Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 73 My Father-in-Law, Teacher Fang

Chapter 73 My Father-in-Law, Teacher Fang
My name is Zhao Zhongyi, and my teacher is Fang Hanzhou, a professor at Jeren University. Mr. Fang Hanzhou is my teacher and my father-in-law.

There are three other students who are really close to Mr. Fang, or direct disciples, besides me, Liu Zhenmin, who is generous on the surface, stingy and petty in secret, Wang Ping'an, who is naive, and Xiao Tu, who went to Japan to study for two years.

The four of us are the direct disciples of Mr. Fang.

I will become the future son-in-law of Teacher Fang, and the fiancé of Fang Min, the only daughter of Teacher Fang. It won't be long before Min'er and I graduate, and we will start preparing for marriage. Maybe I can also become a college student. professor.

Today, my future father-in-law called me and said that Xiao Tu had come back from Japan. The current Xiao Tu may have become a traitor. He hoped that I could go to Fang’s house and do me a favor to get rid of the traitor Xiao Tu...

At No. 32 Ma Sinan Road, Azu stood outside the door, flipping through the memories in his mind.

"Guardian of Quintiles", there are many villains to choose from, from devils to traitors, there are so many characters to choose from, Feng Yixian, the ax king, the three brothers of Jinshan Yinhai, Hu Yibiao, the enlightened master, etc., but Azu still has a glance He just fell in love with Zhao Zhongyi, not for anything else, just because of his identity - Fang Min's fiancé.

Anyone with a brain knows that the advantage of being Zhao Zhongyi is to have a beautiful fiancée, not to get to know Xiao Tu quickly, relying on his future father-in-law to join D and become a member of D.

Although it is called "Guardian of Quintiles", there are five good-looking younger sisters, but anyone who has played the game knows that there are more than five good-looking younger sisters. Mr. Xiao should go and be with his true destiny enlightenment master.

"Mr. Xiao, you are so reluctant to die."

"Yi Biao has heard a lot of sweet talk, and he has also told a lot of lies."

"However, I have no regrets to hear Mr. Xiao's words."

"If Yibiao dies for the country, will Mr. Xiao shed a few tears for me?"

Hahahahaha! ! !
Fang Min: "???"

Did my father and myself see something wrong? Is this Zhao Zhongyi really worth entrusting for life?
Fang Min was very skeptical. After all, his future husband had been in a daze since he knocked on the door, especially when he opened the door and stood in front of him, he still kept his eyes in a daze, motionless and smirking.

I'm afraid I have hysteria?
Subconsciously, Fang Min took a few steps back to prevent Zhao Zhongyi from going crazy and hurting himself.

After being stunned for a while, Azu, or Zhao Zhongyi, finally came back to his senses and looked at the woman in front of him.

It was a woman who opened the door, it was Fang Min.She wore a black headband and had long hair with a shawl.The skin is as white as pearls, with powder makeup and jade carvings, and there is a thin mole on the left side of the nose.

She is dressed in a simple student attire, like a lotus flower, pure and flawless.

That's right, the current Fang Min is not the future Director of the Secrecy Bureau.

Zhao Zhongyi looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and said softly, "Min'er, good morning, is teacher there?"

"Uh, good morning. Father is here. Come in first. I'll call him." Fang Min lowered his head, turned around and went to find Fang Hanzhou.

After entering the door, Zhao Zhongyi discovered that the room was indeed decorated in a literati style, with calligraphy and paintings, ancient books, and words that Teacher Fang himself mentioned.

If Teacher Fang hadn't been in this turbulent age and had an unknown identity, perhaps, to be a great literati, a great poet would be more than enough.

When Teacher Fang didn't arrive, two other students did arrive. These two students were Liu Zhenmin and Wang Ping'an.

Comrade Xiao Wang has nothing to say, he lived to the end in the original plot, and even in the serious plot, he proved his identity to Xiao Tu and was vindicated.

Comrade Xiao Liu, there is a problem.

Don't look at Zhao Zhongyi and these people as classmates, but if there is one thing to say, the classmates are all praises, and the real statement should be competitors.

What are you fighting for?What they are fighting for is fame and fortune.

After all, if we didn't have a plan, how could the four of us become Teacher Fang's disciples?
Liu Zhenmin, a kid, usually looks high-spirited and upright, but the one who really knows the scum has to be a scum.

He, Mr. Zhao, could tell at a glance that this Liu Zhenmin was not a good guy.

People have desires, if a person has no desires and desires, then he is not a human being.

Wang Ping'an and Xiao Tu are not looking for the fame and fortune brought by Teacher Fang, but for Teacher Fang's daughter—Fang Min.

The relationship between Xiao Tu and Fang Min is a childhood sweetheart, and Wang Ping'an is a backup relationship. I like it, but I don't say it.

