Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 79 "Standing at Sea"

Chapter 79 "Standing at Sea"

As the price for annoying Zhuang Xiaoman, Lin Zuer was sucked so weak that night. After all, it was to imitate women. Therefore, Lin Zuer's physical fitness has dropped a lot, so her combat effectiveness has been low, and she was defeated by Zhuang Xiaoman. , is a normal thing.

Being defeated by a woman is actually nothing to be ashamed of, and Lin Zuer is not worried either. What worries her now is indeed about other things.

The identity of Mr. Fang's underground party was discovered. This information was suppressed by Lin Zuer, and no one knows it yet.

But this information can't be covered for long. After all, Liu Zhenmin is a bastard who sells information, but not just one family.As for Teacher Fang's identity, sooner or later it will be revealed, it's just a matter of time.

That's right, the traitor Zhao Zhongyi is gone, and the inner ghost Liu Zhenmin appeared in advance.

That day, after Xiao Tu sent Junzi home.

"You go back to rest early, I still have some things to talk to Xiao Jun." Wu Teng Zhixiong asked his daughter to go to rest first, and he had something to talk to Xiao Tu.

"Yes, father!" Junko bowed, walked upstairs from the stairs, stopped halfway to take a deep look at Xiao Tu, and then left completely.

"Sit!" Muto Shio spread his palms and pointed to the opposite sofa.

After Xiao Tu sat down, Muto Zhixiong said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm going straight to the point. I appreciate your courage and insights. I hope you can do things for me in the future. Of course, as a reward, I will I'll give you [-] yuan as an exchange fee, what do you think?"

"Of course I am willing!" Xiao Tu agreed without hesitation. Three hundred yuan a month is not a small amount of money in this age, but Xiao Tu is certainly not for the money, but only by accepting the money can he completely reassure Muto Shio.

If a person is not greedy for money, he must be greedy for more important things, and as long as Xiao Tu takes money to do things, he will change from a "pro-Japanese faction" to a real neon lackey, a "traitor".

If you want a person to be loyal, you must know what he wants. Only by controlling what he wants can you control him better.

The greed shown by Xiao Tu is exactly what Muto Shio expected. If he doesn't show his greedy character, Muto Shio will become suspicious of Xiao Tu.

"Mr. Xiao is really straightforward, you deserve it!" The corners of Shio Muto's mouth rose slightly, satisfied with Xiao Tu's decision.

Xiao Tu stood up and expressed his loyalty, "I am willing to do the work of dogs and horses!"

"Very good! You go back now and wait for my instructions."

Ever since he was branded as a Neon man, Xiao Tu found that he was at home in the consulate. Anyone who saw him had to call him Mr. Xiao. This made it more convenient for Xiao Tu to inquire about information.

The wheels of the plot are rolling, some things have changed, and some things have not changed.

What has not changed is that Xiao Tu serves Shixiong Muto, and will eventually kill his teacher.

Of course, with Lin Zuer around, the father-in-law must not die.

Recently, Xiao Tu found out that a faction under Muto, named Muto Mansion, is responsible for counter-espionage, intelligence collection, etc. It is a trump card in Muto's hand, and his goal is to join here.

For Muto Zhixiong, he is very satisfied with Xiao Tu, especially Xiao Tu's greed for money. OK...

"The Neon people are going to carry out a series of suppression activities in Shanghai. Shixiong Muto has also discovered the identity of Mr. Fang, and his father-in-law is in danger." After lighting the intelligence letter in his hand, Lin Zuer stood up and looked at the closet beside him, where Wearing a student uniform, Zhao Zhongyi's student uniform.

Ma Sinan Road, Fang's house.

Boom boom boom!
It was still Fang Min who opened the door.

"Min'er, is the teacher at home? I have something urgent to see him." Zhao Zhongyi anxiously asked Fang Min.

"Yes." Fang Min's expression was a little blank, it seemed that he still hadn't gotten over the fact that Xiao Tu served the Japanese before.

Regardless of Fang Min's appearance, Zhao Zhongyi walked to the study first, and found his mentor Fang Hanzhou.

"Rong Zhai's six strokes, essays, five strokes, and red makeup." Zhao Zhongyi simplified the code directly, too lazy to match the code.

