Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 55 The Lion King Contest Ends

Chapter 55 The Lion King Contest Ends
Aunt Thirteen finally repaired the projector, but the projected pictures brought unexpected gains.

The real identity of Du Wenqi, a Russian college student, was actually a soldier, and the scene of their killing and extermination was completely displayed on the screen of the projector.

More importantly, Aunt Thirteen discovered the letter hidden by the dead soldier.

After reading the letter, Huang Feihong suddenly became alert and said to his father: "Their purpose of killing the guards is obvious. They must want to assassinate Li Zhongtang during the chaos of the lion dance meeting. Mr. Li is the pillar of the country. If he dies, our country will be in chaos. The Russians They will fish in troubled waters and invade our China. It seems that we have to take action this time at the Lion King Conference."

Finally came the day of the race, and Feihong's master and apprentice decided to compete for the gold medal on behalf of the individual.

On the morning of the day of the battle, A Kuan looked at Yan Zhendong who was leaning against something covered by a black cloth, and asked aloud: "Master Yan, what did you do when you disappeared for so many days? Why did you only appear yesterday?"

Good guy, since Akuan you asked the question sincerely, I, Yan Zhendong, will pretend to be aggressive in front of you.

"Hey." Yan Zhendong smirked, "Look, I'm going to pretend."

After finishing speaking, Yan Zhendong pulled the black cloth next to him.

A golden light flashed, blinding the eyes of everyone present.

"I rub it, what is this? It's so bright."

"Damn, this is so luxurious."

"Where is that golden lion, so damn bright."

There were endless exclamations one after another.

"Ah, what about you, Master Yan?"

Ah Kuan was shocked and speechless.

Master Huang was also shocked, this lion is too luxurious: "Master Yan, your lion is really good."

For a while, Master Huang didn't know how to praise him.

"Hey, the one-horned bronze lion I specially found someone to make, the surface is plated with gold, and the lion king competition, can I not participate in such a grand event?" Yan Zhendong looked up proudly, "By the way, the old man gave me the eyes."

Hearing Yan Zhendong mentioning himself, Mr. Huang stroked his beard in satisfaction, and said: "Feihong, you are participating in the Lion King Competition, and Baozhilin is only a few of you to fight. The enemy is outnumbered, and Master Yan's bronze lion will help you all." , It shouldn’t be a problem to win a place.”

Pure copper lions are a batch of meat, and at the same time, the damage is still high.

In the Lion King Contest, everyone is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, such as the fire unicorn (fire-breathing lion), the knife-axe lion (small in size, with a martial artist holding a knife), and all kinds of lions who do not talk about martial arts. According to Ah Qi As I said, Zhao Tianba made a super big lion, so Master Yan didn't talk about martial arts, so what's the point of making a gold-clad copper lion?
Since he made the move, Master Huang had his own decision. He didn't care about the title of Lion King, but he didn't want warriors all over the world to kill each other for such a small fame.

The so-called great chivalrous ones serve the country and the people and stop killing with force.

Feihong and others jumped into the sea of ​​lions and shuttled among the wild lions of various factions.

Master Huang's master and apprentice have high martial arts skills, and ordinary martial arts masters can't get close at all, so it's no problem to rush to the tower.

As for Master Yan, he brought a disciple from Yan's Martial Arts Gym. Among the disciples who entered the room, A Jin was tall and strong, and he had practiced iron shirts. He happened to dance lions with Yan Zhendong. .

"Hey hey, you guys, do you want to dance?"

Yan Zhendong smiled charmingly, held up the bronze lion head, and rampaged in the sea of ​​lions.

Because the lion's head is made of pure copper, and the lion's tail is made of copper wire, and matched with the iron cloth shirt that Yan Zhendong tried, it is invulnerable and invincible.

Any lion that dares to block Yan Zhendong Road will be poked and stopped by the bronze lion's single horn.

Anyone who dared to attack Yan Zhendong would have their heads crooked.

Among other things, the fire unicorn who played with fire was paid close attention to by Master Yan because he burned Master Yan's clothes, and Yan Zhendong kicked the buttocks of the two lion dancers over and over again.

An hour later, the weaker gangs all withdrew from the competition. After all, people are weak, so why not retreat?As for the rest, they are all strong lions, and they are all lions from the four major gangs.

After fighting for a while, I saw a giant lion with a height of about three feet and a width of a hundred girths rushing out, shaking its head and shaking its head.

Needless to say, just looking at it, you can tell that this is Zhao Tianba's lion, so arrogant, so many people, a lion who doesn't pay attention to martial arts, the only lion in Forty-Nine City, he is the only one who is arrogant and domineering and loves to fight Mahjong · Zhao Tianba can do it.

After all, when it comes to bullying few people, Zhao Tianba is a professional.

This giant lion is composed of dozens of people, and there are so many organs in it, the little lions of other gangs can't compete with it at all.