These two people are really bad, if they like it, they like it, they are secretive, not at all like Zhao Zhongyi and Liu Zhenmin, who are so pure.

He, Zhao Zhongyi, was able to be Teacher Fang's disciple because of the fame and fortune that Teacher Fang could bring, and because of Teacher Fang's daughter.

Liu Zhenmin wanted to curry favor with Mr. Fang. After graduation, he could stay in the school and be a teacher, or a professor, or even the dean. From then on, he would write books and become a new generation of literary Teddy...the leader.

Speaking of the title of master in the literary world, I have to mention the famous Shen Lanqing in the literary world, Mr. Shen, who loves teaching female students the most in his life.

Teacher Shen's favorite thing to do is to hold her students' hands and praise her as the most talented woman in literature since she taught.

As expected, it is faster to be a literati these days. Didn’t you see that Mr. Teddy Shen already has many female friends in the literary world?They are all confidante who share his great love.

Since it is in this world during the Anti-Japanese War, no matter what, I have to do a big task of saving the country and the people, so that I can live up to myself and come to this world.

Just as I was thinking, the system came to a task here.

[Main task: People are as they are called (since loyalty is the name, then do things of loyalty, there are no restrictions)]

[Requirement: What you do must be able to be recorded and handed down to future generations]

[Reward: A random set of exercises from another world]

[Sub-task: Quintessentially beautiful girl (passing through thousands of flowers, I will touch every piece of it)]

[Requirement: Change the fate of beautiful girls so that they all have a happy ending]

[Reward: Lucky Coin X5]

Good mission, good reward, the first mission, when Zhao Zhongyi saw it, he had a bold idea, and the second mission can also be carried out after that bold idea.

"Xiao Tu, this bastard, you still have the face to come back now." Fang Hanzhou slapped the table in the study with a letter in his hand, his expression filled with righteous indignation.

This Fang Hanzhou was wearing a gray mandarin jacket and a pair of black round-rimmed glasses. His eyes and forehead were wrinkled with age, and he had a mustache under his nose. His body was still trembling slightly because of his anger.

On the other side, Liu Zhenmin, Wang Ping'an, and Fang Min couldn't understand why Teacher Fang was angry, but Zhao Zhongyi, who had been there, did know that Teacher Fang was acting to pave the way for his real student Xiao Tu.

If you know it, you know it, but it doesn't mean you have to show it. You know it, so Teacher Fang's play can't be performed.

So Zhao Zhongyi stepped forward, stroked the chest of the future father-in-law, and said while brushing: "Father-in-law calm down, Xiao Tu's rebellion is not worthy of our anger."

Fang Min also echoed: "Yes, father, maybe Xiao Tu is still the same Xiao Tu, but he has some difficulties."

Hearing Zhao Zhongyi and Fang Min sing and drink like this, Fang Hanzhou said with a strange expression: "Zhongyi, don't you usually look down on traitors the most? Why do you have this attitude today?"

Zhao Zhongyi replied with a smile on his face: "Father-in-law Mingjian, I don't think the former radical youth Xiao Tu is such a person who rebelled so easily, maybe there are some difficulties, or maybe there are some secrets, just based on the letter in your hand, Also, the news we have heard is not enough to prove that Xiao Tu is really a traitor. In the Qing Dynasty, there was Li Hongzhang who said that he learned from the barbarians to control the barbarians. What if Xiao Tu also went with this idea? ?”

After Zhao Zhongyi finished speaking, the other four people in the room fell silent.

Liu Zhenmin and Wang Ping'an didn't talk about it. The passers-by who followed suit were mainly Fang's father and daughter. These two were silent.

Fang Min, as Xiao Tu's childhood sweetheart, has always believed in her ideal person. Even if she heard the news that Xiao Tu sold out her classmates in exchange for her to study in Japan, Fang Min didn't believe it. She knew that Xiao Tu had always been It was the Xiao Tu from before, the Xiao Tu who made a wish when he was a child to marry the other party.

Ok? ? ?
Why does my head feel a little heavy.

Subconsciously, Zhao Zhongyi touched his neck, feeling suddenly tired.

Fang Hanzhou remained silent because he was thinking about himself as a son-in-law-to-be.

In the eyes of Teacher Fang, among the few students closest to him, he can entrust his daughter to him for life. Among the four, Wang Ping'an has no ambitions, Min Min's future life cannot be guaranteed, Liu Zhenmin is petty, likes to calculate, and may bully his daughter. Xiao Tu is used to do big things, and must be put outside, so she cannot interact with her own daughter, so Zhao Zhongyi is left at the end. This kid has some abilities, and he has his own strength in writing articles, and he has no father or mother. , an orphan, so it is very suitable to find a home for his daughter, and as long as he is alive, this kid will not dare to bully Minmin.