"Zhongyi, what's the matter with you? I know you have a heavy responsibility recently, why did you come here in such a panic?"

Fang Hanzhou was a little strange, why did Zhongyi come to him suddenly?Didn't Gu Cheng say that he has been busy lurking at Wang Puppet's place recently?

"The Japanese are about to start their suppression, teacher, you are exposed." Zhao Zhongyi said.

"Cowards are afraid of death and must die. People with lofty ideals can only get benevolence if they seek benevolence." Fang Hanzhou put down the book in his hand and said with sincere emotion, "Loyalty, I have actually been waiting for this day for a long time. I already know what you said , you should take Min'er away, she knows nothing and is innocent."

Fang Hanzhou can let go of everything, even his life, but the only thing he can't let go of is his only daughter Fang Min.

Fang Min is simple and ignorant of worldly affairs. If he dies, who will protect Fang Min for his whole life?
Xiao Tu can't do it, loyalty can't do it, both of them have missions, and the remaining two disciples can't do it either. If Fang Hanzhou has a choice, he really doesn't want to die, he still wants to have a grandson.

But no, Fang Hanzhou had already learned the news that he had been exposed from the ancient city, and now he is still here, in fact, just to help one person.

This person is Xiao Tu.

Fang Hanzhou has always wanted to help Xiao Tu join Muto Shio's subordinates so that he can get the most information from the Japanese side. Prove his ability in front of him.

There is no better way to gain Muto's trust than killing his mentor with his own hands.

So Fang Hanzhou stayed here to wait for Xiao Tu, but what he didn't expect was that Zhao Zhongyi actually came, and he still tipped him off.

Perhaps Fang Min's marriage to him is also a destination?
For a moment, Fang Hanzhou had this idea, but then he threw it out of his head. He had no chance to see the birth of his grandson and granddaughter. Now, he just hoped that the Japanese would not embarrass his daughter. She, really I don't know anything.

"Father, Zhongyi, what are you two talking about?" Fang Min hurried in, looked at the state of the two people in the study, and asked.

"Min'er, why did you come in? Get out, this is not where you should be, did you hear anything?" Fang Hanzhou suddenly became nervous.

He didn't tell Fang Min about joining the underground party, just to protect her. He didn't want his innocent daughter to be hurt because of him.

"No." Fang Min shook his head, "I came in because the house was surrounded by spies and Japanese, and they arrested Liu Zhenmin and Wang Ping'an."

It could be heard that there was some fear in Fang Min's tone.

"Drip, drop in quickly."

The blunt Japanese Chinese came from outside, and then Zhao Zhongyi, Fang Hanzhou and Fang Min saw a bunch of Japanese military police, Liu Zhenmin and Wang Ping'an.

They have been surrounded.

"Consul Muto."

A man's voice came from outside the house, and there was a man's name.

The name is Shixiong Muto, and the speaker is Hu Yibiao.

As the captain of the Secret Service Section and the provider of this information, Hu Yibiao is qualified and capable of standing here.

"Captain Hu, your information this time is very valuable. Your reward is indispensable." Shixiong Muto patted Hu Yibiao on the shoulder.

"Thank you Consul, thank you Consul." Hu Yibiao hurriedly bowed and thanked him, flattered.

Walking into the familiar Fang's house, Xiao Tu had a bad feeling, especially when he saw the teachers and classmates surrounded by neon gendarmes in the house, he felt even more uneasy.

"Xiao Jun, after you return to China, this is the first place you will visit." Shio Muto turned his head and looked at Xiao Tu.

"Yes, Fang Hanzhou used to be my teacher, so the first thing I did after returning to China was to visit him." Xiao Tu replied truthfully.

"But I heard that the relationship between the two of you has broken down a long time ago." Shio Muto said the information he had collected.

"Yes, because I insisted on going to Japan at the beginning. Fang Hanzhou severed ties with me, but he was unkind to me, and I can't be unkind to him." Xiao Tu turned to look at Teacher Fang, "Kyoto's special product, I can't be unkind to him." Bring it to him, as for whether he eats it or not, it has nothing to do with me."

"You lackey of the Neon people." Fang Hanzhou is an old film star, and he is best at scolding students.