Needless to say attacking, as long as the lion is close to Zhao Tianba's giant lion, it will be kicked or cut to autism by Zhao Tianba's men, one by one, one by one, and one by one with a knife.How to fight?
Huang Feihong saw the lion suddenly stretched upwards, as if a wooden ladder had been set up inside its body, the lion's head jumped several feet quickly, and rushed straight to the gold medal on the high platform.

Yan Zhendong could see clearly that this Zhao Tianba didn't talk about martial arts, and made a stack of arhats among the lions.

"Huh? The table under those people's feet seems to be the table of Sanxiaolou." Looking closely, Yan Zhendong seemed to have discovered something.

Boss of Sanxiao Building: "Ba Ye rushed in just to grab the table, saying that he used this table where he often played mahjong, and was blessed with luck, and then he robbed me of the table in Sanxiao Building."

In this case, you, Zhao Tianba, don't talk about martial arts, and I, Yan Zhendong, don't pretend to be a good person.

Uh, I don't pretend to be a gentleman...it doesn't seem right either.

After much deliberation, Yan Zhendong didn't care about it, and just shouted loudly: "Hey, Zhao Tianba, you are dirty and obscene, and you don't talk about martial arts. I, Yan Zhendong, stand on the moral high ground and defecate anywhere."


"Yes, Master."

"The lion ascends to the sky, I want to defecate everywhere on his head."


A Jin and Yan Zhendong cooperated with each other, kicked each other, turned over, and landed on top of Zhao Tianba's giant lion, and then walked all the way up to the top of the giant lion.

"You horse rider, Yan Zhendong, come down for me." Suddenly, Zhao Tianba's head fell heavily, and Zhao Tianba yelled at Yan Zhendong when he found Yan Zhendong on it.

It's a pity that scolding will not stop Yan Zhendong from doing it.

The copper lion opened its mouth wide, bit the top of the giant lion's head with one bite, and directly tore a hole open. Then Yan Zhendong took off his pants with one hand and defecated everywhere.

"Yan Zhendong, I'm drafting grandma." Zhao Tianba, who was soaked in urine, cursed loudly, and then ordered his left and right brothers, "Come on, go up, and kill that Yan Zhendong."

It's a pity, when these trash came up, Yan Zhendong ran away with his apprentice.

As for where to go?Naturally, in the sea of ​​lions below, fish in troubled waters, beat those martial artists all over.

Master Huang knew very well that relying on Liang Kuan alone to control the lion's tail would not be able to cooperate with him against the giant lion in front of him, so he shouted: "Where is Ah Qi?"

Guijiaoqi also knew that it was a critical moment, so he jumped into the lion to replace Liang Kuan: "Master, I am here."

These two people are so good at lightness kung fu, they have already rushed ahead of the giant lion after a few ups and downs, and they are the first to get close to the gold medal.

Since he wanted to intercept others, he naturally wanted to trip them up, so Huang Feihong's master and apprentice kicked everywhere, and the wood was broken.


The sound of wood breaking came, and the giant lion and the high platform collapsed at the same time.

Seeing the giant lion fell and the gold medal away from him, Zhao Tianba was furious and snatched the battle flag from his disciples. Several steel knives were tied to the head of the flag.

Sure enough, he didn't talk about Wude, and there was a knife tied to the flag.

But fortunately, Master Huang is not a good bird... Master Huang is a gentleman, and he must use the method of a wicked person to deal with a wicked person.

So Master Huang's battle flag is directly an extended Fang Tian painted halberd, with a flag that says "Bao Zhi Lin, Huang Feihong" hanging under the head of the halberd.

So the two competed in the arena.

On the other side, Du Wenqi found that Aunt Thirteen was filming them with a projector, and couldn't help but feel moved.

He was originally a well-trained Russian agent. With his professional sense, he had already sensed that Aunt Thirteen knew some secrets.

That's what you know I know you know what I do.

It's an old doll.

So he walked down the tower, blocked Thirteenth Aunt in the corner and said, "You actually used the camera I gave you to film me. What is your intention and what else do you know?"

Aunt Thirteen and Huang Qiying made arrangements in advance, and said calmly without panic, "I don't understand why you always plan to kill people. What happened to the peace you kept talking about when you were studying abroad?"

Du Wenqi took out a foreign gun, pointed to Aunt Thirteen and said, "Shaoyun, I once said that historical changes cannot be changed. 200 years ago, you Han people were not satisfied with being ruled by the Manchus, but you are not used to it." Is it? After 200 years, you will also get used to being ruled by another nation."

Aunt Thirteen glared at Du Wenqi, and said word by word: "After 200 years, we Han people should solve our affairs by ourselves. There is no need for you to worry about us in a hurry."

At this moment, Du Wenqi didn't care about so much, he stretched out his hand to snatch it, the box fell to the ground, and the medicine bottle inside spilled out, but it was a medicine box.

