Chapter 59 Beginner Village

"All the computing power accumulated during this period has been purchased from other people. Although it is incomparable to the robots that can only be purchased with 999 computing power, it can be regarded as the establishment of the base's fortifications. "

That night, He Gang found Hancock, and their rooms were located in the church, the only place in the whole world that was safe.

"But the number of souls is almost bottoming out."

Whether it is the soul with a negative prefix or the soul with a positive prefix, it is very important at the current stage. As the basic material for the explosion of dungeon creatures, this substance is even very tight on the entire trading platform.

Travis and the pioneers hunted outside, but they found some souls.

Can totally make ends meet.

It seems that the current army is no more than a thousand people, and the souls used are at most two thousand, but the families of these soldiers also need to consume souls.

This has led to a state of stagnant development for the entire base.

"After returning from Moscow, we can organize a large-scale hunting operation. On the one hand, we can try to booby Lamia again, and on the other hand, we can clean up the entire Manhattan."

"I think Lamia has stopped paying attention to me. Whatever her goal is, she has achieved it."

He Gang said.

He checked the panel.

The countdown called [Lamia's Rage] has been completely shattered, turning gray and covered with cracks.

"And we don't have a lot of time to do these things, and for the last 72 hours, New York will not be safe anymore."

All the people recruited by He Gang knew about this matter.

It's just that the soldiers below don't know.

He observed those fighters and found that they were not mass-produced NPCs or flesh and blood controlled by artificial intelligence, but individuals with their own memories, souls and thoughts.

The absolute loyalty of these soldiers is not a program input, so they will never betray.It is based on the premise that the base and the lord are strong and can provide them with shelter.

If it is known that New York will become a Shura field in three days, it is estimated that a small number of guys will be mentally weak.

It's okay if you don't want to participate in the battle, but I'm afraid that their sanity value will start to fluctuate. What if the big filth comes out of them when the countdown ends?
"This time, I can go to Moscow by myself, and you stay here. After all, you need to do a lot of things yourself."

Hancock spread his hands,

"And it's dangerous along the way. Some things are much scarier than the α we saw."

"Unfortunately, that thing has to be taken out by myself."

He Gang shook his head.

The online government agencies that are still functioning have published methods and strategies for obtaining "gifts".From the current point of view, in most worlds, the coordinates of the gifts left by the forerunners are extremely dangerous.

Except for the lucky ones who were already in Moscow and made Moscow a safe zone in this way.

They got gifts through some loopholes, and quickly grew up, becoming a very eye-catching existence even in external forums.

Most of the others, however, have to face the obstacles of a high-level setting called "meme blocking".

This blockage varies from world to world.

It could be an event, it could be a dangerous item, it could be a horrible life.

But there is no doubt that the things placed in Moscow are very important to every survivor.

Now they call each other Survivors.

Maybe in a few days, it will be time to change the name to survivor.

"In this way, only Rod Hart and the Statue of Liberty are left in Manhattan that can resist high-level filth."

Hancock was a little worried.

The city is far less innocuous than it is made out to be.

When He Gang and Dumbledore killed the Deformed Idol, they thought it was safe and New York became their back garden.

Then the Aberration Goddess appeared.

After the naturalization of this huge false god, more terrifying filth came. He couldn't even mention his name in any form. Just imagine his image in his mind, and there was a strong and strange sense of peeping.So they gave him a code name, α.

At this time, the natural disaster of flesh and blood sleeping in Lower Manhattan and turning the entire area into a dead zone seemed to reveal the truth of the world to He Gang once again.

Issos, the giant tainted heart buried in Brooklyn, is likely from the same system as Alpha.

Strange and terrifying disasters came one after another.

Who dares to say that New York is their pure land?
He Gang didn't hesitate.

He chose a more comfortable position on the sofa opposite Hancock to warm himself up, and said:

"The birth of filth is hard to prevent, but they are still vulnerable, at least in New York... White phosphorus incendiary bombs, fragmentation grenades, anti-materiel individual weapons, and even highly toxic chemicals can cause fatal damage to the filth in this city .”

He paused.

Two days earlier, Travis had been authorized to administer massive doses of cyanide to the warty, half-fish, half-human filth in an enclosed reservoir in the lower Hudson.

Those filths are truly half-man, half-fish.

On the left side of them is the body of a human, while on the right side is the body of some kind of scaleless fish. The two incompatible bodies seem to be forcibly mixed together, ferocious and full of extreme desire for reproduction.

Night-gaunts, Lamians, goat-men, and even aberrant dolls who don't have this function at all have all been caught by these disgustingly ugly misunderstandings and taken to the pool to mate.

This act causes great pain to other filth.

Within an hour after Travis used cyanide on them, these murlocs, whose real names are still unknown, died of internal asphyxiation and central nervous failure.

It turns out that most of the filth on Earth still needs oxygen, even if it's completely transformed by pollution.

He Gang then went on to say:
"Before I leave, I'll saturate Manhattan with conventional warheads using intercontinental missiles, try to get rid of all the filth, and try to ignite or dispel the gray fog."

He has been reluctant to use the missile or dead hand system before, because the kills caused by this will not calculate the experience, equipment drop rate and material drop rate, which means that He Gang will not get anything from it.

New York is a novice village.

After clearing the monsters in Xinshou Village, what should I do next?
That's why he was only going to bomb Manhattan.

I used white phosphorus incendiary bombs in the face of the filth summoned by Ives, the son of Lamia, and the high temperature generated by the burning of white phosphorus can indeed dispel part of the gray fog.

Just don't know if this effect is permanent or temporary.

(End of this chapter)

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