"Be kind and righteous, Mr. Xiao, you have done a good job." Shio Muto gave him an approving look, and reached out to pat Xiao Tu on the shoulder.

"I just want to learn the advanced concepts of Neon, unlike you, who are still running these backward literary clubs all day long." Xiao Tu stepped forward and stared at Fang Hanzhou.

Muto Zhixiong held Xiao Tu back, and chuckled: "I see, it's not that simple. On the surface, Fang Hanzhou is a professor at Jiren University. Assembly, we have confirmed that his true identity is the underground party of the Celestial Dynasty.”

"I don't know any underground party." Fang Hanzhou responded with integrity.

"Then, it's not you, is it him, is it him, or...she?" Muto Zhixiong raised his pistol and gestured at several people's heads, "Either you tell your subordinates right now, or I will Take you and your students to the Neon Consulate."

"Xiao Jun, I leave it to you." Muto Shixiong looked at Xiao Tu and put the choice in his hands.

"Xiao Tu, what a traitor and running dog, I'll fight you." Seeing Xiao Tu in a daze, actor Fang Hanzhou went online.

So several people began to push and shoved, the scene fell into chaos for a while, and Xiao Tu was pushed to the ground in a daze.

"STOP, wait a minute, please bean sack." A man's voice suddenly sounded from the chaotic crowd, "Don't come close to me, back off."

It was none other than Zhao Zhongyi who spoke, and at this moment, he was holding two grenades in his hand.

"It's a grenade, everyone back up, back up." Muto Shixiong was the first to see what Zhao Zhongyi was holding, so he immediately ordered his men to back up.

All of a sudden, the originally noisy scene became silent. Whether it was the neon military police present or Fang Hanzhou and others, they all looked at Zhao Zhongyi in shock.

The scene became a little depressing for a while.

Since he wanted to save his teacher, that is, his future father-in-law, Zhao Zhongyi had thought about how to save him, how to save him.

This is a question worth thinking about.

If you use martial arts directly, it's not impossible to imitate the anti-Japanese heroes once, but what about Teacher Fang?What should he do?
The teammates of the Anti-Japanese Heroes are not all Anti-Japanese Heroes.

If the neon gendarmes shoot indiscriminately while he was killing all directions, and the stray bullets hurt Teacher Fang and Fang Min, Zhao Zhongyi would not want to see it.

Therefore, Zhao Zhongyi has been thinking about how to rescue Teacher Fang.

Fortunately, this world is now in a period of chaos, and all kinds of dark things will happen, so spending money to buy a few doubles can solve all problems.

In this day and age, it is true that money can turn ghosts around, but it is just a few silver dollars. It is not a problem to buy a middle-aged man who died of illness, or a girl who died of illness. The height is not a problem, just add money.

Therefore, this world is also full of convenience. After all, if you have money, you are a master, and you can do whatever you want if you have money. This is not allowed in the harmonious society of future generations. Observing laws and regulations is the main theme of future generations.

"You all back off, back off." Zhao Zhongyi's face was stern.

As for acting, it's natural to be a bit like it. Zhao Zhongyi is actually not afraid of it. Grenades, at most, hurt a little. These gendarmes are not afraid of them either.

But this kind of mentality is unacceptable. There are people like Muto present here. If he took out a grenade with a flat face and told others to back off, Shio Muto might send someone to shoot him in an instant.

Therefore, attitude is very important, and it depends on acting skills.

His eyes turned left and right, his whole body was trembling, his forehead was sweating, his face was pale, and he acted like a stern person.

"Zhao Zhongyi? Zhao Jun? Right, you. Don't be so excited and impulsive." Wu Teng comforted Zhao Zhongyi, "We can discuss everything, right?"

Zhao Zhongyi suddenly had the illusion that this guy in front of him didn't seem to be a murderous devil, but an expert in neon negotiating?

"I, I want to go, I want to leave." Trembling, Zhao Zhongyi uttered a sentence after stumbling, acting in a full set, "I, I want to take my fiancée and my father-in-law to go."

"You see, I, Shio Muto, am not an unreasonable person. I just want to ask your teacher, his superiors and subordinates. What we admire most in the Great Neon Empire are warriors who can turn from darkness to light. We welcome your teacher's surrender." Shio Muto paused, "Hey, Mr. Zhao, we also like a warrior with bushido spirit like you, are you interested in joining us?"

