Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 57 [The Heart of "Meme Blocking"]

Chapter 57 [The Heart of "Meme Blocking"]

The two teams galloped through the gray mist like crazy.

In the stirred mist, one face after another and tentacles one after another suddenly protruded. They were illusory and real, and they were blown up by the gust of wind with a quality that seemed to not exist.

As the Scourge of flesh and blood pursued Hancock, at the edge of the fog clearing behind them, the strange moonlight fell on the tentacles, causing the latter to grow countless tiny cysts.

"Eat them..."



"this world……"


"Kill me, please, kill me..."

"Let me be free..."



Every piece of corpse, every face and every soul on the flesh and blood disaster is howling. Its heterogeneous will has been unified for the first time since its birth. , The filth full of resentment erupted with astonishing power and speed, and the gray fog was completely disintegrated along the way.

The huge building complex that represents the crystallization of human wisdom and civilization was also completely razed to the ground by the semi-liquid arms and legs that flowed and adhered to the main body of the flesh and blood disaster.

"I can already hear Hart's voice."

Hancock gritted his teeth.

He didn't fly at full speed, he just walked the giant weird all the way to Brooklyn.

Something was also chasing Hart.

as they crossed the Hudson.

In front of his eyes, the gray fog was getting thicker.

Until even the natural disasters of flesh and blood can no longer completely drive away the fog and haze.

"Wait for us..."

"why why……"

"you are late……"



Then, the chaotic, disturbing whispers and low growls, after stepping into this indispellable gray fog, became a loud, deafening vomit, as if there was a whole country in your ears at the same time Do the same as this action.

The dense gray mist made the flesh and blood around the natural disaster boil.

This kind of pain seems to have brought ultimate joy and pleasure to this huge and filthy life.

The viscera vomited out of its countless mouths fell on the ground, which was even more terrifying than strong acid.

There was a loud thumping sound in the distance.

It's close at hand.

Hancock lifted the two of them, paused suddenly, and then lifted them up instantly.


Then, there was a violent impact!
Below, the gray mist and the boiling flesh and blood on the flesh and blood natural disaster bit together in an instant.

The invisible things in the gray fog also collided with the natural disaster of flesh and blood!

"Hart and the others are over there!"

Hancock saw Hart and his party who had escaped, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But real wars also took place.

This was completely beyond the imagination and conception of He Gang or any rational creature.

Filth rarely fights filth.

Unless they hate each other so much.

Like polluted cougars and semi-filthy sewer rats.

Two indescribable and invisible beings fought in Brooklyn, where the gray fog surged into waves and waterfalls.

The appearance of another person instantly erased the part of their extremely muddy and extremely mixed thoughts about chasing strangers.

"Is that a heart?"

"That must be a heart!"

Although He Gang's eyesight is not as good as Hancock's, but with the blessing of super strength, it is also comparable to most gold and even platinum level filth.

As he asked and answered himself, he felt incomparably horrified.

Flickering in the dense gray mist is a strange existence whose size is far smaller than the natural disaster of flesh and blood.

It's the aftermath of something tainted under Brooklyn.

Or it was part of some high place that couldn't even be conceived with thought.

Incomparably weird, incomparably huge, and his body seems to be filled with endless power.

The dim, gloomy, and endless whispers linger in everyone's ears because of the creature's roar, and even the chaotic nightmare of the flesh and blood disaster is completely covered up and assimilated.

The enveloping hazy and chaotic light stirred the nothingness of the gray mist that could never be watched.

The light came from the strange life that was fighting against the natural disaster of flesh and blood, and it was produced after the liquid escaping from its head vaporized instantly.

It was a filthy human figure with a height of [-] meters. Its body was extremely asymmetrical. The left side was bloated like a giant in the water, and the right side was thin and dry like a dead willow.

Countless unheard of and unseen disgusting creatures cling to the surface of this life, wriggling densely, like viscera turned out, black and scarlet are presented on the surface of the human body.

What He Gang can recognize are the countless earthworms that are entangled together, softly entangled with each other, exposing each section of the abdomen.

And the creature's head was suddenly an extremely huge heart that was still beating and spewing out scarlet liquid endlessly!
It has no eyes.

Because every squirming creature around it is its eyes!
A pair of huge, sharp wings sprouted from behind it. They were plump and huge, and countless filthy corpses were hung on them like trophies.

What an indescribable and indescribable thing this is, it has almost reached the bottom line of acceptance of He Gang's san value, and even forgot the negative eleventh floor incident just experienced.

At every moment, there seemed to be countless whispers wailing, and the powerful and disordered brain waves caused every filth close to here to collapse instantly.

Although their sanity is already zero, their brains will be completely damaged.

This is a monster more dangerous than the natural disaster of flesh and blood.

Ho Harbor to view its properties.

A question mark for a feature film.

Even like α, it didn’t even describe it at all, only saw its daunting name——

[Heart of "Memetic Blocking" - Issos]

This is indeed the heart of a high position or an unimaginably filthy heart, and after leaving its main body, this organ not only maintains a strong vitality and endless evil, it even has the ability to set off a world-destroying event disaster!

He Gang couldn't help but imagine what would happen if this thing appeared in peacetime.

