Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 56 Afterwards and the Lottery

Chapter 56 Afterwards and the Lottery

A sneeze!

A sneeze woke Lin Yaozu up, he opened his eyes, only to see a beautiful woman scratching his nose with her own hair.

"Hee hee, you're awake."

Zhao Xiaomeng stared at Azu and laughed.

"Uh, this, uh, ah, ah, ah."

Lin Yaozu is not good at words. When facing women, he is actually not very good at talking. Don't look at being coquettish in the plot world, it is also a divide.

I won't talk about it when Teacher Zhang is here. You and I have no chance at all. It all depends on my spending money. No matter how cold a woman is, she will be softened by Teacher Zhang's money.

Needless to say Dong Tianbao, there were only two women for decades, and after the death of Xiao Donggua and the two of them, they never married.

When coloring the family tree, it goes without saying that there is no love at all, what is a hypnotic play, once the family tree is published, who cares if you like me or not?Physical collision is enough, what kind of love do you want?
Yan Zhendong's time was even simpler, the hero saved the beauty, he was handsome and rich, and his martial arts was strong. Who wouldn't like such a man?
So the real Lin Yaozu has not experienced anything, the body is a first brother both physically and mentally.

After all, in those years when he was Teacher Zhang, although there were some unfamiliar girls who slept in his bed, they all took the money and left the next day, and none of them stayed and wanted to fall in love with Teacher Zhang.

Picture what?
How old is Mr. Tu Zhang?Teacher Zhang has no hair?Teacher Zhang messing around?
If Mr. Zhang is old, doesn't take a shower, has no house or car, and has more than 200 deposits, do you think who has the leisure to sleep in Mr. Zhang's bed?

Real, very real.

Therefore, Lin Yaozu couldn't stand Zhao Xiaomeng's mess now.

"You were so fierce last night, I still feel a little pain now." Zhao Xiaomeng drew circles on Lin Yaozu's chest.


Mosquito coils appeared in Lin Yaozu's eyes, and he was dizzy now. Someone told me that after having sex with a strange girl, I don't want to be responsible, what should I do?Waiting online, very urgent.

Zhao Xiaomeng got up from Lin Yaozu's chest, the quilt slipped off, revealing an infinitely beautiful body, and looked at Lin Yaozu with big eyes bulingbuling.

Looking down Zhao Xiaomeng's neck, there are obvious lip and handprints. Azu knew that they were all his masterpieces.

"That, that, I heard people say that after having sex with them, you need to take medicine, what about you?" Lin Yaozu asked weakly.

"Ah!" Zhao Xiaomeng suddenly came to his senses, and then exclaimed, while searching for his bag, he looked melancholy, "It's over, I didn't bring the medicine Xiaoyi gave me."

Before the girlfriend left, she took medicine for herself. She said that she took it after she had a relationship, but she forgot to bring it when she went out in a hurry.

"Hey, what should I do now? She just became a woman and is about to have a baby." Zhao Xiaomeng was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"If possible, I will raise the child after it is born." Azu took a deep breath and made up his mind.

"Ah this?" Zhao Xiaomeng was a little confused.

"It was born, I raised it, and I have money. I will give you the best life and enjoy all the glory." Azu grabbed Zhao Xiaomeng's hand and confessed affectionately.

Now that the matter is over, since you don't know what to say, let's say what comes to mind.

"Ah, here I am, uh." Zhao Xiaomeng lost his mind for a moment, and quickly broke free from Azu's hands, "Well, I'm still young, let me take a look."

Zhao Xiaomeng turned sideways, but after turning around, she turned her head frequently, peeking at Azu's handsome side face, her two small hands clenched into fists, the palms of which were soaked with sweat, and her heart was beating faster and faster.

"His two hands are so warm, his face is also handsome, and he has money, a car and a house, and he even took it away. It's the first time he has taken it away, and it seems to be his first time too." Zhao Xiaomeng was thinking in his heart arrive.

"You..." A Zu saw that the girl in front of him ignored him, so he wanted to ask the girl what she was thinking.

"Ah, oh, I'm going to work, well, I'll go first." It's not the same thing to stay like this, after thinking about it, Zhao Xiaomeng felt that he should go first, this man who took his first time, or Look again.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomeng picked up the scattered clothes on the ground and put them on, then went out with her bag.

Seeing the woman leave, Azu let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed.

For the time being, one thing has been solved. It seems that in the future, we still can't mess around in the real world, and there will be big problems.

"Hey? That's right!" Zhao Xiaomeng suddenly rushed into the room again, picked up Azu's mobile phone, turned it on, and entered her contact information and name, "In the future, if you miss me, just call, and the WeChat ID is the same "[Azu is lazy and doesn't like to design passwords, so the phone is unlocked and anyone can unlock it, but he usually doesn't lend it out]

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Lin Yaozu felt relieved and confirmed that Zhao Xiaomeng had really left.

"Oh, women are really difficult to deal with." Lin Yaozu sighed, "Forget it, that's it, let's draw a lottery now."

There are generally three rewards for Huang Feihong's world missions, super super big return pill X1, lucky coin X2.
I won’t talk about the Dahuan Pill, it won’t be used for the time being, let’s take a look at the lottery first.

Familiar coin slots, familiar coins, familiar lottery draws.

【Women's Clothes Guide】X1
【Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill】X1
First up is this book with a cover that reads A Guide to Women's Clothing.

[Name: Guidebook for Ladies Clothes Guys]

[Effect: teach you how to become a master of women's clothing]

[Introduction: You are already a big boy, you should learn to draw some clean eyeliner, trim a pair of clean eyebrows, spray some clean and nice-smelling perfume, and grab men with girls at this good age]

[Remarks: The night is too long, the attack is so excited that it condenses into frost]

Yan Zhendong: (°ー°〃)
Look at the ice-blue pill with a hint of coldness and a refreshing taste.

[Name: Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill]

[Effect: strengthen the body, make the body fragrant, exhale like orchids, ice muscles and bones]

[Introduction: This is a elixir refined from a variety of precious medicinal materials. It was originally researched by an alchemist to strengthen the body. The beauty effect is just a side effect added after the fusion of medicinal materials, but I did not expect it to be better than the beauty effect of this elixir. It is more famous than the effect of body training, that is, let this alchemist notice female monks' obsession with beauty, and since then concentrate on researching various beauty and whitening elixirs, relying on the spirit stones earned from selling elixirs, this alchemist became The first person to ascend from the mainland]

[Remarks: If you take this elixir often, in the whole world, in terms of beauty, no one can compare to you]

Lin Yaozu: The subway old man looks at his phone. Jpg
Azu felt God's malice towards him, did he want to go further and further on the road of women's bigwig?
Impossible, absolutely impossible, I am a tough straight man, and a freshly baked steel straight man, the kind that has just been broken, just a book, a pill, I want to bend myself, don't even think about it.

Although he made up his mind not to be a master of women's clothing, but one thing to say, Azu felt that the guide didn't matter, it didn't matter whether he read it or not, but the elixir could be tried.

After all, the introduction also said that this elixir was originally used to exercise and strengthen the body. The so-called beauty and whitening is just a side effect.

Thinking about it this way, Azu didn't reject the pill so much.

After thinking for a while, Azu put away the women's clothing guide, and carefully examined the elixir in his hand.

After a while, Azu made up his mind and put the elixir into his mouth.

It melts in the mouth, mint flavor, really good.

Azu closed his eyes and began to feel the effect of the pill carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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