in the war. I feel heartbroken for the suffering people." Muto paused, and continued, "So, I have been I'm looking for a way to change the current situation. Reporter Xiao, what's your opinion?"

This remark is really awesome.

Perfectly portray yourself as a peace-loving anti-war person, and let the direction of public opinion be biased in your favor.

Neon Consul, it's not easy.

Lin Zuer, who was standing on the second floor, nodded, expressing her approval of Muto's approach.

Although this person is not a good person, he doesn't say any good things, and Nihong is not a good country, but one thing to say, this method of controlling the direction of public opinion is really good.

By controlling the direction of public opinion, you can keep public opinion in your favor, and you can stand on the moral high ground.

Again, if you control the moral high ground, you can point and defecate anywhere on the moral high ground.

It's rogue, but useful.

Language can also kill, although it has not yet reached that level.

hiss! ! !
it hurts! ! !

Lin Zuer took a breath, and then covered her buttocks with her hands.

"I asked you to help maintain the order of the scene, not to give you pointers. Just think about it in your head. Why do you still say it? Are you afraid that someone who wants to find out will attack you?" Zhuang Xiaoman hated Iron does not make steel.

Lin Zuer is really inexperienced, she doesn't know when to say what to say, if she didn't take other people's body by herself, she wouldn't care about it.

Shio Muto's remarks were more or less effective. Many reporters at the scene had a sense of identification with him, and the atmosphere that had cooled down gradually warmed up.

Especially a Japanese woman in a pink kimono sitting in the front row, her eyes seem to have stars in Shandong.

This girl has willow eyebrows and almond eyes, a beautiful nose and red lips, and peach cheeks sandwiched between her cheeks. Her delicate skin is rosy and rosy.

Junko Muto, daughter of Shio Muto.

A simple Japanese girl, she is innocent, gentle, kind, but full of sense of justice.

And her innocence and kindness make her have an almost persistent pursuit of the truth. For this persistence, she will burst out with great courage and try her best to find the truth.

Unlike her father, Junko is a true peace lover, anti-war and anti-government.

Junko came to the Celestial Dynasty just to find out the truth of the war and announce it.In the end, she did it too, and she used a book of "False Lies" to restore the truth of the war.

For this girl, Lin Zuer also has a great affection, among other things, at least she accepts the father-in-law, Shixiong Muto, even if it is the father-in-law who will stab her back later.

"I think peaceful negotiations should be adopted to resolve disputes through the diplomatic efforts of the Chinese government." Xiao Tu's answer was shocking.

The ladies in the front row, in particular, reacted differently.

Junko Muto had approving eyes, and she liked pacifists.

The other woman sitting in front of Xiao Tu was surprised.

Lu Wangshu didn't expect that Xiao Tu, who was rated highly by Yahui News Agency recently, was still a pro-Japanese faction.

Terrible, terrible, it seems that I still need to pay more attention to Xiaotu in the future.

"Well, Mr. Xiao really has unique insights. The Guomin government doesn't think about its own people at all. Only people like Mr. Wang Wei who understand the general situation and take into account the overall situation can be called patriots."

After Shio Muto finished speaking, the reporters off the court burst into warm applause.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Even if there were patriotic reporters in the field, they didn't dare to reveal anything. After all, the fate of the predecessors was still in front of them. For the sake of my own life, I should stay safe, right? The crowd applauds together, simple.

Survive, don't mix with cold.

"Reporter Xiao, I hope you will write a good article about today's interview, so that the whole world will know my desire for peace, ok?"

"Consul, I will do my best." Xiao Tu gave Muto Shio a faint smile, showing his traitorous demeanor to win Muto's favor and let Muto know that he is pro-Japanese.

It's all for the country, but it's just to win the favor of a middle-aged Japanese man, he Xiao Tu recognizes it.

How Xiao Tu wrote about today's press conference after returning home has nothing to do with Lin Zuer. After all, her task is to maintain the law and order of the press conference. After the press conference is over, she can leave.

The happiest thing now is the relationship between Lin Zuer and Zhuang Xiaoman. As the price for "breaking" Lin Zuer's body, Zhuang Xiaoman promised to protect Lin Zuer's safety in the future.

Now the relationship between the two should be regarded as more than friends and less than lovers.

What, didn't I say that Zhuang Xiaoman is a lily?

Then let me just say it here, Zhuang Xiaoman likes women.

Having been a spy and an intelligence officer for a long time, Zhuang Xiaoman knows how dirty it is under those pious ones.

Greedy for money, greedy for sex, greedy for power.

This is Zhuang Xiaoman's impression of men all the time, so in Zhuang Xiaoman's view, a man is just a tool, just use it up.

And because of this kind of thinking, Zhuang Xiaoman's sexual orientation changed and became Lily.

And the opportunity to become a lily is the day when Gu Junru came...

On the surface, Zhuang Xiaoman is a senior agent of the Secret Service Division, a senior intelligence officer, but how many people know that she is an agent of Guomin?

Latent has never been a simple word, these two words may be the summary of a person's life.

If Zhuang Xiaoman had a choice, she actually didn't like lurking. What she liked was to walk in the sun openly and aboveboard.

But, no.

Lurking here alone with Wang Puppet, Zhuang Xiaoman is lonely, especially after being used to being a spy, she already knows the human heart very well, so she hates men very much and regards men as tools.

