The toughest man in the city

Chapter 575 1 Pick 2

Chapter 575 One vs Two
Before the incident happened, no one would have thought how serious the problem would be.

The two thousand chiefs mobilized all their forces to start a duel, which would be a huge disaster for the entire Tianyuan Town.

It's just that the disaster is only a sign, and it hasn't reached the time of full outbreak.

And Li Xiao, the instigator of all this, is not in the mood to care about that now.

He is now at the edge of Tianyuanzheng, at the intersection of two streets, thinking about where to start.

Everyone thought that he would go all out tonight and completely wipe out Xu Ziang's power, and he thought so too, but it was definitely not just Xu Ziang's power to be wiped out, and Xu Ziang would not be the first power to be wiped out.

At this moment, he is located on two streets bordering his sphere of influence.

The Street Fighters in these two streets are not too unfamiliar, they are the two centurions who want to get close to Xu Long. Xiao is gone.

But they didn't expect that all their actions were under Li Xiao's control.

Before they reached Hongyuan Street, Zhang Shuang, Wang Qiang and the others had already withdrawn to the site of those two people.

Facing the empty and unguarded two streets, Li Xiao finally stopped hesitating so much and waved his hand: "The troops are divided into two groups, and I will occupy them as quickly as possible."

He didn't have time to break through one by one. Since things have been done to this point, it's better to solve the problem at once.

Those like Zhang Shuang never imagined that they would be destroyed so quickly when they really confronted the centurion forces they needed to look up to before.

The main street with few guards left was occupied by them in almost a moment, and the base camp of the two centurions also became Li Xiao's possession.

At this time, the two centurions who had just arrived in front of Xu Ziang's house were in the shock of Master Ziang's death. Looking around, they were all Xu Ziang's remnant soldiers, so how could there be any influence from outsiders? personnel.

Just when they were puzzled, the mobile phones of Ding Lingling and Ling Ling rang at the same time. After answering, the news they got nearly drove them crazy on the spot.

Their homes were taken and they were left homeless.

Damn it, Xu Ziang died when he died, they couldn't live without a home.

Who cares about how to deal with the aftermath here, with a greeting, the two forces merged into one place, and rushed towards home in a mighty manner.

In such a rush, he even forgot to ask for help from others.

Of course, at this time, other people may not give them support. Now everyone is in danger, keep their home and talk about other things.

The two centurions, with a team of more than 200 men, returned in a mighty manner. When they reached the intersection, the car leading the way stopped suddenly.

There is no other reason, just at the intersection where the two families meet, there is a person standing alone.

At this moment, there was no one who would not recognize that strange face, that was Li Xiao, and it was this outsider who disturbed the entire Tian'an Town.

Facing a huge team of more than 200 people alone, Li Xiao had a kind of domineering arrogance. He smiled at the car in front of him and waved his hand: "You two, get out of the car and have a chat. Let's be a car today." Either you surrender to me, or I will be beaten to death by the two of you."

The meaning in Li Xiao's words is so obvious.

Just here, one vs two.

To be honest, those two centurions didn't want to get out of the car and play alone. They knew their own strength very well. As the two centurions who were only slightly stronger than Xu Ziang, the road outside the city was only ten kilometers away. The appearance of taking the lead.

They have seen Li Xiao's road, which is shorter than theirs, but Li Xiao's road is too wide.

It's not as wide as it seems, and the two of them together may not be wider than Li Xiao's road.

Width represents potential.

Li Xiao's potential is huge, and under the same strength, they are definitely not opponents.

Knowing that you are invincible, but rushing forward to fight, what is the difference between this and a fool.

Besides, there are more than 200 people here, and there is only Li Xiao on the opposite side. If you don't take advantage of such a big advantage, get out of the car and go one-on-one. That's what idiots do.

The two looked at each other, and at that time they wanted to make a decision together, ordering the people behind them to go up and kill Li Xiao.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, there were crowds of people on both sides of the road, and only a few dozen people appeared.

No one spoke, but a micro punch was aimed at them.

They have guns?

There are so many guns in the hands of outsiders!
You must know that firearms are controlled weapons in Tian'an Town, and only those allowed by the Chief of Thousands and the Chief of Thousands can hold them. It is also necessary for the defense forces to be equipped with guns.

And these centurions are jingling poorly, as long as they have a gun, whoever doesn't rush to exchange it for more useful resources, and dare not use it in their hands, as soon as they use it, they will be encircled and suppressed by the defense forces.

But now, that outsider has mastered high-end weapons, and looking back at the people under them, they are all holding sticks and machetes. Facing dozens of black muzzles, some timid people almost kneel down.

In the huge street, hundreds of people were silent.

I don't know how long I was silent, and I don't know who took the lead in shouting.

More than 200 people shouted in unison: "Boss is mighty."

Those two centurions wanted to scold someone at that time, they were a group of cowards who were afraid of death, they were worried that they would be shot to death, so they deliberately used this method to challenge them to go out and challenge Li Xiao one-on-one.

In this situation, can you not go?

If he goes out, he still has a chance to beat Li Xiao to death and win back his face.

If they didn't go out, they could imagine that under the threat of gunpoint, the [-] people under their command would turn their heads and join Li Xiao on the opposite side.

There were two clicks of the car door, and the two centurions got out of the car together.

The cheers that erupted behind them didn't seem to be cheering them on, but rather urging them to die.

The faces of the two were ugly, but Li Xiao was full of smiles: "You two can come together."


"Really, two hit me one, and I will admit it if I lose."

Li Xiao's unprecedented domineering, if the two people on the opposite side are cowardly, they will be completely helpless.

"Okay, you asked for it!"

While talking, the two of them started to move in unison, besieging Li Xiao from left to right, one punched and the other kicked, with a fierce momentum.

But in Li Xiao's eyes, sincerity is nothing, not to mention compared with that teacher Gao Xiaoyu, even compared with Zuo Titan, it is more than one level behind.

Without the help of the special existence in his body, Li Xiao took a step back lightly, dodging the thunder attack of the two.

Without waiting for them to change their moves, the palms seemed to pull down the jacket casually, and the two pistols pinned to the waist appeared in the sight of the two people opposite.

have a gun?


This guy said on purpose that we would fight each other, but in fact, he was trying to attract us so that he could shoot us both?
At that moment, the two people on the other side had extremely rich mental activities. They thought that Li Xiao was trying to cheat and use his gun, so how could they dare to continue the pursuit? At that time, they just had the thought of retreating quickly.

The mind changes, the action deforms.

It was at such a critical moment that Li Xiaosha took the initiative to meet them. He reached out with both hands, held down their heads, and banged them in the middle.

After the shock, the audience fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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