"Not interested in."

Suddenly, Zhao Zhongyi's expression changed.

Then he pulled the fuse of a grenade.

"In the name of loyalty, after all, we must do loyal things." Zhao Zhongyi said so.

Zhao Zhongyi took a total of two grenades, one is the stick-shaped one in the anti-Japanese drama, and the other is the Japanese-style grenade that seems to be no different from later generations, pull off the ring, and then smash it.

Now it is the stick grenade used, and it is the kind with super long leads.

hiss! ! !
The sound of the fuse burning appeared in front of everyone along with the smoke caused by the burning of the fuse.

"No, run!" Seeing Zhao Zhongyi pulling the fuse, Muto Zhixiong immediately beckoned his men to run out.

When Mu Teng ran, he still didn't forget to hold Xiao Tu. As expected of his prospective father-in-law, he was really kind to his son-in-law.

On the other side, there are also father-in-law and son-in-law, but the order is reversed, and the son-in-law is pulling the father-in-law to run.

Fang Min was captured, so naturally he couldn't take him away.

Under Fang Hanzhou's shocked gaze, Zhao Zhongyi quickly brought in two tightly wrapped humanoid objects from the window.

"Made, is the grenade fake? Fortunately, I still have one more." Zhao Zhongyi shouted towards the outside, and then threw out the second grenade.

The grenade is indeed a fake. There is only a super long lead wire inside, which will not explode, but it will give people the illusion that the grenade is about to explode.

The first time he threw a grenade, Zhao Zhongyi just wanted the Nihong people to run out and give himself a chance to fake it.

Now the second grenade is the real kill.

After the Neon people find out that they have been cheated, they will definitely become angry, and then they will think that the second grenade is also fake.

However, the Nihong people are on the second floor and Zhao Zhongyi is on the third floor. They don't even know that the second one is real, so...

boom! ! !
There was an explosion, and the military police who rushed to the front were killed, and those behind were injured. Muto Zhixiong and Xiao Tu felt a little deaf because they were behind.

"Dad, Dad." Fang Min looked at the bombed and shattered home, worried about his father.

As a result, his father naturally did not get a response. He died, so naturally there was no response.

Shaking his head, Muto Shio tried to keep himself awake, and then he became angry when he saw the tragic situation of the imperial warriors.

As shameless as Zhao Zhongyi, how could he say that every grenade is just one grenade?Of course it's three grenades tied together.

"Find those two people for me. If you are alive, you want to see people. If you are dead, you want to see the corpse." Muto said to the soldier who was still standing up.

The final result was that Wu Teng calmed down after seeing the corpse, and Zhao Zhongyi took his father-in-law Jin Chan out of the shell.

Even if Muto felt something was wrong later, he couldn't say anything, so he could only secretly send someone to continue searching for the whereabouts of Teacher Fang and others.

And the protagonist, Xiao Tu, naturally became the traitor who killed his teacher himself.

After all, after suffering such a big loss, Muto will definitely not let the truth be exposed.

That night, Liu Zhenmin was killed, and he said he was killed.It's better to say it was silenced, after all, it was the news he provided.This caused Muto Shio to suffer such a big loss.

"Teacher, believe me, you can also shine in the rear, and live a good life." Zhao Zhongyi held the hand of his future father-in-law, and instructed, "Master father-in-law, believe me, the border region also needs an ambitious middle-aged man like you. "

How many years have you been riding a horse?How many years?

Unexpectedly, I never expected that one day he, Zhao Zhongyi, would be able to say these words to the other teacher, master of pottery in the border area, elementary school teacher, this is what we should do?

"Zhongyi, I'll leave the Shanghai information to you." Teacher Fang said earnestly.

"Don't worry, teacher, I will work hard." Zhao Zhongyi cast the most sincere eyes on his father-in-law, "Min'er, don't worry about me, I can do it."

Teacher, let's go, stand on the sea and warn, it is my greatest reward for you.

Min'er's hands are really tender.

This is Zhao Zhongyi's last impression of that day...

(End of this chapter)

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