Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 71 Hong Kong Island World Ends

Chapter 71 Hong Kong Island World Ends
Azu never thought that he would be forced to the rooftop by Chen Guorong, just like he never thought that Atian would lose so quickly.

Press it hard, you can't fight with Big Nose in a furnished place, especially in IKEA and other places.

Azu reckoned that if he didn't play tricks, he could fight Big Nose with real fists and kicks, at most it would be [-]-[-], and he might not even be able to beat Big Nose.

So, it's normal for A-Tian not to be able to beat Big Nose. However, although A-Zu has boxing skills this time, A-Zu doesn't think he will lose in the next match...

Chen Guorong climbed up to the rooftop and saw the person in front of him with the yellow hood facing away from him, he stood still, took a deep breath, and tried to keep his tone calm: "Azu, stop, everyone outside It's the cops, your game is over!"

"Officer Chen, I don't think my game is over. Mais will surrender because he wants to start an e-sports company, so I let him go. Hot just wants to try an exciting life. From the intercom just now He should have been captured alive, A-Tian is looking for someone who can fight him, and if you can come up, it means he has failed." Azu turned around, "But, Officer Chen, do you have any? I never thought about it, why did you see only four men when you came here? And two women?"

Without looking at Chen Guorong's surprised expression, Azu took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number: "Hey, Su, Si, bring those people here and show our police officer Chen."

Hearing what Azu said, for a moment, Chen Guorong felt something was wrong.

after awhile.

The sound of the propeller rotating came from the side, and a helicopter was seen floating from the side, and the door opened, revealing the scene inside.

There are six people in the helicopter, apart from the one who piloted the plane, these five people are Azu's eldest wife Zhou Su, his youngest wife Tian Yangsi, fake policeman Zheng Xiaofeng, military guard Jing Hao, and Chen Guorong's unmarried girlfriend Sun Keyi.

"Azu, what do you mean?" Chen Guorong pointed to the helicopter and asked Azu.

Azu shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "Playing games, don't worry, Officer Chen, it's almost the same as last time, three against three, if you win, you can catch the three of us, if you lose, you will lose the most important thing to you." the three of them."

Chen Guorong: "..."

Azu pointed to the three people in the plane, and introduced them from left to right: "Your nephew Zheng Xiaofeng, you dealt with a traffic accident more than ten years ago. The deceased was a thief who robbed bread from a convenience store. This Zheng Xiaofeng is him." Son, don't you have any impression of the coat he often wears?"

After Chen Guorong heard it, he thought carefully: "This..."

Azu watched Chen Guorong think carefully, and didn't give him a chance to recall, he interrupted directly: "Hey, this Wei Jinghao, have you seen this face, and this nose, just like you Ah, I guessed right, I think his surname should be Chen."

Zhou Su: "..." (Is Azu such a big brain hole?)

Tian Yangsi: "..." (Not to mention, it looks a lot like it)
Zheng Xiaofeng: "!!!" (Is Uncle Chen's private life so chaotic?)

Wei Jinghao: "???" (I have parents, why do I have a biological father?)

Sun Keyi: "???!"

Hearing Azu's introduction, a woman yelled at Azu's unlocked phone in an instant: "Chen Guorong, you bastard, you even have an illegitimate child. If you don't tell me, I'll just say why I don't know what to do." Get on the helicopter and see this kid next to you as if he saw you, so he is your son."

Chen Guorong was shocked instantly: "Ke Yi, trust me, I don't have an illegitimate child, we just look alike."

"Bastard, it depends on the situation. If I hadn't been arrested by these two girls, I wouldn't have known about it."

"Auntie, I have nothing to do with Police Officer Chen."

"Who are you calling auntie? My mother is only 30 years old, just like a flower like a jade, don't bark, don't think you are his child, you can be so rude to me, talk about seniority, you still have to call me Where is little mother?"


"You two girls, don't stop me, I'm dead, I want to jump off."

As soon as Chen Guorong heard this, he rushed over and snatched the phone: "Keyi, Keyi, listen to me, I really have nothing to do with that kid, you have to trust me."

"Why is my life so hard? I was taken advantage of by an old man who got pregnant before marriage. I became his fiancée and spent a lifetime of youth. I am dead, so don't pull me."


"Well, Officer Chen, should we continue our game?" Azu asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, a small "big nose" caught at random would lead to such consequences.

"Bastard, shut up. If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for you, how could I suddenly have an extra son? How could I be suspended." Chen Guorong's expression was a bit hideous.

"Okay, you admitted it. Chen Guorong, you really have it, huh?" Sun Keyi's growl came from the phone, "You bastard, I really misjudged you..."


Chen Guorong hung up the phone, there are some things that need to be discussed later, the most urgent thing is to arrest Guan Zu first.

"Come on, what are you playing? I'll play with you." Chen Guorong looked at Azu, as if recalling the failure half a year ago. That failure made him lose all his brothers. This time, he will never fail .

"Very good, I like a straightforward person like Police Officer Chen." A Zu casually snapped his fingers, expressing his approval of Chen Guorong, and then moved a table and placed it between the two of them.

Because the convention and exhibition center is still under construction, some tools and materials were placed on the roof, just for the competition.

"Then let's start the competition, compare this." Azu took out a sixteenth-order Rubik's Cube from his pocket.

Chen Guorong: "???"

Gan, isn't it a group gun?
Chen Guorong has seen rogues before, but he has never seen Azu play rogues like this.

Because I lost to Azu in the formation of guns half a year ago, in the past six months, I have been thinking about it every day, what would have happened if I had assembled the guns faster?
As a result, you have all your pistols ready, so you just compete against the Rubik's Cube with me?Chen Guorong did not accept this competition.

"How about we still compete with each other?" Chen Guorong asked tentatively.

"Okay, Officer Chen wants to try something else, I can change the game props." Azu nodded, and then kicked the Rubik's Cube flying with a strong volley.

After dismantling a pistol skillfully, he disassembled a pistol into a table full of parts.

"Hey, Police Officer Chen, let's start." Azu smiled evilly, and then formed a gun with Officer Chen.

The confrontation on the rooftop made Azu feel like he was dreaming back half a year ago, when Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren confronted each other like this, and it was also on the rooftop.

As soon as Chen Guorong started shooting, he launched a verbal offensive, saying, "It's quite neat."

Azu: "I also went to the police academy."

Swish, swish, after a while, the pistol was finished. Chen Guorong was superior and beat Azu by a trick.

Chen Guorong pointed the pistol at Azu, and said slowly: "Azu, you lost, your game is useless."

After hearing this, Azu calmly said, "Give me a chance."

Chen Guorong asked back: "How can I give you a chance?"

Azu: "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

Chen Guorong grinned: "Okay, tell the judge and see if he tells you to be a good person."

Azu: "That means I want to die."

Chen Guorong: "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman."

As a human being, you always have to leave a way out for yourself. Originally, Azu wanted to compete with Chen Guorong as an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that Big Nose would not talk about martial arts, steal rape and play tricks, and finish the gun first. Let's not pretend anymore.

"Hey, Su, Si, throw those three people aside and prepare to evacuate." Azu said to Zhou Su and Tianyang Si after dialing the phone.

"Shut up, Azu, you have nothing to play!" Chen Guorong persuaded earnestly.

"Hey, I don't think so." Azu showed a sunny smile, then turned around and jumped...

(End of this chapter)

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