Chapter 71 Avril Lavigne

"There have been humans, civilizations, and... doomsdays in this world."

Looking at the flesh-eater who is gradually becoming illusory, starting from the head and from the skin, slowly turning into black dust in the thick and brilliant red beams of light falling from the sky like weathering, and then being blown away by the wind.


Pierre Omidyar?
That horn summoned the will to awaken something, and among those things was a human soul.

The spirit told them the truth that he knew.

Accompanied by the disappearance of the flesh-eater with the wind, the flesh-eater really disappeared from this world, and the endless black shadows that were overwhelmingly disproportionate to the size of the flesh-eater dispersed.

They are like a bucket of raised water.

With a bang, the whole barrel exploded.

So the water splashed everywhere.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of individuals who can vaguely see the shape struggled to fade away the blackness all over their bodies.

They rise from the ground.

The ubiquitous whispers, howls, and howls became the sounds of laughter, relief, and music after a brief sonic vacuum.

These souls are like countless sea fish, forming a huge vortex in the sky, with He Gang and Hancock as the center, after a circle, soaring into the sky, and then disappearing completely.

"System log: [Touching the truth - the last bastion (3)] [Gold level trigger task] has been completed."

"System log: Kill all filth within the fortress (27/27), recapture, purify and release the tainted souls (10000/10000)."

"System log: [Touching the Truth - The Last Fortress (3)] [Gold Level Trigger Mission] Completion: 100%."

"System log: You get experience*5000, computing power*100000%, pure soul*1000, heart of gold*1, heart of dragon."

"System log: You have upgraded, and it is now level 26."

A series of fonts refreshes the log page.

But He Gang just sat quietly.

So is Hancock.

Even Zou Wu lay down quietly and docilely.

Black dust with the temperature of burnt embers swirled one after another, like a heavy snow falling on a cloudy day, falling on their shoulders, their collars, and their hair.

Then, disappeared.

Not even a trace of it remains.

Like never been in this world.

"Return to dust what came from the dust, and may the love of the Lord be with you forever, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Hancock chanted under his breath.

His head was drooping, his eyelids were trembling, and his voice had never been so solemn.

Although they had similar speculations, they were never confirmed.

But now, this guess has been corroborated.

Pierre Omidyar concluded by saying that the world has resisted.

He said that every day countless troops, soldiers and vehicles go in the exact opposite direction from their fleeing targets.

He said a woman had been torn to shreds by that thing in front of him, just to protect another child she had never met.

He said that great nations and great civilizations used nuclear bombs, but this weapon only made matters worse.

He said that after that thing fell, the citizens of every invaded city in the world were chanting some words that could not be uttered by human vocal organs.

He said he was a sinner.

He said Avril Lavigne had tried to warn the world.

He said that when everyone died or fled to the north, there was always a stronghold on the shore of Lake Ontario in the south that did not fall, and it was difficult and intermittent to transmit information every day until the upper echelons of Canada fled to the northernmost part of the country.

He says……

He said the aurora in the north is so beautiful...


It's a pity no one will see it again.

He Gang looks far away at the northern skyline where those escaped souls disappeared, the place is gray and white, vast and quiet.


Incomparable despair.

It is daylight.

But the days that used to give people warmth, light and hope now seem so powerless and pale.

Not a single gleam of aurora was seen.

"There should be many such fortresses in Canada. Their government has indeed made efforts. After all... these are the only people who escaped."

He Gang said.

He took a deep breath.

The cold air was sucked into the lungs, and the tingling sensation spread from the heart and lungs to the whole body.

Indeed, in this fortress, the highest political positions are just a few mayors, the real political core, the prime minister, deputy prime minister, congressman, general...

They are all dead.

Died in Ottawa in the south.

He died in the most turbulent time of the first wave, and died in the wave of American refugees who threatened to destroy and overwhelm the sky.

"Every piece of land we stepped on was once soaked in blood, piled with corpses, and bombed with countless explosives."

"Every body we see might have been a living person not long ago."

"The filth we kill is even the product of these human beings being polluted."


"We were sent here, for what purpose?"

"Witnessing the destruction of a world?"

“Witness the passing of a civilization?”

"Experiencing the washing of a natural disaster?"


He Gang suddenly realized that the worlds they were assigned to might each be a world with real civilizations.

Every life on these earths is real, and they may hate each other, or cherish each other, or support each other.

But one day, disaster struck.

This disaster may be a volcanic eruption on a global scale, or an irresistible planetary impact, or a sudden biological mutation, or even the so-called supernatural recovery in the novel...

But without exception, on these 70 billion earths carrying a small hope, before He Gang and his group arrived, human beings had been completely extinct.

As soon as this desperate, disturbing, and even suicidal crazy thought arises, a greater loss completely overwhelms He Gang.

He didn't know what to say.

This damn dungeon survives...

They rested briefly in place.

The ruins of the entire fortress were buried with a huge amount of sand, and even the flesh and bones scattered on the ground were buried in it.

Hancock erected a huge tombstone for the dead here.

At the moment when the tombstone was erected, in the wasteland filled with scorched earth, the wind became more urgent.

It's just that the gloomy and stench before it is gone is unbearable.

There is one last transparent, pure, and gentle soul above the tomb of the fortress in the distance.

She was wearing a loose, clean white T-shirt, shorts that exposed pale bloodless thighs, and sneakers on her feet. She had a plain white, clean face that was more aesthetically oriented towards orientals. Her blond hair was a bit fluffy, but it was soft and hung around her waist. between.

It's just that the body is transparent like water.

She nodded to He Gang from a distance.

Tears-like hemorrhoids hung from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm Avril Bradley."

She walked in front of He Gang step by step, seemingly slow but actually surprisingly fast,

"You guys... are finally here."

But Hancock seemed unable to see the existence of this woman in a soul state, and just looked around.

He Gang shook his head.

他 说:

"How did you know we were coming?"

"You... are not human...?"

When he said the second sentence, his voice was gloomy and cold, as if he had fallen into the cellar of sweet potatoes in the summer countryside.

Bone-soaked cold.

The way he muttered to the air startled Hancock and made Zouwu curious.

Especially the latter.

It stands to reason that all intangible and qualitative things in the world should be seen clearly by it, but right now...

"I am human."

Avril Lavigne smiled lowly, her plain and beautiful face followed this smile, her cheeks cracked and her eyes retracted, which was extremely weird.

But then, she was back to normal.

she says:

"At least it was."

"I can't find your information, not anywhere."

"Even now, if you go to any Canadian government office where you can work, you can pull up my profile."

Avril pouted, another weird facial change.

It seemed that with every expression she made, the muscles and skin of her face shifted, creating a terrifying image.


"Don't talk, walk with me."

Avril interrupted the question He Gang wanted to say next, she smiled slyly, and drew a turtle on Hancock's stupid face when he was in a daze with an invisible pen.

She put her hands behind her back and leaned forward slightly, even touching He Gang's forehead.

"You can refuse."

"Forget it, I promise."

He Gang's pupils shrank slightly.

He saw Avril Lavigne's hand hidden behind her, and within a second it turned into some kind of disgusting...horrible organ.

Like a feline forelimb.

(End of this chapter)

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