"Then you will be eliminated." Du Wenqi turned around and opened the trigger device, ready to shoot Thirteenth Aunt.

Wrist grabbing, crotch kicking, knee bumping!

With a set of combos, Du Wenqi was beaten to the ground by Aunt Thirteen.

Du Wenqi covered his bleeding nose, and looked at Aunt Thirteen in disbelief: "Shaoyun, you?"

Aunt Thirteen took out a small pistol from her inner thigh, pointed at Du Wenqi and said, "I also know martial arts, and besides, I hate people pointing guns at my head the most."

Aunt Thirteen also has a gun, but it’s just a girl’s family, so it’s not suitable for carrying too many weapons, so Yan Zhendong gave her a delicate small pistol with ten bullets, which can definitely last until Master Huang comes to save people, even if the bullets hit her Light doesn't matter, Thirteenth Aunt knows martial arts too.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the square: "The hydrangea is down, grab the gold medal."

Du Wenqi knew that when the hydrangea came down, it was the signal to assassinate Li Hongzhang. At this moment, he couldn't care whether Thirteenth Aunt would shoot him. After getting along with him for many years, he knew that Thirteenth Aunt was kind-hearted and would not kill anyone he knew. ran up the tower.

He pointed his gun at the hydrangea, because Li Hongzhang was behind the hydrangea.

On the other side, Yan Zhendong, who was tired from being beaten in the crowd, had nothing to do. After being pushed out from the sea of ​​lions, he stood on the tower to watch a show. skills [Shall we go mountain climbing together? 】

[Name: Do you want to climb the mountain together? 】

[Effect: When someone and the caster stand on a high place and know the caster, the subject will fall from a high place, with an [-]% chance of falling to death. 】

[Introduction: This is a murderous tactic that Mr. Zhang worked out painstakingly. 】

[Remarks: Do you think I still have a chance?No, then I invite you to climb the mountain. 】

Use skills!
Suddenly a gust of wind blew up on the flat ground, the wind was not too strong, a third-level wind.

It just happened to blow the hydrangea, so that everyone watching the hydrangea found Du Wenqi who was holding a gun behind him.

There are assassins!
As the hydrangea moved, the soldiers on the tower first spotted Du Wenqi, and then directly raised their guns to shoot.

The Russian agents also knew that the plan had failed. They were afraid that the matter would be revealed, so they secretly shot Du Wenqi to death.

The sound of gunshots was endless.

Du Wenqi didn't have a bulletproof vest, so he died on the spot. He fell from the tower, and a watermelon shattered directly, and red and white watermelon juice flowed out.

What these foreign devils didn't know was that all of this was filmed by Huang Qiying with a projector, but it was actually useless, after all, the Qing court was too weak to dare to wrestle with foreigners.

Huang Feihong saw that the big event was over, so he calmed down and looked at Zhao Tianba and said, "Didn't you always want to witness Bao Zhilin's martial arts? Today I will let you see clearly. This move is called Foshan Wuyingjiao. Come on!" Defend."

Among the shadows of legs all over the sky, Zhao Tianba's body was kicked several tens of feet away like a dead dog. When he landed, his whole body was broken and he was already a disabled person.

Huang Feihong wanted to kick this kick a long time ago, but there were too many things to do, and he was a gentleman, so he couldn't beat Zhao Tianba secretly with a sap, but at this time, he kicked him directly.

That's cool!

After kicking, Master Huang only felt that the whole person was relaxed, and his father finally got revenge for being beaten up, and it is not a gentleman to come and not go.

Holding the gold medal, Huang Feihong came down to the city and said loudly to Li Hongzhang: "Your Excellency, you organized this Lion King Contest to show off our people's prestige, but in the end, so many people were killed and injured. In front of the world, we all lost. From the point of view of ordinary people, we not only need to practice martial arts to strengthen our body to resist foreign enemies, but the most important thing is to broaden the wisdom of the people and combine wisdom and martial arts. That is the way to make the country rich and the people strong. Whether a mere brand can change the destiny of the country is up to you. Master Li think twice. I will leave this gold medal for you as a souvenir! Farewell! After saying that, I threw the gold medal at the top of the wall."

After that, Master Li was left behind, who was said to be deafening by Master Huang.

"Hehehe, the plot is over, I can finally feel at ease and prepare to rebel."

Yan Zhendong looked at Huang Feihong who was going away, and grinned.

"Master, is our grand plan about to start?" Ah Jin asked in a low voice after hearing Yan Zhendong finish speaking.

Yan Zhendong shook his head; "Don't worry, just hold on tight, and we'll talk about it next year, when your wife gives birth to a big fat boy for me, Master."

"Yes." Ah Jin bowed his head and said yes, and retreated behind Yan Zhendong.

"This world is going to be chaotic. The Great China in my memory is finally coming out. It's mere foreign people, ha ha."

Standing on the tower, Yan Zhendong looked at the stars, and there seemed to be stars shining in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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