Chapter 60 beta
The rumbling roar sounded from Manhattan.

The intense light even penetrated the gray fog.

Human beings once again imprinted these two words deeply on this land, and left a vast expanse of scorched earth in the center of New York.

"This movement may attract α."

He Gang was fully armed, not only carrying the Spear of Longinus, but also wearing gold-level equipment collected from all the filthy bodies in New York.

"He is on the other side of the earth and has no control over us for the time being."

Hancock said.

Of course, he is always paying attention to this indescribable terrifying creature, with that terrifying aura and strong stench that can almost reverse the sea wind, it is currently staying near Japan, on the side of the Mariana Trench.

Even in the daytime, the moon does not disappear from the sky.

It's...really tainted.

Occasional gaps in the haze allow He Gang to spy on the truly frightening things out of the corner of his eye.

Compared to two days ago, the satellite that shouldn't have life was even weirder. There were countless joints growing out of its back, and the ends of these joints were interspersed with huge internal organs.

Even from a distance of 35 kilometers, countless huge organizational structures can be seen, like countless spiders dancing their joints in deep space.

The lungs and organs piled up on the surface so that the color of the entire planet's surface changed, they were randomly combined in a terrifying posture, and became some huge objects that could not even be regarded as fixed shapes. Grasp the vulnerable connection end of the opponent, and then cut it in half.

That huge face reappeared on the surface of the moon.

It stared at the earth that had been shrouded in haze.

Those eyes... were pitch black.

Seems like staring at the sky for too long.

Even the peripheral vision is not allowed.

The inexplicable feeling of being spied on emerged again.

"Let's go."

He Gang rode the Zouwu, barely able to keep up with Hancock who deliberately slowed down.

Sure enough, the sky is an absolute taboo in this era, even if you look up, you will receive the attention of some high-ranking officials.

It will even trigger a series of weird events that lower the san value, or directly induce an absolute lethal event.

This kind of thing has happened once.

[Great Cemetery] There is a child in the family of a human soldier. The child does not listen to the advice, but deliberately looks up at the sky.

Then came the terrible pollution that even the characteristic "law" of the Statue of Liberty could not avoid. Every organ in the child's body independently developed into a filth, and all of them grew new brains, tissues and limbs, and in just a few seconds , these rotten filth from his own organs brought an astonishing amount of blood and tore that fragile human body apart.

After these dirty organs were captured and killed, they are still soaked in formalin and placed in the research institute.

They are determined to enter Canada from the north, cross the entire maple leaf country, reach Alaska, then enter Siberia through the Bering Strait, and finally cross most of the northern tundra of Asia, cross the Ural Mountains, and finally enter Moscow.

For now, this is the safest path.

It can perfectly avoid walking on the unnamed high places of the Great Lakes and some kind of shadow pollution in southern Ohio that may be comparable to α, not to mention the dark brown sea that is smelly and full of death.

"The half-plant, half-animal accompanying filth in the gray fog has a very strong fear of open flames, so these things are not enough to be a threat."

"The real threat is the upheaval in three days. Maybe those little filths that are only two or three levels now will increase their level and level under the influence of some effect."

He Gang said so to Hancock beside him.

"So we have to go back and forth in three days, but if we go too fast, we're going to be targeted by something."

Hancock's speed is certainly enough to support him to run back and forth in three days, or even one day.

But every time he increases his speed to a threshold, there will be a certain sense of crisis that follows him, and the sense of being spied on will overwhelm him like a tide.

He Gang shook his head, he pulled his clothes tighter, and buried his legs in Zou Wu's warm hair under his crotch.

他 说:

"No need. Professor Dumbledore left me a portkey. We can return to New York directly and instantly this way."

Portkeys are a mode of transportation in the wizarding world, similar to any door in Doraemon, except that their functions and effects are worse.

At this speed, they can cross the entire Canada in one day and even reach the Bering Strait at this time tomorrow.

They carefully circumvented Lake Ontario, entered the Canadian province of Quebec, and then circled to Ontario.

Just being close to the Great Lakes, even without actually entering them, Hegang can vaguely see the chaotic light coming from nowhere under the haze. An irregular, huge object that seems to have no extra branches stands in Lake Ontario. the other side.

It is extremely huge, like a tree, with lush branches, and each branch is in the shape of a huge human arm.

"System log: Your sanity has been slightly affected."

"System log: Your sanity has been slightly affected."

"System Log: Please leave the current area immediately."


Just after looking at it from an unknown distance, the system log issued a full page of warnings.

"What the hell is that?"

"I call it... the ghost tree. What you see is only a part of it, like bamboo shoots next to an adult bamboo plant. It is still very young and not aggressive enough."

"You call these bamboo shoots?"

He Gang pointed at the black shadow that looked like it might be 3000 to [-] meters high. At that moment, it stretched out a branch like a human hand and smashed a huge filth that was passing by.

"You call this not aggressive?"

"To be honest, you should really look at the real body of the guy a little further in the Great Lakes. He is taller than Mount Everest. Such a little guy is really just a baby."

Hancock shrugged.

He also didn't want to observe these guys up close.

They are too dangerous.

In the core area of ​​the Great Lakes, the largest filthy crown can almost cast a shadow that covers a large lake.

And it's even creepier than α, even just looking at it will cause the san value to drop to the bottom.

"Their names cannot be spoken."

He Gang said that he looked at this huge and filthy attribute from a distance, and could only see a name, and then he felt dizzy for a while,
"This thing and its kind are probably just a body part extending from an individual, so we will use a code name to collectively refer to it in the future... let's call it β."

(End of this chapter)

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