Apart from the instantaneous high temperature when a nuclear weapon explodes and completely evaporates every inch of its flesh and blood, what else can humans do?
A faint despair appeared in his mind.

All along, Hancock has not been his hole card.

The nuclear weapons bases that are still functioning all over the world are the ones, and the dead hand system of Wuchang is the one.

But now it seems that if there are such things all over the world, are nuclear bombs useful?
The two monsters fought and struggled, falling into the Hudson River with a crash, carrying a dense mass of whispers, howls, and a gray mist that was always only on one side.

In just an instant, the sea was stained red by the spilled blood, the strange arms and legs were cut off and abandoned, and the monstrous waves almost resisted the sky.

Every limb and organ of Issos is screaming endlessly in pain, and some of its behaviors, aura, and even a certain characteristic have indeed completely angered the natural disaster of flesh and blood that was once buried in Lower Manhattan.

There are too many similarities between them.

There are endless messy thoughts and crazy wills sweeping around, and they are all powerful enough to destroy everything. They can and should even be called natural disasters.

But the essence of the flesh and blood disaster is hatred, revenge, and anger. These negative emotions are combined with the resentment of hundreds of thousands of people who have been crushed and mixed together to form such a monster.

The essence of Isos is hatred and desire to kill all life.

Hart had just mentioned to Ho Gang the absolute death displayed throughout Brooklyn.

How hopeless and clean that is.

Moreover, the natural disaster of flesh and blood itself is composed of countless corpses, and Issos has shown his incomparable desire for flesh and blood.

So, the sky turned upside down!
The battle almost wiped out half of New York, and completely polluted the dark brown shallow sea. Countless fish grew human organs and became ferocious.

Not only New York, but the entire east coast of the United States is trembling, even the big filth that used to swim on the seashore are trembling.

The haze has filled the void

Countless tentacles tangled on the sea surface.

The fighting continued.

They both lose.

All the buildings that appeared by the sea were completely annihilated, and even the remaining ruins were completely washed away by the flesh and blood of the flesh and blood disaster that flowed like liquid.

He Gang finally reunited with Hart.

They watched two terrifying creatures fight and fight, using the most primitive biological instincts to try to devour each other.

"What exactly does Lamia want to do..."

Dumbledore pondered.

Until now they still don't know what the banshee named Lamia wants to do.

"Tell me, is it possible that she hasn't been polluted yet..."

At this moment, Hancock said suddenly,

"Perhaps something has happened in this world. Starting from the top and bottom layers of living things, everything has been changed little by little, until the middle of the biological pyramid... A change happened..."

He did not go on.

This is a horrible conjecture.

This means that it is very likely that the monsters in various myths that have not reached the commanding heights of power are still living in this world with the biological sequence of "Old Days".

Demon, filth, which one do you choose?
No one really thinks that the "old days" of those evil camps are good things.

Think about Eight Hundred Li Shituoling.

There is not much difference between "filth" and "old days".

Unless the latter camp, like Travis, belongs to justice or neutrality.

Issos is far more terrifying than the Scourge of flesh and blood.

Its head turned into a heart is attached with countless filth, and they have begun to symbiotically exist.

When in contact, these filth will bite everything on the flesh and blood scourge, and then swallow it and turn into scarlet blood in an instant.

They are welded tightly together, fighting with their flesh and blood, their tentacles, arms and legs dancing in the air like snakes.

The black viscous seawater engulfed the corpses of countless creatures and turned into waves to wash over their bodies.

Every move of Issos completely angered the natural disaster of flesh and blood who had already mixed thoughts.

The flesh and blood on its body was pulled into strips, and even part of it was discarded, before Isos was expelled from itself, and the thing stood up angrily.

Yes, an incomparably huge mass of flesh and blood whose bones had already been crushed into powder stood up.

There are countless granulation wriggling, visceral splicing, arms, feet and horns.

Human beings are the closest to these filthy cognitions in the world. Their body structure and limb structure are perfect and there are almost no flaws.

So, almost any filth that has a will - whether mixed or pure - will at some point take on a partially human form.

The ubiquitous lungs, internal organs and facial features are also manifestations of this aspect.

They will eventually retain this form.

Even the Flesh Scourge and Issos are no exception.

They don't understand what "perfect" means.

But they do know that this form can make them go to the top of the weird food chain.

Even if this is already the top.

When the Scourge of Flesh and Flesh stood completely, it almost covered the sky, the tumbling flesh wriggled like boiling meat sauce on the surface of the body, one after another tiny eyes were densely arranged in every pore of it and replaced the glands The presence.

There are countless tentacles and huge horns on its soft and sticky head, three giant eyes on each side, a fat body covered with scales, huge sharp claws on its limbs, and a pair of tattered, seemingly shapeless legs on its back. wing.

Just standing there, there is a shadow that covers the whole New York.

Whispering murmurs that sounded like a dream sounded in every part of the body of the flesh and blood disaster, and countless souls full of hatred and pain were wailing.

This is simply a dark epic.

The system log is flashing warning prompts like crazy.

From the first suggestion to the last commanding instruction, everything shows the horror of the big filth in front of you!

The black water was lifted up.

Everything in view disappeared.

 Two in one
(End of this chapter)

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