After all, she is a well-known courtesan in Shanghai. In order to establish her status, she has had sex with many men at the cost of her body. Senior government officials, important members of the Japanese army, and wealthy businessmen, one counts as one, and there are quite a few.
If it weren't for the halo of the protagonist Xiao Tu in the original plot, let alone know Zhuang Xiaoman, it is not certain whether he can get in touch.

After all, according to the plot in the game, Xiao Tu's warning of "standing on the sea" is light, and he should be killed by gangsters at the beginning of the game. Of course, there are better endings than this, such as a tinkerer, a language teacher, etc. It will be all right.

Because there is too much pain and depression in his heart, what Zhuang Xiaoman likes most is to drink away his sorrows, just like Xiao Tu in the original plot, in the following plots, the thing Xiao Tu does most is to smoke, and even smoke Gao Yuan died of poisonous smoke.

Xiao Tu uses smoke to get rid of his sorrows. Life is too bitter, so he can only rely on this smoke to get rid of his sorrows.

Zhuang Xiaoman and Gu Junru first met late at night.

Xiao Gu was sorting out documents in the office alone, and happened to meet Zhuang Xiaoman who had just finished the banquet.

It was that time that Zhuang Xiaoman knew that there was still warmth in this world.

This warmth is the windbreaker that I put on myself in the middle of the night, and the steaming millet porridge.

That night, Zhuang Xiaoman developed affection for the little girl Gu Junru, and then it turned into liking, even liking, and then Zhuang Xiaoman was broken.

It's just that after Zhuang Xiaoman knew that her orientation had been changed, she knew restraint and forbearance.

She has a mission, Xiao Gu has someone she likes, and she is pure, so she can't show signs of being bent, otherwise it will become a weakness, a fatal weakness, everything is based on the military command, and her feelings can be discarded is behind.

It's just that, all of this changed on a certain night, the night with Lin Zuer.

Looking at Lin Zuer who was calling her sister Xiaoman one after another, Zhuang Xiaoman felt a headache, very headache.

Lin Zuer can't be dealt with directly. One is that she is now a pseudo-intelligence officer of Wang, and Lin Zuer is also an intelligence officer, so she can't kill her at will.The second is that Zhuang Xiaoman found out recently that Lin Zuer is Hu Yibiao's distant cousin. Because she received money from relatives, she placed her cousin in the secret service department to take care of her.

"I don't know what the idea is to arrange a girl's family in the secret service department?" Zhuang Xiaoman rubbed his aching head from hangover.

Xiao Gu is the daughter of Gu Zeshi, the chairman of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, and the daughter of a thousand gold lady. She doesn't understand why her father, Gu Zeshi, arranges his daughter in the secret service department.

The same goes for Zuer, why did the family arrange for a girl to join the puppet Wang? With the thought of relying on the girl to be an official to protect the family, why don't you give the girl to a high-ranking official as a concubine?

"Sister Xiaoman, it's time to eat. Let's eat dumplings today." Lin Zuer's voice came from the kitchen.

"Here we come." Zhuang Xiaoman put down the information in his hand, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Dumplings, this food that Zhuang Xiaoman hasn't eaten for many years.

He was an orphan since he was a child, and was later taken in by Guomin and trained as an agent. How can he have a family now?

He hugged Lin Zuer's small waist, leaned his head on her shoulder, and looked at the soup pot in front of him.

In the steaming pot, "fat white men" with thin skin and big stuffing are constantly tumbling in the bubbling milky white soup.

"Pork and cabbage stuffing, I can smell it as soon as I smell it." Zhuang Xiaoman shrugged his nose, smelling the smell in the air.

Lin Zuer picked up the bamboo strainer, picked up the dumplings in the pot, and put them on a white plate.

Chili oil, minced garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, I don't know what Zhuang Xiaoman likes to eat, so Lin Zuer has prepared all of them, we are a fastidious person anyway.

"Come on, sister Xiaoman, turn the original soup into the original food."

While Zhuang Xiaoman was anxiously fighting against the first dumpling, Lin Zuer quietly served a bowl of hot dumpling soup.

The white teeth and the skin lightly bit together, and it was not known which was whiter for a moment.

One end of the dumpling was bitten open, and a puff of steam rose slowly. The fragrance of lard and cabbage wafted into Zhuang Xiaoman's nasal cavity.

The oily residue made from the fat meat is an essential part of Lin Zuer’s memory when her grandma made dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork. The stuffing mixed in this way has a distinct burnt aroma.

Diced oil residue, served with pork, and cabbage wrung out of water.

The dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage accounted for a large part of Lin Zuer's memory.

It's just a pity that I went to work outside and rarely went back to my hometown, and my grandma was old, so I didn't have many chances to eat the dumplings in my memory.

"It's delicious and delicious. Zu'er's craftsmanship is really good." After eating more than a dozen dumplings, Zhuang Xiaoman was already a little full, so she stretched out her thumb and praised Lin Zuer.

"Sister Xiaoman, as long as you like to eat." Lin Zuer's face was filled with a happy smile.

The happy smile coupled with the exquisite face made Zhuang Xiaoman a little crazy.

"If I can guarantee your safety, I will do my best." At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoman made up her mind...

(End of this chapter)

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