Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 69 A past event, who knows?

Chapter 69 It’s a past incident, who knows about it?
There was a certain dismal instrumental sound that had been there since the beginning receded and faded away.

He never noticed it.

Probably because the voice has been there since he woke up from the dream.


He Gang and Hancock looked at each other, and they watched the flesh-eater who had almost the same appearance, ability and characteristics as the Flesh Scourge turned into a huge human form.

The figure was hunched over, its face fixed on an expression of panic and astonishment, but it was true that the crushed flesh and blood could not be seen.

He gradually became the image of a young man who was not old but showed all the vicissitudes of life. He stood there hunched over, and the ground beneath his feet sank slightly.

From the cracks in the sunken ground, blood flowed out.

He didn't seem to see it.

"You're Chinese, right……"

"Is everything okay there?"

"Then there was no signal, and we completely lost the ability to communicate with the outside world."

"The last time was Far East Siberia..."

The hundred-meter giant who called himself Pierre Omidyar sat on the ground, a layer of pure black shadow turning into a clean old military uniform. He said,
"I don't know how long I've been here...and why are you so young?"

How are we so small?
The two exchanged glances.

The amount of information in this sentence is really huge.

This thing that looks like a human doesn't seem to know that it has actually become filthy?
"The world is over."

He Gang said cautiously.

He observed Pierre Omidyar's expression, and asked Hancock to stop him if something was wrong.

But the latter only looked more gloomy, and the light in his eyes was more obscure.

He had already guessed.

"What do you want to know?"

He thought it was He Gang and Hancock who woke him up, so he asked their purpose.

"What happened here? What happened in this world?"


Pierre Omidyar accidentally knocked over the only metal building standing.

He closed his eyes, and his body sitting on the ground relaxed a lot.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and said, "Aren't you from this world?"

"That's fine, that's fine, it's fine that the things that come to this world don't affect other worlds."

"This matter, we have to start from that year..."


Canada is in North America.

Wealthy, peaceful and prosperous.

There's nothing wrong with saying they're a Yankee state.

Follow the boss to have meat to eat.

Speaking of Canada, Toronto is definitely a city that cannot be ignored. For example, Shanghai is to China, and New York is to the United States. Toronto can also be regarded as the richest and most famous city in the world.

Eglinton Street, and Sunnybrook Park, through which the street usually passes, was in those days the city's main political showroom.

For several years, the president stepped down.

A host of mayors followed suit.

The two most important candidates were rivals and had been fighting on this avenue for two or three years.

These days I am in the limelight and famous all over the Kyushu lace and the sky is full of voters, and in a few days it will be you who will criticize Fang Qiu, the prince, the prince, the general, and the Xiangning.

That was a lot of fun.

Politicians are as sensational as the clowns on Mango TV, and they even surpassed the perennial scandal of a big name on the front page of CBC.

Two years later, the two candidates for mayor and vice mayor, each supporting their own party, elected two other children.

They were indeed children to dying old men like them.

It's really in its prime.

The boy is gentle and fair, and the inverted triangle after ripping off the clothes has made many Canadian girls excited. He used to be a small leader of the school. It is said that he loves fishing on the lakeside in Ontario. Although he always returns empty-handed every time, he always flocks to him.

The girl is heroic and heroic, and she is a "little victorious man" who is carefree and popular with the citizens.She also likes fishing.

Compared with the naive and fun-loving boy, she is a great person.

In the first few years, I participated in the Canadian Paddlefish Race and won second place.

The citizens of Toronto have never seen such a young candidate.

So the two children took to the streets to canvass votes for the first time in June, causing traffic jams, more than a dozen media outlets, and several channels with the highest ratings in Canada arranged exclusive interviews in prime time.

The man's name is Pierre Omidyar.

The woman's name was Avril Bradley.

Each of them has the largest group of voters in Toronto, and they are in the limelight for a while. Some expert interviews speculate that if things go smoothly like this, they may even hope to enter Congress in the next election.

It stands to reason that their official career should be so bright and clear.

But the world is always full of disasters and disasters.

No comedy master dares to say that the future on his head will be as perfect as written in the book.

It's just that this time the disaster came even more violently.

Two nights before Avril Lavigne was announced as Toronto's next mayor, she went nuts.

She wept hysterically on live news, telling people to run for their lives at the top of her lungs.

She said the stars weren't shining, they were blinking.

She said the sea wasn't raising tides, they were waking up in the mansion.

She said it wasn't an earthquake and they wanted to see what was up there.

she says……

she says……

She also said that heavy rain was coming.

But even the most advanced weather satellites did not detect a single rain cloud.

It hasn't rained in Toronto in two months.

Now that I think about it, maybe she knew something.

But no one believed her.

Even Pierre Omidyar, who didn't know that he had been completely overwhelmed by the former's personality charm, didn't believe it.

That year, Avril Lavigne was taken to the countryside by her family.

