Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 72 Guild Wars and the New World

Chapter 72 Guild Wars and the New World
After returning to reality, Azu thought he would be bored, so he called Mengmeng over, thinking about playing games together.

Mengmeng has been playing Wangwang pesticide recently, and she has nothing to do, Azu also downloaded the pesticide back to accompany Mengmeng to score points.

"Okay, wife, rush, pay attention to your position, Han Xin is going to cut you."

"Oops, my network card is broken, ah,"


"Quickly, wife, tear down his plateau."


"Husband, come and block me."

"Okay, here we come."



"Phew! It's a diamond rush." ​​Azu wiped the sweat off his brow. The wasted spirit of playing games felt more strenuous than planning to grab money.

"Husband, are we still fighting?" Mengmeng put down the phone and asked Azu, "I feel that it's not easy to score with just the two of us. This teammate is too bad."

Azu was deeply touched, and nodded: "It's really not possible, I'll find some tools."

After finishing speaking, Azu clicked on the World Channel, cleared his throat, and pressed the voice button.

Applying what you have learned, you have learned false sound skills, can you do it without using it?

"Hey, hey, is there a little brother who can lead someone to score points? The Lun family has a beautiful voice, and I have all the voices you want."

Azu Jiao Didi's voice was transmitted to the world channel.

Ding Ding Ding!
Countless friend messages came, all of them were people who wanted to be friends with Azu.

Ah this?

Mengmeng was shocked.

Sure enough, when a man starts flirting, women have nothing to do.

When Mengmeng was finally sent to Diamond [-] by the false voice master Azu, she was suspended for playing for too long.

"What's up with Mengmeng recently?" Azu turned on Thunderbolt and asked while scrolling through the video.

"No, what's the matter?" Mengmeng didn't look up, but lowered her head, browsing Taobao, looking for her favorite items.

"We've been together for such a long time, and we haven't had a good meal yet. Why don't we go find a western food restaurant. I watch movies and TV shows where girls and boys eat western food when they meet. Let's try it." Azu After thinking about it, I discussed it with Mengmeng.

"Okay, I want to try it too." After hearing this, Mengmeng showed great interest.

"We haven't traveled together much, do you want to try?"

"Okay, it's really not good to stay at home all the time."

"After traveling, find some time to go to some places suitable for couples."

"Well, okay, I know there's a haunted house, and I've always wanted to go, but I can't do it alone."


"Would you like to come home with me and have a look? It's almost Chinese New Year, and my mother wants to see her future daughter-in-law."

"Good duck, ah!!!"

Mengmeng: (*/ω\*)
Mengmeng covered her face shyly: "Why are you like this? Trick me."

Azu blushed when he saw Mengmeng, and quietly leaned into Mengmeng's ear: "If you don't trick you, can you agree to go home with me to see your parents?"

"I'm ignoring you." Mengmeng turned her head away and stopped looking at Azu.

"Little girl, it's not like you just refuse now. As the daughter-in-law of my Lin family, you have to fulfill your duties as a daughter-in-law." Azu hugged Mengmeng.

Being hugged, Mengmeng felt the strong arms, and felt her body soften all of a sudden.

After getting close to that fiery chest, because of the relatively close distance, her nose could clearly smell the intoxicating fragrance, and Mengmeng felt that she was about to melt in this man's arms.

"Husband, what kind of perfume have you been using? It smells very fragrant, but it's not choking. My girlfriends always ask me to recommend it to them." Mengmeng is very curious about the smell of Azu. This smell doesn't seem to be synthetic. It was a very natural fragrance, not like those perfumes she had smelled, fresh, elegant and charming.

Hearing Mengmeng's question, Azu smelled himself, and said strangely: "No, there is no smell on my body. I don't wear perfume. During the half month you lived with me, you When did you see me wearing perfume? Maybe it’s my deodorant.”

It is indeed body fragrance, Azu himself does not feel it, but others can clearly feel it, this fragrance is one of the effects brought by the ice muscle jade bone pill, the body smells fragrant, because Azu is already tired of smelling, so he can't smell himself The smell on the body, but others can clearly feel it.

"Really, don't you wear perfume? If you don't wear perfume, can I smell of you on my body?" Mengmeng was dubious.

Azu put his arms around Mengmeng and said: "Really, Mengmeng, I am deodorant, but since you said that you smell like me, then I have to taste it, so that you don't have to smell it in the future." Perfume."

After finishing speaking, Azu kissed Mengmeng's cherry lips, and his flexible tongue was close to the other flexible tongue.

"Honey, wait... woo woo woo." Her tongue was attacked, interrupting Mengmeng's words, she was already intoxicated by the man's attack in front of her.

Pulling off his clothes, Azu's hands swam upwards. It felt like climbing rocks indoors without ropes.

When Azu saw various advertisements when he was young, he always felt that these advertisements were annoying and disturbed him from watching TV dramas and movies, but in retrospect, he found that these advertisements all had connotations. Understand.

For example, Red Bull drinks, energy drinks, your energy is beyond your imagination.

Indeed, when I was having fun with Mengmeng, every time Mengmeng said that I couldn't do it, but every time I was teased by myself, I could do it again, saying that I would overwhelm myself once.

Hot throat, passionate mouth, excited heart, trembling hands, pulled Azu and said not to leave.

There is also the drink of the high man-made peak. When Azu put his hand on it, it really felt that it was a man-made peak. It even felt like seeing all the small mountains. After all, Mengmeng is really big enough, but she usually hides it. It's so deep that no one can find it.


After tidying up his clothes, Azu held the luggage with his left hand and Mengmeng with his right hand, and got on the train home.

After getting on the train, Azu suddenly felt a little emotional. This was the first time he went home after working outside for several years.

After all, work is not like going to school. There are winter and summer vacations, such and other vacations, and if there is work that needs to be dealt with urgently, then you have to deal with it. holiday.

In the first year when Azu worked outside, he didn't go home, drinking and having dinner with clients during Chinese New Year.

This client doesn't like drinking very much, but he likes to persuade people to drink. He just likes to watch people who can't drink drink.

Ah, this perverted wine table culture.

Fortunately, Lin Yaozu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He can drink and pretend to be a teetotaler. Under the repeated persuasion of customers, he reluctantly drank a glass, and after that, hello, hello, hello, everyone signing ceremony.

In fact, drinking is not important, the important thing is to rely on the kind of vague and unclear relationship. Only by getting closer can we talk about good business. Of course, if you don't talk about martial arts and turn your back on it, we can only play the video. Let your society die.After all, who doesn't have a mobile phone these days, right?
Taking the train is boring, and the mobile phone signal is not good. Mengmeng worked hard last night, and she was already lying on the sleeper to sleep.

Looking at the same scene rolling outside the car window, Azu thought for a while and decided to go to another world for a visit.

"System, travel through."

"New world search, anchor point positioning, start to traverse, task world: "Invisible Guardian"."

In an instant, Azu's eyes fell into darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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