However, from today's loyal words, Fang Hanzhou felt that his impression of him should be changed. Perhaps this kind of loyalty is not worthy of his daughter to marry him.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, Zhongyi is the most tolerant of sand in our eyes. When Xiao Tu comes over, let's cross-examine him. If the response is wrong, then don't blame us for being ruthless." Zhao Zhongyi said.

dong dong dong! !

There was a knock on the door.

"Father, I'll open the door." Then, Fang Min went to the gate to see who was visiting.

After a while, Fang Min came back, and when he came back, he brought a man with him.

This man is handsome and dignified. At first glance, he is a good man who is suitable to be with the enlightened master, and definitely not a man who can be with beautiful women.

"Xiao Tu, you bastard, you still have the face to come back now." Seeing the person in front of him clearly, Teacher Fang cursed directly.

Xiao Tu was speechless, just silently looking at his old friend, childhood sweetheart, and teacher whom he regarded as his father.

Zhao Zhongyi is full of admiration for his future father-in-law. His acting skills are really lifelike. Even he, a theatergoer, can clearly feel Teacher Fang's anger. He was about to step forward and accuse Xiao Tu with his father-in-law.

Of course, in this scene, Zhao Zhongyi is really not suitable to speak at this time, let Soso and Hanhan start a group, and just stay behind.

"Hmph, not long after you were imprisoned, the cadres of the Federation of Students were persecuted, saying, did you betray them?" Fang Hanzhou pointed to Xiao Tu's nose with a book.

Xiao Tu was speechless and remained silent.

Fang Hanzhou took a step forward and continued to ask, "Did you say so?"

Xiao Tu looked around, glanced at the five people in front of him, seemed hesitant to speak: "Teacher Fang, I..."

"If you don't speak, you're acquiescing. Xiao Tu acquiesced, and he was the one who persecuted his classmates." Liu Zhenmin shouted loudly.

"It seems that Xiao Tu is really a traitor." Wang Ping'an said indignantly with a trace of regret that his former friend turned into a traitor, which filled his heart with entanglement and anger.

Good guy, Liu Zhenmin is a good grouper. If he didn't know that there was someone else who betrayed his classmate back then, maybe he, Mr. Zhao, would stand on the moral high ground and defecate anywhere.

That's right, Zhao Zhongyi was a classmate who knew who betrayed him at that time.

Two years ago, Xiao Tu and a group of radical students protested on the street. In the end, Xiao Tu was arrested, and the students who protested together were also arrested, and several student cadres from Jiren University were also arrested.

These people were persecuted because of a teacher in the school. This teacher was a member of the underground party. It's just that this little insider turned around and took refuge in Hu Yibiao, betraying his own students.

It was an accident that Zhao Zhongyi knew about this. After all, the teacher stayed up most of the night, met a man named Hu Yibiao, finally took money from him, and was finally stabbed by him. He, Zhao Zhongyi, could tell. ?That designation is not possible.

At that time, Zhao Zhongyi was also a naive person. When he saw a dead person, what was his name, but he was caught by Hu Yibiao at that time, and he became Hu Yibiao's informant ever since.

Generally speaking, this kind of informant is the cheapest, and Hu Yibiao has a lot of them in his hand, and he collected them at random.

Picking up informants at random is just a habit, but I didn't expect that in the original plot, Hu Yibiao actually caught an underground worker by relying on an informant he picked up at random.

However, it is said to be the original plot. Now that his descendant of Shanghai Wu Yanzu has come, it is impossible for his father-in-law to be killed, and his family will be guarded by someone named Zhao.

I just hope that Teacher Fang can send blessings when he marries a few wives.

"Xiao Tu, get the hell out of here!" Fang Hanzhou hurriedly drove Xiao Tu away, lest the plan be ruined.

"Go to the place where you are supposed to go, study hard and learn what is etiquette, righteousness and shame." Fang Hanzhou smashed the book in his hand on Xiao Tu's body, and when the book fell to the ground, a student certificate fell out of it.

Xiao Tu picked up his study card, put it in his arms, and was thrown out of Fang's house by three former friends...

After Xiao Tu packed his luggage and left, looking at his fiancée and future father-in-law who had disappeared, Zhao Zhongyi quietly retreated, not thinking about the anxious fiancée going to see other men, after all, he also wanted to treat this man's women. Let's start, I am not a good person, so I don't worry about this matter.

Zhao Zhongyi thinks that the most urgent thing is to go to the library to meet his father-in-law, and join D by the way. His ideas must be realized well. In addition, he has to meet Hu Yibiao, an unmarried enlightened master at night. A righteous person, you can't be an informant for a secret agent, it's a shame, and it's easy to accidentally hurt your father-in-law and fiancee.

(End of this chapter)

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