That year, Pierre successfully became the mayor.

He develops the economy, he develops people's livelihood, he develops tourism, he develops heavy and light industries, and he even develops underground industries.

But I always feel very worried.

Not just him, it seems everyone is like this.

The whole world is in a state of depression.

That same year, the financial crisis hit.

Half the people in Toronto lost their jobs, and Wall Street became the explosive keg that exploded the world again.

Many people start using drugs to become addicted.

They waited to die in the street in a daze, and the government couldn't control them.

Many Americans fled into Canada at the border. Most of them are black, and they are the inferior species struggling at the bottom of society in any state.

These inferior species fled into Canada and also into Toronto on the northwest coast of Ontario.

Disaster struck at this time.

A heavy rain from nowhere swept across South America, then the United States, then Canada, Africa, Europe, Australia, the Middle East...

Until the end, it was raining all over the world.

Scientists say this is a normal climate phenomenon.

But Pierre always felt restless.

He remembered what Avril Lavigne had said.

The rainstorm is coming.

Still the same year.

Something came up.

Very strange things, appearing from everywhere in the world at the same time.

They... don't seem to be thinking.

Just kill.

The first to collapse was a small African country called Nigeria.

Pierre had the impression that that small country seemed to owe Canada several hundred million.

I don't know if I can get it in the future.

Under the deliberate concealment at the highest level, the whole world has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Then Central Africa, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia...

Until the whole world lost the news about Africa.

Finally, the first European country also fell.

It turned out to be France.

The BBC even filmed the scene of the nuclear bomb explosion.

Canadians are beginning to realize the seriousness of the matter.

So they panicked and wanted to build a border wall to keep out anything that might come with the Yankees.

But it's too late.

When the government and the military reacted, the entire southern part of Canada had fallen.

Wherever those refugees settled, they lost news and were shrouded in gray fog or lingering haze.

The torrential rain that lasted for several months did not disperse.

Ottawa urgently arranged for the army to evacuate all the high-level and rich people in the city, and they were preparing to go all the way north.

Many people paraded in the street that day.

Many people blocked the mayor's office, begging Pierre to take them.

But until they were shredded and crushed into minced meat, they couldn't meet the youngest mayor of Toronto.

He had escaped in a helicopter.

He also went to the countryside to bring the woman he had admired and secretly spurned.

Avril Lavigne.

They did go all the way north.

Every shelter, every safe base, every harbor was abandoned after a period of time, and waves of the top people inside followed the army northward like fleeing mad dogs.

They dare not even stop.

The last contact with the White House, Ottawa learned that they had lost control of the nuclear arsenal.

Until the end, there was no escape for them.

Here you can already see the aurora in the eternal night of the Arctic.

Alaska is also shrouded in gray fog.

At the last base, they were fenced off.

10 million people.

The last 10 people in Canada.

It may also be the last 10 people in the world.

Those things linger beyond the high walls.

The occasional impact caused the entire base to tremble.

The roar of artillery fire has not stopped since the beginning.

How long did they last?
Pierre did not remember.

All he remembered was that there was nothing to eat.

Draw lots.

Presided over by Pierre and the rest of the young, brightest, most talented and most ambitious mayors.

Avril Lavigne didn't know.

Pierre also kept her from knowing.

She has been giving her share to the malnourished children around her.

Then, somehow, someone cursed loudly for not taking part in the lottery.


The family members of those hosts.

So all this was inevitably known by Avril Lavigne.

Sure enough, the girl's strong temper made her vomit, curse and curse.

The skinny people left stoned her.

Laugh at her with the sharpest words.

Pierre was also involved.

He saw the eyes of those young men looking like hungry wolves.

He was still laughing wildly until everyone was gone.

Laughing and laughing, tears came out.

And then unstoppable retching.

The metal gate is covered with white paper cutouts left by soldiers.

At the end of the hallway, dark from the loss of power and damp from broken wine bottles, above the closed metal gates, the monitors struggled with back-up power to play Winnie the Pooh, which the government put in place to appease children.

It's just that the chubby bear holding the honey jar seems to be licking human blood because of the damage to the monitor.


The story is not over yet.

Pierre Omidyar's body became even more stooped.

他 说:

"I never loved her, but when she died, I died too..."

The old man's unique twilight and death qi lingered on his huge body, and the skin was chapped every inch of it, revealing again the rotten flesh and blood that had finally condensed underneath.

The stench of corpses drifted away along with the stench.

He Gang also sat down.

"Then what then?"

He rubbed the dry and exhausted scorched earth under his hands, and there was some water in it that he didn't know where it came from.
He says,

"Then, something came in..."

"……everything is over."

 Two in one, that's all for today's chapter.

  Tomorrow, the first veil of 70 billion copies will be unveiled, which is the truth that the protagonist will recognize next.

  Well, please ask for further study. The next recommendation will come out soon. I want to advance.


(End of this chapter)

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