Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 57: Boy's Body, Girl's Heart?

Chapter 57: Boy's Body, Girl's Heart?
If the needle is not poked, the elixir needle will not be poked.

After two days of changing muscles, regenerating muscles and exercising his body, Lin Yaozu stood in front of the mirror, looked at his body carefully, and sighed sincerely.

In front of the mirror, he is no longer full of tough guy style like before.

In the past, because he obtained the full-level iron cloth shirt, the overall body style was very tough, the muscle ratio was angular, and the muscles were distinct, not like a human, but like a bionic robot.

But after taking 【Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill】, Lin Yaozu found that his body had changed a bit. The overall style of his body was not as hard as before, and his muscles became more natural. At first glance, he looked as if he was born with eight-pack abs.

The bone density also increased a bit. Standing on the weighing scale, Lin Yaozu found that his figure had not changed, but his weight had increased by a few catties.

Picking up the fruit knife he just bought yesterday, Lin Yaozu brandished the fruit knife to cut on his body.

Not broken at all.

And this is on the premise that Lin Yaozu didn't use the iron shirt. Very well, Lin Yaozu had already imagined his defense when he turned on the iron shirt later. If he guessed correctly, he would definitely have no problem resisting the mortar.

The most important thing is that Azu found that his skin has become super good, white and smooth, it seems that water will come out when pinched, it is very tender, full of collagen, especially the face, the most smooth and tender

Although there are many benefits, there are some disadvantages of taking this pill, that is, Azu found that his hair tends to be dry and frizzy, and it grows faster. It only took two days, and now it feels a little shaggy. Well, the problem now is that when Azu looked at his hair in the mirror, the tips of his hair had changed color and turned light blue.

"Oh, how can I get my hair done? It's dry and discolored. I can't go out to meet people." Azu held a comb and muttered to the mirror while combing his hair.

Seems like something is wrong?
Azu stopped combing his hair, looked at himself in the mirror, and then at the comb in his hand.

What's wrong with me?How to start like a daughter's house?
All of a sudden, Azu remembered the remark under [Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill], it was a column of very small handwriting, if it wasn't for Azu at this time, he was no longer an ordinary person, with sharp ears and eyesight, and a photographic memory, it might take a while. I can't remember.

It seems to be written [the user's estrogen will soar in a short period of time, but it will return to normal after a period of time].

So I have too much estrogen, which leads to the transformation into a woman?

Azu gasped.

The Lun family can be a hot-blooded man, how can it become a daughter's family?
Lin Yaozu: ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜

People's mouth addiction has become strange.

Sitting on the chair, Azu rested his cheek on his right hand, wrapped his left index finger around his hair, and began to circle around.

Do you want to go to the plot world to do tasks?
Azu thought for a while and came up with such a solution.

"Forget it during the day, let's go to the story world at night." Azu thought so.

Closing his eyes and concentrating on thinking for a while, Azu felt that it was still early, he didn't want to play games, and his physical condition did not allow him to go on a date with Xiaomeng, so he couldn't think of how to spend the long day.

Got it!

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and Azu took out the [Guide to Ladies Clothes] from his own space, and began to read it carefully.

There is one thing to say, the system produces, there can be no waste, it must be that I have not found the correct way to use it, so I have to do my best to study any items produced by the system, this book is his first research object.

The book was opened and spread flat on the bed. Lin Yaozu also lay on the bed, and began to carefully read "Guide to Women's Clothes", with his feet crossed, raised and lowered.

After watching for a while, sometimes the hair blocked the view, and Azu would push the hair behind the ears.


After a long while, Azu closed the [Guide to Women's Clothes Guys].

"It seems that I still underestimated this book." After reading it, Azu suddenly realized something.

As the saying goes, apply what you have learned, Azu felt that after reading this book, he should try out the knowledge he learned from the book.

First of all, it is the voice. The women's wear master must master the false sound.

Speaking of false sounds, I have internal strength, and I don't need to practice for a period of time like in the book, and I can use false sounds directly.

Drawing the internal force to the throat, Azu tentatively made a sound: "Hey hey hey, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah you don't seem to be panicking, Yahoo is a black man, Zuer will give you a fat intestines, ah Ah... well, it's just a joke."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Coughing for a while, Lin Yaozu started his first false sound attempt.

"Inhale, exhale~"

After inhaling and exhaling for a while, Lin Yaozu's eyes flashed.

"Nah, Qiaodu sack, is there anything wrong with talking like this? Now, tell me. Sougar, you don't like it anymore. What a cruel person, Guoba Nasai, let you see unpleasant things It’s something. It’s good for people like me to disappear. Maybe only in the two-dimensional world can there be truly beautiful things, right?”

A discourse full of two-dimensional taste came from Lin Yaozu's mouth. If the old two-dimensional flavor is excluded, it is still a very good falsetto.

From the first word to the last word, Azu's voice was clear and melodious, like a lark, it was the cleanest girl's voice.

"Hehe. I'm still very talented." Lin Yaozu curled his hair with his fingers, and couldn't help thinking.

Then there is the body.

Well, forget about the body, my skin is so delicate and smooth, it has already met the standard.

Behind is the clothes, Azu thought for a while, frowned, he didn't seem to be a womanizer, this can be skipped.

As for the hair, Azu looked in the mirror and felt that it was all right, there was no need to put on a wig.

As for makeup?

Azu raised his right hand, turned it over, and a small gift box tied with a pink ribbon appeared in his hand.

The gift box was bought by Azu on the second day after Xiaomeng left. He thought that he would give it to Xiaomeng when he saw her again when he was free. No time to send it.

After all, a huge villa with only simple beds, chairs, computers and so on is really too monotonous, and it doesn't feel like home at all.

He untied the pink ribbon and opened the gift box, revealing the contents - cosmetics.

Inside is a complete set of cosmetics of various brands, from lipstick to eye shadow, everything.

At that time, Lin Yaozu could clearly see that there was not much cosmetics in Xiaomeng's bag, and when they were making out, Xiaomeng didn't smell much of cosmetics on her body. This was wrong, so Azu decided to buy a set of cosmetics to fill Xiaomeng. bags.

Picking up a poplar tree root or a poplar grove lipstick, Azu unscrewed the cap, rotated the lipstick out, and wiped it in front of the mirror...

I ride a horse is a man.

Suddenly reacting, A Zu threw the lipstick in his hand aside as if he was electrocuted.

Lipstick broke.

Regardless of the broken lipstick, Azu quickly rushed into the bathroom and rinsed his mouth with water.

After feeling that he was almost washed, Azu raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

Long eyelashes, blue and black hair, long shawl hair, smooth and delicate skin, charming eyes, slightly pointed chin.

This is a beauty!
Gan, Azu found that the more he watched, the more upset he became.

"System, time travel." Annoyed and impatient, Azu started the system directly, no need to wait until night.

The hands of the clock hanging in the house stopped turning, and the birds outside the window stopped in mid-air... Time seemed to be frozen.

The pointer continued to rotate, the birds continued to fly, and the figure could no longer be seen. Lin Yaozu was also invisible in the bathroom of the house...

PS: I recommend the completed and still updated original knight novels, "Star Spirit Knight" written by me, free of charge, a book written to fulfill one of my knight dreams, I can read it as soon as I go out, I only hope You can make some comments.

(End of this chapter)

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