Chapter 70

"How long have you been here?"

Pierre's features began to age and weather, and his skin began to show signs of extreme weathering.

In the east of the sky, bright and dazzling blood red surged like waves.

Only He Gang can see that red color.

But there is no feeling of extreme danger, nor the feeling of being watched by countless pairs of eyes.

Just know that there are people who don't play by the rules.

Someone is dying.

That man was Pierre Omidyar.

He spoke some truths.

"I have no idea……"

"One year?"

"ten years?"

"Or... 100 years...?"

"It's been so long that I have forgotten many things, I just remember the way Avril looked at me that day..."

"Like watching a dog."

"It was so painful, she didn't cry, she didn't scream..."

The rickety giant with a gradually aging face covered his face and wept, and the blood dripped out.

He Gang said: "Do you remember what happened later?"

Pierre was silent for a moment, and said:
Pierre's voice was loud.

But very weak.

In the chapped skin on his body, although the active flesh and blood are still twisting and wriggling, they have decayed beyond recognition in just a few minutes.

Hancock glanced at He Gang.

For some reason, this filth that has temporarily returned to sanity... let's call him filth, seems to be on the verge of some kind of collapse

Also, there is a brief introduction in the description of the Stars Gravekeeper, saying that its will was once in charge of the flesh eaters.

What does this mean?
"Your time is short, Pierre."

The knuckles of He Gang's fingers holding the wand turned white, as if he was really about to touch the truth of the world.

He grabbed a handful of wet scorched earth and raised it in front of the bloody giant, who now looked full of cracked wounds. He said,

"Look at this land, the whole world is over, we are the last hope, so tell me everything you know, your past society, your past country, your past civilization, your past love and hatred, and Things that you have encountered that you have not spoken about until now."

The red sky seemed to have burrowed into a giant dragon, and it suddenly became turbulent, rolling into terrifying waves.

Pierre also looked up to the east.

Just when he looked up at the sky, countless eyes with obvious traces appeared around him. These eyes were gray and lifeless, staring at Pierre so firmly, and then disappeared after the latter lowered his head not see.

He took a deep breath, wondering if it was an illusion, as if even the haze of the sky had dissipated a little.

He said: "I don't know if I have enough time..."


Here they are.

nothing different.

Canada is still Canada, America is still America, England is still England, and France is still France.

The trajectory of history seems to be no different.

Before Pierre took office, the Americans built a long and long immigration bridge in the south, the British voted to leave the EU and wanted to go back, and Scotland held referendums every day.

Looking at history again, the Dunkirk evacuation was still in 1940, the Normandy landing was still in 1944, and Japan was still bombed by the Americans with atomic bombs in 1945.

Korean War, Vietnam War, Sino-Vietnamese War, Sino-Indian War, Iran-Iraq War...

Not the slightest change.

All the way back and all the way back.

But not until 2012.

Everything is different.

The histories of the two worlds began to separate in endless parallels and even overlaps.

Since the beginning of this year, many politicians, rich people, celebrities, and even murderers have appeared all over the world that have never appeared in the history of another world.

Including the later Pierre Omidyar and Avril Bradley, none of them existed in He Gang's previous world history.

To this end, he even sent private messages to government agencies that are still active and reconfirmed this.

Pierre Omidyar found some clues, and he was indeed the vice principal of a primary school in Toronto, Canada.

But until the 70 billion copies came later, he was still a primary school principal, and he is even alive now, occasionally posting some information about selling equipment on external forums.

Avril Bradley has 32 people with the same name in Canada.

But none of them matched what Pierre described.

this woman...

Something special.

He Gang could even imagine that she might be a high-ranking player in the game world.

Or... some "believer" who was infected with crazy will before the great filth came?
Then, Pierre talked about the torrential rain that swept the world.

Speaking of those... weird things that don't know where they came from.

It talked about the fortresses they fled north one by one, and the fall of cities one after another in other countries that they saw in the news and telegrams.

In the end, Pierre could no longer maintain even his most rudimentary form.

Everything about him was trembling, and the black shadow made up of countless souls howled and wailed in all directions as if trying to escape.

After the last few crucial pieces of information were uttered, Pierre's appearance completely collapsed.

Red descended on the top of his head.

And then annihilated even with the filth of becoming a flesh-eater again.

 I'm too busy today, I've been running outside, so let's do this first, I'll make up later when I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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