Chapter 58 Put it on the agenda
The Scourge of Flesh and Isos disappeared into the dark brown water.

Whether they are still alive or not, they are no longer in New York.

At least not locally.

They may cling to the edge of the sea floor, sucking life out of the currents.Perhaps torn apart becomes shattered, carried to the other side of the world by the warm Atlantic current.

"The whole of New York is now nothing but least from the perspective of human beings in the past."

"But it's a good thing for us."

Dumbledore leaned on the railing near the sea. He believed that the natural disaster of flesh and blood had never left.

It will one day return to Manhattan, the land where flesh and blood wailed, hated, raged and despaired.

There was a bloody incident happened here, the most prosperous and richest city in the world.

"The natural disaster of flesh and blood and the departure of Isos, the heart, made this city seem to be no longer so lifeless... This city seems to be alive."

"But we still know very little, or even nothing, about how this whole thing happened."

He Gang also agreed with what Dumbledore said, the disappearance of the two big filth is a good thing for them.

But their original purpose should be to explore the banshee Lamia, and even some weird incidents encountered in the middle have been put aside, there should always be an answer to this initial question.

"Issos can manipulate the gray fog. It should be similar to α, or they belong to the same system."

Dumbledore said,
"But now it seems that that thing is probably an incomplete part of what was shown in front of us."

It was already dawn by this time.

With the last gust of foul-smelling sea breeze, the haze of unknown composition made up for the part that was missing due to the battle between the flesh and blood disaster and the heart Issos.

The faint, golden sunlight poured hard from the eastern sea level to the west coast, and the instant warmth made He Gang feel unreal and illusory.

Then, the haze returned the world to an eternal chaotic darkness.

"I'm thinking that maybe there were people in this world once."

He Gang took a deep puff of a low-quality cigarette he picked up from a roadside store, and a large amount of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide was inhaled into his lungs.

This gives him a very fragile sense of security.

Weird feeling.

As soon as those words were spoken, there was an unparalleled feeling of being spied on from every direction. It was as if billions of eyeballs were squeezed out from the gaps in the molecules. They were hiding in the darkness that He Gang could not see. As long as his words and even thoughts continue to move downward, extreme terror will descend.


He Gang and Dumbledore looked at each other.

They abruptly interrupted their train of thought.

Absolutely lethal events are by no means as simple as talking about them.

"Go back first."


As Dumbledore said, the city came alive.

Animals, plants, and small filth all roamed the streets and alleys, and their number was many times greater than before.

Especially lower Manhattan.

In the past, there were only a few specific low-level dirty activities such as Night Dires and Lamia Cultists, but now even semi-filthy cougars have begun to appear.

Although the crisis was lifted in an inexplicable way, the way was extremely unstable and there was no replicability at all.

A huge sense of crisis hangs over everyone.

[Great Cemetery] After the development of these few days, it has initially shown the shape of a doomsday safe zone.

The city wall is tall and thick, and it is covered with modern fortifications mainly including heavy machine guns and artillery.

The 120 permanent fortifications outside the city wall are already full of teams. The average level of these teams is only four to six levels, and they can only be tempered by the summoning filth characteristic of the Son of Lamia two days ago.

The Statue of Liberty stands to the east.

There is a large open grassland at the foot, where hundreds of cattle and sheep are raised.

It's strange that even though the whole world is covered by haze, it doesn't seem to affect the plants that rely heavily on the sun for photosynthesis and the low-level consumers who eat plants.

Kind of like... only He Gang and the units he summons are confused by the haze.

But this is really a bit too whimsical.

If the haze is just a visual meme, then even if the sun is blocked from their eyes, the shadows created by the sun should continue to exist.

rather than total darkness.

"Our population is now mainly composed of humans, elves, orcs and goblins, and more than a thousand families have settled in the town."

"Continuing like this is not an option. Either a new base should be opened, or the current town should be expanded."

"The undead are better. After all, they have no family and no concerns. They can be stationed outside directly, but soldiers of other races are all family-led, so they can't let people live on the street."

At the round table meeting in Westminster Abbey, Rod Hart complained to He Gang that he was solely responsible for the internal affairs and military affairs during this period.

Thanks to Bebeth Grant, a heroic unit in the Winx, who is also a careful master. Otherwise, Hart would be bald if he had to be responsible for personally opening up foreign lands and developing the base.

He patted the table and sat back down with a snap.

"It's not like you don't know that there's no way to live in those buildings outside. I don't need to mention how dangerous they are inside, right?"

That's true, He Gang hasn't entered the depths of the building much so far, who knows what kind of ghosts are hidden in these dark and deep corridors.

Try to avoid street fighting with filth, this is definitely the top rule of survival.

"I'm planning to upgrade the base to another level in the next few days, but so far I haven't found any news from the Heart of Silver."

He Gang interrupted Hart.

He also believes that the current [Great Cemetery] simply cannot accommodate more combat forces.

This is very unfriendly to the current situation in New York.

You know, the natural disaster of flesh and blood and the departure of Issos have allowed countless small filths to develop, and even Brooklyn, which has been completely turned into a dead zone, has begun to appear life.

Before the end of the countdown, if the birth of filth is not restricted and suppressed, after the end of the countdown, the [Great Cemetery] is likely to be overwhelmed and swallowed up by countless filth that suddenly strengthens.

"I have an idea."

Dumbledore said,
"Until we find the Silver Heart, we can build some satellite towns within the Statue of Liberty's 'law' effect.After finding that thing, we can directly merge and expand on this basis. "

This is indeed a good way.

"But I will be away for two or three days in the near future. During this period of time, I will not be able to supply you with supplies, especially in the construction of satellite towns."

He Gang felt a little regretful.

He was going to leave for Moscow tomorrow with Hancock.

This matter must be put on the agenda.

(End of this chapter)

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